inf460 - Security

inf460 - Security

Department für Informatik 3 KP
Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2020
Lehrveranstaltungsform: Vorlesung oder Seminar
  • Kein Zugang 2.01.460 - Security Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr. Sibylle Fröschle
    • Jithin Zacharias

    Die Zeiten der Veranstaltung stehen nicht fest.
Hinweise zum Modul
Grundkenntnisse im Bereich Sicherheit
Associated with the module(s): Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
wird im Unterricht vermittelt
Prüfungsleistung Modul
Präsentation und Referat, mündliche Prüfung oder Examen (je nach Anzahl der Teilnehmer)
The goal of this module is to provide a foundation in computer and network security.
Professional competences
The students:
  • are aware of the threats posed by cyber attacks to computer and network systems
  • understand the basic principles and mechanisms to protect a system against these threats
  • are able to apply this knowledge to assess the risk of cyber attacks to a given system as well as to develop and evaluate countermeasures against them
Methodological competences
The students:
  • carry out a threat and risk assessment
  • formulate security requirements for a given system
  • identify and apply standard security solutions to meet them (These are examples, the exact skills depend on the focus chosen by the student.)
Social competences
The students:
  • are able to master a new topic by self-study and interaction with experts and peers
  • are able to explain principles and applications of computer security to experts and non-experts
  • are able to expertly discuss security risks and incidents
The students:
  • follow up and critically assess current developments in computer security including security incidents
  • are security aware in their own behaviour, in their assessment of the systems they work with, and those they develop

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