psy170 - Neurophysiology

psy170 - Neurophysiology

Department of Psychology 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
2 semester hours per week in first half of the winter term.
2 semester hours per week in second half of the winter term. 2 semester hours per week in summer term.
Notes on the module

Enrolment in Master's programme Neurocognitive Psychology.

Reference text

PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend to take either psy170, psy270, psy280, psy220 or psy290 to gain methodological competencies (EEG, fMRI, TBS, HCI, ambulatory assessment techniques) that are needed for most practical projects and Master's theses!

Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 18 (

The lecture is not restricted.


exam period at the end of the summer term

Module examination

The module will be tested with a written exam of 2 h duration.

Required active participation for gaining credits:
recording of electroencephalographic data of fellow students and serving as participant for classmates
attendance of at least 70% in each seminar within one semester (will be checked in StudIP).

Skills to be acquired in this module
Goals of module:
Students will understand the basic concepts of biomedical signal processing. They will use EEG
analysis tools interactively and independently and will understand the complete chain of EEG
analysis steps, from data import to the illustration of results. They will be able to use open
source tools for EEG analysis and apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems of

++ Neuropsychological / neurophysiological knowledge
++ experimental methods
++ statistics & scientific programming
++ ethics / good scientific practice / professional behavior
+ group work
+ project & time management
