phy513 - Basic Laboratory

phy513 - Basic Laboratory

Institut für Physik 9 KP
Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2024
Lehrveranstaltungsform: Praktikum
Hinweise zum Modul
- Simultaneous hearing of Mechanics & Electrodynamics and Optics lectures - Course I is a prerequisite for course II

The first part will take place in Oldenburg (Winter Semester)

The second part will take place in Emden (Summer Semester)
Prüfungsleistung Modul
2 Fachpraktische Übungen (WiSe:1 Vortrag, 2 Übungen, 13 Protokolle; SoSe 11 Protokolle und Kolloquien)
Students will learn the basics of physical experimentation, the use of modern instrumentation, data collection, and analysis using appropriate hardware and software.  They deepen lecture material through their own experiments. They acquire the skills for planning, implementation, evaluation, analysis, and reporting of physical experiments and presenting of results using multimedia tools. By working in groups, they gain competencies in the areas of teamwork and communication.

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