pre022 - Solar Energy

pre022 - Solar Energy

Institute of Physics 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
  • Unlimited access 5.06.M121 - Photovoltaics Show lecturers
    • Dr. Martin Knipper

    Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W16A 004
    Dates on Wednesday, 15.01.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Location: V03 0-D002

  • No access 5.06.M121 Ü - Photovoltaics Show lecturers
    • Dr. Martin Knipper

    Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 22/10/24)

    Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.

  • Unlimited access 5.06.M123 - Renewable Energy Heat Show lecturers
    • Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio

    Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

    Students gain knowledge on: - Assessment of solar thermal ambient parameters: regional global, diffuse, reflected solar radiation on horizontal and on tilted plane, ambient temperature - Solar thermal collectors - Solar thermal heat exchangers - Solar thermal storages - Solar thermal systems and their operation - Characterization of solar thermal system - Asessment methods for solar system behaviour

  • No access 5.06.M123 Ü - Renewable Energy Heat Show lecturers
    • Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio

    Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

    Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.

Notes on the module

At the end of the lecture period; submission of the report at the end of the semester

Module examination

2 Examinations: Written Exam (1.5h, weight 50%) and Presentation of a Paper (15 min presentation, 5 pages report, weight 50%)

Skills to be acquired in this module
After successful completion of the module students should be able to:

·         understand, describe and compare major technologies for solar energy use: solar thermal and
          photovoltaic systems

·         analyse various system components and their interconnections within a solar energy system.

·         critically appraise and assess various technologies for solar energy use and components
          involved in such solar systems.

·         size and evaluate the performance of solar systems as a function of their operation
          conditions, components and system layout

-       critically evaluate non-technical impact and side effects when implementing renewable
        energy supply systems
