Course catalogue
Course catalogue
English Studies - Master's Programme
Section |
Module | Module component | Semester | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||||
Mastermodule |
ang900 - English Skills for Proficiency | Exercises (1 UE im WS + 1 UE im SoSe) | ||||
ang902 - Individual Specialization Module | Seminar (1 - 2 Lehrveranstaltungen (KO/VL/SE/UE/TU/Projekt)) | |||||
ang933 - Language and Society | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
ang953 - Psycholinguistics: Language and the Mind | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
ang963 - Formal and Functional Linguistics | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
ang973 - Culture and Difference | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
ang983 - The Canon and the Margins | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
ang993 - Media and Markets | Seminar (1 - 2 LV (VL/SE/UE/TU) und 1 Projekt) | |||||
Interdisziplinäre Module |
ipb611 - Elective Module | Course selection (Besonders ausgewiesene Lehrveranstaltungen im Freien Modul) | ||||
ipb612 - Writing and Journalism | Seminar | |||||
ipb613 - Languages | Language course (6 KP + 6 KP) | |||||
Course selection (3 KP) | |||||||
ipb617 - Second Interdisciplinary Course Unit | Seminar | |||||
ipb618 - Transculturality and Cultural Mobility | Seminar | |||||
ipb913 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Culture and Language | Course selection (1 VL/SE/Projekt und 1 VL/SE/UE) | |||||
ger880 - Linguistics | Course or seminar (1 SE und 1 SE oder 1 SE und 1 VL) | |||||
ger890 - Literary Studies | Course or seminar (1 SE und 1 SE + Selbststudium oder 1 SE und 1 VL + Selbststudium) | |||||
kum710 - Theory and History of Art and Media | Course or seminar (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
kum720 - Media Theory and Media Practice | Course or seminar (2 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
Exercises (oder Projektseminar) | |||||||
kum830 - Art History and Media History: Paradigms and Interdependencies | Course or seminar (2 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
Tutorial (oder Lektüreseminar) | |||||||
kum840 - Art Mediation, its Institutions and Media | Seminar | |||||
Exercises (bzw. Projekt) | |||||||
ipb946 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Media Theory and History | Course selection (3 Veranstaltungen: 1 SE; 1 VL / SE, 1 SE/Ü) | |||||
inm740 - Media Analysis | Seminar (1 S Einführung) | |||||
Lecture, seminar or exercise (2 Veranstaltungen) | |||||||
ipb955 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Cultural Analysis | Course selection (1 Projekt oder 2-3 Veranstaltungen in Absprache mit dem:der Modulverantwortlichen und den Lehrenden) | |||||
ipb958 - Area of interdisciplinarity - University Collections | Seminar | |||||
Course selection (Vorlesung, Übung oder Seminar) | |||||||
Workshop/laboratory | |||||||
Seminar or exercise | |||||||
Practical training | |||||||
lan021 - Psycholinguistics I | Course selection | |||||
lan031 - Language Systems and Variation I | Course selection | |||||
lan041 - Language Contact and Language Change I | Course selection | |||||
mus900 - Musicology / Overview | Seminar (Systematische Musikwissenschaft) | |||||
Seminar (Musik und Medien) | |||||||
Seminar (Kulturgeschichte der Musik) | |||||||
mus940 - Cultural History of Music / Gender Studies | Course selection (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
mus950 - Systematic Musicology | Course selection (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
mus960 - Music Cultures around the Global/ Transculturality | Course selection (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
mus970 - Music and Media | Course selection (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
ned710 - Linguistics I: Language Acquisition and Language Processing | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ned720 - Linguistics II: Structure and Variation of Dutch | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ned730 - Literature Studies I: Text and Literature History | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ned740 - Literature Studies II: Context and Institutions | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
sla820 - Contact Linguistics and Varieties | Seminar | |||||
Exercises | |||||||
sla830 - System Linguistics | Seminar | |||||
Exercises | |||||||
sla840 - History of Slavic Literatures | Seminar | |||||
Exercises | |||||||
sla850 - Literature History and Critique | Seminar | |||||
Exercises | |||||||
ipb901 - Area of interdisciplinarity - German Linguistics | Course or seminar (1 SE und 1 SE + Selbststudium oder 1 SE und 1 VL + Selbststudium) | |||||
ipb904 - Area of interdisciplinarity - German Literary Studies | Course or seminar (1 SE und 1 SE + Selbststudium oder 1 SE und 1 VL + Selbststudium) | |||||
ipb934 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Theory and History of Art and Media | Course or seminar (3 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
ipb937 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Media Theory and Media Practice | Course or seminar (2 Veranstaltungen) | |||||
Exercises (oder Projektseminar) | |||||||
ipb940 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Art and Media History | Course or seminar | |||||
Tutorial (oder Lektüreseminar) | |||||||
ipb943 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Art Mediation, its Institutions and Media | Seminar | |||||
Exercises (bzw. Projekt) | |||||||
ipb949 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Media Analysis | Seminar (Einführung) | |||||
Course or seminar | |||||||
Seminar or exercise | |||||||
ipb961 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Psycholinguistics | Course selection | |||||
ipb964 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Language Systems and Variation | Course selection | |||||
ipb967 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Language Contact and Language Change | Course selection | |||||
ipb970 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Musicology / Overview | Seminar (Systematische Musikwissenschaft) | |||||
Seminar (Musik und Medien) | |||||||
Seminar (Kulturgeschichte der Musik) | |||||||
ipb973 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Cultural History of Music / Gender Studies | Course selection | |||||
ipb976 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Systematic Musicology | Course selection | |||||
ipb979 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Music Cultures around the Global/ Transculturality | Course selection | |||||
ipb982 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Music and Media | Course selection | |||||
ipb985 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Dutch Linguistics I: Language Acquisition and Language Processing | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ipb988 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Dutch Linguistics II: Structure and Variation of Dutch | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ipb991 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Dutch Literature Studies I: Text and Literature History | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
ipb994 - Area of interdisciplinarity - Dutch Literature Studies II: Context and Institutions | Exercises | |||||
Seminar | |||||||
Project | |||||||
Abschlussmodul |
mam - Master´s Thesis Module | Colloquium |