PP "Analyse von Fluchtprozessen und Arbeit mit Geflüchteten" |
pb273 - Service Learning: Volunteering to Teach Refugees
Seminar |
PP "Ausbildung zum Forschungstaucher" 0.00 ECTS credit points |
mar466 - Professional Scientific Diving Course, Part I
Seminar |
Exercises |
PP "Basiswissen Religion" |
pb188 - Religion/Ethics in Discourse
Seminar |
PP "Erkennen, Wissen, Begründen" |
pb022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Seminar |
pb036 - Logic
Lecture |
Tutorial |
Seminar |
PP "Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch)" |
pb116 - Modern Hebrew I
Seminar |
pb247 - Modern Hebrew II
Seminar |
PP "Latein" |
pb206 - Introduction to Latin I
Seminar |
Tutorial |
PP "Länderkompetenz Niederlande" |
pb056 - Dutch Language Area Studies and Didactics
Seminar |
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II
Exercises |
PP "Länderkompetenz China" |
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II
Exercises |
pb275 - Culture and history of China
Seminar |
PP "Kustodische Praxis an Universitätssammlungen" |
pb336 - Researching-Approaches to University Collections
Seminar or exercise |
Practical training |
PP "Neutestamentliches Griechisch" |
pb218 - New Testament Greek I
Seminar |
PP "Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien" |
pb360 - Transkulturelle Christliche Studien
Seminar |
pb382 - Interreligiöse Bildung
Seminar or exercise |
pb383 - Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien
Course selection |
PP "be.INSTEP - Begleitung Internationaler in der Studieneingangsphase" |
pb101 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Japanese I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Spanish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Russian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: French I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Swedish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Italian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Polish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Arabic I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Danish I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Japanese II
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Arabic II
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Russian II
Exercises |
pb388 - Sprachbegleitung internationaler Studierender - Deutsch PLUS
Seminar |
Tutorial |
PP "Medieninformatik für Studierende musisch-künstlerischer Fächer" |
inf017 - Interactive Systems
Lecture |
Project |
inf018 - Media Processing
Lecture |
Exercises |
inf980 - Introduction to Computer Science
Lecture |
Exercises |
PP "Musik für Studierende der Informatik" |
pb242 - Music Theory for Students of Computer Sciences
Exercises (2 Veranstaltungen Musiklehre) |
pb243 - Media-Musical Practice for Students of Computer Sciences
Exercises (2 Veranstaltungen) |
pb244 - Musicology for Students of Computer Sciences
Seminar (2 Veranstaltungen) |
PP "Nachhaltigkeit" |
pb132 - Introduction into Sustainable Development
Seminar |
pb194 - Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing
Course or seminar (Seminar mit Vorlesungsanteilen) |
Exercises (Methodenwerkstatt oder Lektürekurs) |
PP "Philosophie und Gesellschaft" |
pb080 - Philosophy of Society A
Seminar |
pb081 - Philosophy of Society B
Seminar |
PP "Projektmanagement für Studierende der Geistes,- Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaften" |
pb222 - Project Management II: Specialization
Seminar |
PP "studium fundamentale" |
pb001 - Nature, Technics and Society
Seminar |
pb002 - Aesthetic Education
Seminar |
pb003 - Hermeneutics and Action Orientation
Seminar |
PP "Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit" |
pb073 - Eco Styles
Seminar |
Seminar or exercise |
pb132 - Introduction into Sustainable Development
Seminar |
pb194 - Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing
Course or seminar (Seminar mit Vorlesungsanteilen) |
Exercises (Methodenwerkstatt oder Lektürekurs) |
PP "Wirtschaft für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften" |
pb410 - Innovation strategies and operational development activities in the chemical industry
Lecture and seminar |