inf5130 - Socio-technical Energy Systems

inf5130 - Socio-technical Energy Systems

Department of Computing Science 3 KP
Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025
Type of course: Course or seminar
Notes on the module

No participant requirements


at the end of the lecture period

Module examination

term paper

Skills to be acquired in this module

The students learn to consider human needs right from the beginning in the design process of Human Cyber Physical Energy Systems. A human- centered design is at the core as an approach to interactive systems development that aims to make systems usable and useful by focusing on the users; and to develop systems that are aware of (NOT rationally acting) humans when making decision.
Professional competences
The students

  • recognise the energy system as a human cyber physical system with a steadily growing degree of autonomy
  • identify the potential for conflict that arises when humans interact with cyber physical systems
  • model human-system-interaction
  • recognise, evaluate and contrast approaches to self-explaining AI

Methological competences
The students

  • examine tasks with technical and research literature, write an academic article and present their solutions academically
  • evaluate problems of socio-technical energy system
  • schedule time processes and resources

Social competences
The students

  • communicate with colleagues and experts convincingly

Self competences
The students

  • pursue the integration of humans and human behaviour into cyber physical energy systems critically
  • develop and reflect self-developed hypotheses to theories independently
