Basic Modules |
wir812 - Environmental Law
Lecture |
wir901 - Environmental Economics
Lecture |
Exercises |
wir902 - Perspectives and Instruments of Corporate Sustainability
Lecture and seminar |
Seminar |
wir904 - Environmental and Sustainability Policies
Lecture and seminar |
wir905 - Environmental Sciences
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir808 - Multivariate Statistics
Lecture |
Exercises |
wir809 - Econometrics
Lecture |
Exercises |
wir894 - Econometrics of Policy Evaluation
Lecture |
Supplementary Modules |
inf651 - Environmental Management Information Systems I |
Lecture |
Exercises |
inf659 - Environmental Management Information Systems II
Lecture |
Exercises |
lök210 - Practice of Nature Conservation |
Lecture |
Exercises |
Seminar |
Study trip |
lök320 - Sustainable Spatial Development in Europe
Lecture |
Seminar |
Study trip |
lök998 - Environmental Planning
Seminar |
wir809 - Econometrics
Lecture |
Exercises |
wir821 - International Trade, Production and Change |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir826 - Sectoral, Functional and Institutional Approaches to Marketing |
Seminar |
wir829 - Development directions in Marketing Research
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir878 - Public Economics and Market Design |
Lecture and seminar |
Seminar |
wir919 - Topics in Sustainability Economics and Management I
Seminar |
wir930 - Open Module
Seminar |
wir934 - Business French |
Seminar |
wir935 - Business Spanish |
Seminar |
wir938 - Eco-Venturing
Project-orientated module |
Seminar |
wir939 - Topics in Sustainability Economics and Management II
Seminar |
wir863 - Business and Legal Chinese I
Seminar |
wir880 - Marine & Maritime Law |
Seminar |
wir881 - Energy Law |
Seminar |
wir883 - Transnational Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Law |
Seminar |
wcm140 - Planning and Management of Coastal Zones and Sea Basins
Seminar |
wir832 - Innovation Management
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir934 - Business French |
Language course |
wir933 - Business English
Language course |
wir866 - Business and Legal Chinese II |
Seminar |
wir943 - Legal and Business Language: English II
Language course |
wir944 - Legal and Business Language: French II |
Language course |
wir945 - Legal and Business Language: Spanish II |
Language course |
wir873 - Applied Economics
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir886 - Digital Transformation: Strategies and Sustainability |
Lecture |
Exercises |
wir890 - Climate Economics
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir892 - Computational Economics |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir893 - Development Economics |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir911 - Advanced Topics of Sustainability Economics
Lecture |
Exercises |
Seminar |
wir923 - Advanced Research Topics in Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Seminar |
wir924 - Ecological Economics |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir925 - Innovations for Sustainable Operations |
Seminar |
mar363 - Theory of Ecological Communities |
Lecture |
Exercises |
mar368 - Climate Models |
Exercises |
Lecture |
phy641 - Energy Resources & Systems
Lecture |
pre022 - Solar Energy
Lecture |
Exercises |
pre025 - Wind Energy and Storage
Lecture |
Exercises |
pre041 - Sustainability of Renewable Energy |
Lecture |
Seminar |
pre152 - Resilient Energy Systems
Lecture |
Seminar |
Exercises |
pre200 - Selected Renewable Energy Technologies
Course selection |
wir760 - Computable General Equlibrium Analysis |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir849 - Advanced Entrepreneurship
Lecture |
Project seminar |
wir891 - Complex Data Analysis |
Lecture |
Seminar |
wir950 - Research Workshop: Dilemmas of Sustainability
Seminar |
Abschlussmodul |
kolloqium - Forschungskolloqium |
Seminar |
mam - Master´s Thesis Module
Seminar |
Accentuation Modules |
wir889 - Applied Environmental Economics |
Lecture |
wir913 - Practical Project in Sustainability Economics and Management
Course or seminar |
wir921 - Sustainable Supply Chain Management |
Lecture and seminar |
wir895 - Industrial Organization
Lecture and exercise |
wir898 - Strategic Sustainability Management |
Lecture |
Seminar |