Säule "Sprachen" |
pb101 - Basic Module: Arabic I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Arabic II
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Danish I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Danish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: French I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module French I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Italian I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Italian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Japanese I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Japanese II
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Japanese I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Polish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Russian I
Exercises |
pb102 - Basic Module: Russian II
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Russian I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Swedish I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Swedish I
Exercises |
pb101 - Basic Module: Spanish I
Exercises |
pb103 - Consecutive module Spanish I
Exercises |
pb105 - Advanced Module: Spanish I
Exercises |
pb098 - Low German I (Language Course, Basic Level)
Exercises |
pb099 - Low German II (Language Course, Advanced Level)
Exercises |
pb059 - Advanced Language Skills
Seminar |
pb060 - Advanced Language Skills
Seminar |
pb033 - Latin for Theologians I
Seminar |
pb116 - Modern Hebrew I
Seminar |
pb218 - New Testament Greek I
Seminar |
pb206 - Introduction to Latin I
Seminar |
Tutorial |
pb103 - Consecutive module Polish I
Exercises |
pb105 - Advanced Module: Polish I
Seminar |
pb337 - English for University Studies 5 - Academic Reading and Writing 1
Exercises |
pb339 - English for University Studies 5 - Comprehensive Language Practice
Exercises |
pb247 - Modern Hebrew II
Seminar |
pb362 - English for University Studies 3 - Comprehensive Language Skills
Exercises |
pb364 - English for University Studies 4 - Writing and Speaking
Exercises |
pb365 - English for University Studies 4 - Listening and Speaking
Exercises |
pb366 - English for University Studies 4 - Reading and Speaking
Exercises |
pb373 - Advanced Language Competencies
Exercises |
pb375 - German Sign Language I
Exercises |
pb376 - German Sign Language II
Exercises |
pb377 - German Sign Language III
Exercises |
ndt110 - Low German II (Language Course, Advanced Level)
Exercises |
Säule "Überfachliche Professionalisierung" |
che030 - Conservation of Natural Resources
Lecture |
Study trip |
inf851 - Computer Science and Society
Lecture |
Seminar |
pb001 - Nature, Technics and Society
Seminar |
pb002 - Aesthetic Education
Seminar |
pb003 - Hermeneutics and Action Orientation
Seminar |
pb010 - Argumentation
Lecture |
Tutorial |
pb022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Seminar |
pb036 - Logic
Lecture |
Tutorial |
Seminar |
pb050 - Self-Organized Study Project
Seminar |
pb052 - Self-Organized Study Project
Seminar |
pb054 - Self-Organized Study Project
Seminar |
pb065 - Journalistic Writing for Advanced Learners
Seminar |
pb066 - Journalistic Writing for Advanced Learners
Seminar |
pb073 - Eco Styles
Seminar |
Seminar or exercise |
pb080 - Philosophy of Society A
Seminar |
pb081 - Philosophy of Society B
Seminar |
pb085 - Soft Skills
Lecture |
Exercises |
inf980 - Introduction to Computer Science
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb108 - Fields of Application for Cultural Studies
Seminar |
pb132 - Introduction into Sustainable Development
Seminar |
pb194 - Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing
Course or seminar (Seminar mit Vorlesungsanteilen) |
Exercises (Methodenwerkstatt oder Lektürekurs) |
pb273 - Service Learning: Volunteering to Teach Refugees
Seminar |
pb299 - Service Learning
Seminar |
pb305 - The potential assessment as action oriented method
Seminar |
sow660 - Sociology of the European Integration
Seminar |
pb321 - Data Analytics in Times of Big Data
Lecture |
Seminar |
pb323 - Marketingforschung
Seminar |
pb222 - Project Management II: Specialization
Seminar |
pb331 - Key Competencies in Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies and their Areas of Employment
Course selection |
pb332 - Key Competencies in Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies and their Areas of Employment
Course selection |
pb333 - Gender Studies and Gender Competence - trans- and interdisciplinary Perspectives for Professionalisation
Course or seminar |
Seminar or exercise (oder Tutorium) |
pb334 - Gender Studies and Gender Competence - trans- and interdisciplinary Perspectives for Professionalisation
Course or seminar |
Seminar or exercise |
Tutorial |
pb336 - Researching-Approaches to University Collections
Seminar or exercise |
Practical training |
pb360 - Transkulturelle Christliche Studien
Seminar |
pb382 - Interreligiöse Bildung
Seminar or exercise |
pb383 - Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien
Course selection |
pb388 - Sprachbegleitung internationaler Studierender - Deutsch PLUS
Seminar |
Tutorial |
pb391 - Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics II
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb407 - English for University Studies 1
Exercises |
pb409 - English for University Studies 3 – Integrated Language Practice
Exercises |
pb410 - Innovation strategies and operational development activities in the chemical industry
Lecture and seminar |
Fachnahe Angebote Anglistik |
pb113 - English Studies Elective in Anglophone Linguistic and Cultural Competence
Seminar |
pb114 - English Studies Elective in Anglophone Linguistic and Cultural Competence
Seminar |
pb196 - English Studies Student Support
Seminar |
Fachnahe Angebote Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
wir550 - Comparative Law
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir933 - Business English
Language course |
wir943 - Legal and Business Language: English II
Language course |
Fachnahe Angebote Biologie |
pb153 - From Molecular Biology to Medical Biotechnology
Seminar |
pb192 - Field of Work/Technique Biology II
Seminar |
pb384 - Topics of Biodiversity and Evolution
Course selection |
pb343 - Introduction to Laser Material Processing
Lecture |
pb242 - Music Theory for Students of Computer Sciences
Exercises (2 Veranstaltungen Musiklehre) |
Fachnahe Angebote Chemie |
pb131 - Minor Subject Geochemistry
Lecture |
Seminar |
Practical training |
Exercises |
Fachnahe Angebote Engineering Physics |
pb271 - Laboratory Project II
Practical training |
pb347 - Topics in Engineering Physics
Lecture |
pb351 - Introduction to Matlab
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb343 - Introduction to Laser Material Processing
Lecture |
Fachnahe Angebote Geschichte |
ges181 - Working in the Field of History I: Sources, Theories and Methods
Exercises |
ges182 - Working in the Field of History II: Institutions and Media of Historical Culture
Exercises |
Fachnahe Angebote Informatik |
pb085 - Soft Skills
Lecture |
Exercises |
Fachnahe Angebote Materielle Kultur: Textil |
pb166 - Teaching Assistance Material Culture
Course selection (ein oder mehrere Ü/K/S/P/W) |
Fachnahe Angebote Mathematik |
pb237 - Introduction to Programming for Students of mathematics
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb018 - Mathematics from a Problem-Solving Perspective
Seminar |
Fachnahe Angebote Physik |
pb171 - Applied and Medical Acoustics
Seminar |
pb224 - Project Laboratory Course
Seminar |
pb241 - Selected Aspects of Modern-Day Physics
Seminar |
pb262 - Programming Course C/C++
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb394 - Independent Investigations of physical Models with numerical Approaches
Seminar |
pb343 - Introduction to Laser Material Processing
Lecture |
Fachnahe Angebote Slavistik |
pb138 - Slavic Languages and Cultures: Extended Skills
Course selection (1 UE/VL) |
pb139 - Slavic Languages and Cultures: Extended Skills
Course selection (1 SE oder 2 UE/VL) |
pb140 - Slavic Languages and Cultures: Extended Skills
Course selection (1 SE und 1 UE/VL oder 3 UE/VL) |
pb141 - Slavic Languages and Cultures: Extended Skills
Course selection (2 SE oder 1 SE und 2 UE/VL oder 4 UE/VL) |
Fachnahe Angebote Umweltwissenschaften |
pb127 - Excursions in Field Ecology and Environmental Planning
Seminar |
Study trip (Übung) |
pb135 - Geoinformatics A
Exercises |
pb180 - Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Lecture |
Seminar |
Practical training |
pb181 - Case Study in Nature Conservation
Seminar |
Practical training |
pb182 - Case Study in Environmental Modelling
Lecture |
Seminar |
Practical training |
pb257 - Oceanography Study Project
Lecture |
Seminar |
Practical training |
pb278 - Underwater Research Methods: Theory and Practical Exercises
Exercises |
Seminar |
pb395 - Optics and Satellite Observation
Lecture |
Exercises |
pb396 - Global Climate Change - Facts, Challenges and Perspectives
Lecture |
Seminar |
Exercises |
pb419 - Current topics and modern methods in environmental sciences
Course selection |
mar466 - Professional Scientific Diving Course, Part I
Seminar |
Exercises |
Fachnahe Angebote Wirtschaftsinformatik |
pb085 - Soft Skills
Lecture |
Exercises |
Fachnahe Angebote Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
pb031 - DATEV: Basics of IT-supported double entry bookkeeping
Seminar |
wir550 - Comparative Law
Lecture |
Seminar |
pb282 - Business Simulation TOPSIM - General Management II
Seminar |
wir933 - Business English
Language course |
wir943 - Legal and Business Language: English II
Language course |