inf006 - Software Engineering II

inf006 - Software Engineering II

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2024 Examination
  • Unlimited access 2.01.006 - Softwaretechnik II Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
    • Florian Schmalriede
    • Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schönberg
    • Azadeh Jalilian

    Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 02/04/24)
    Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 03/04/24)

    2 SWS Vorlesung, 2 SWS Seminar/Labor

  • Unlimited access 2.01.006 - Softwaretechnik II Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter
    • Florian Schmalriede
    • Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schönberg
    • Azadeh Jalilian

    Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 02/04/24)
    Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 03/04/24)

    2 SWS Vorlesung, 2 SWS Seminar/Labor

Notes on the module

Expected/useful experience

from inf005 - Software Engineering I

Professional competence
The students: 

  • recognize the phases in the software life cycle (requirements elicitation, design, implementation, quality assurance)
  • name the tasks involved in each phase
  • recognize and evaluate the arrangement of these activities in classic and agile approaches
  • assess and select suitable process models for the realization of projects
  • understand the advantages of the modelling process with UML
  • develop and evaluate models in different UML notations and their combinations
  • solve given problems with the help of UML notations

Methodological competence
The students:

  • structure, evaluate, differentiate and use procedures of classic and agile project management
  • structure, document and evaluate problems and solutions using the tools of object-oriented modeling
  • apply methods and techniques of object-oriented modeling with UML in a targeted manner

Social competence
The students:

  • create, present and discuss solutions to problems using modeling techniques
  • describe and solve given modeling problems in teams

The students: 

  • reflect on their actions when describing problems and developing solutions

Accompanying lectures operation

Module examination


 - Active participation (including presentation and discussion of various interim results, self-report)

 - Presentation 30-45 min

 - Elaboration 4-6 pages IEEE

Skills to be acquired in this module

The aim of Software Engineering II is to deepen the topics covered in the Software Engineering. Using blended leaning methods, students deepen their knowledge of software architecture. In the lecture part, the basics of software architecture and selected topics are presented. Students work together research-oriented to develop an overview of the current literature and the current state of research and practical application of methods and techniques in software architecture. In individual presentations, the students detail selected topics and document them in a joint script.  This is supplemented by (invited) lectures on current architecture topics.

Professional competence
The students:

  • deepen methods and techniques of software engineering
  • apply methods and techniques of software engineering specifically to describe, analyze and evaluate software architectures
  • differentiate between techniques for the development of software architectures
  • implement functional and non-functional requirements in software architectures and independently evaluate and reflect on these solutions

Methodological competence
The Students:

  • develop a current research map of software architecture 
  • identify current methods and techniques of software architecture
  • identify and discuss cross-references between the topics of the lecture and the contributions of fellow students
  • present current solution approaches

Social competence
The Students:

  • explain and discuss software engineering solutions in their practical application
  • accept criticism and understand it as assistance

The Students:

  • reflect on their actions when identifying approaches to solve software architecture issues 
  • internalize the development methods presented and add them to their actions
