inf525 - Medical Informatics I

inf525 - Medical Informatics I

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
Notes on the module

No specific prior knowledge is required


at the end of the lecture period

Module examination

written or oral exam

The chosen form of examination will be announced in the first week of the course

Skills to be acquired in this module

Introduction to medical informatics

Professional competences

The students

  • know the application areas of medical informatics
  • know the challenges of informatics in the field of health care
  • know IT solutions and infrastructures in the field of health care
  • know standards for data exchange and data-driven communication in health care


Methological competences

The students  

  • recognize and be able to apply the basic methods in the field of medical informatics, specifically
  • learn how to analyze and model health care processes, information systems, and data
  • understand medical information models and communication standards


Social competences

The students

  • recognize the importance of interdisciplinary communication and collaboration in digitalisation in medicine
  • develop, present and discuss the solutions from the exercises with others


Self competences

The students

  • are aware of their heterogeneous tasks, responsibility and influence as a computer scientist in the health care sector
  • reflect on problems and solutions, incorporating the methods they have learned
