wir888 - Applied Econometrics Using GIS Techniques

wir888 - Applied Econometrics Using GIS Techniques

Department für WiRe (VWL) 6 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2024 Prüfungsleistung
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This course provides an introduction to some fundamental geo-processing operations using ArcGIS that are most relevant for economics research. The broad term GIS encompasses a set of tools (both software and hardware) to collect, store, visualize and analyze spatial data from the real world. GIS techniques allow economists to use data on geography and weather as sources of exogenous variation for estimating the causal impact of a wide range of treatments (e.g., infrastructure, mass media, slave trade, land suitability for agriculture, and terrain ruggedness). Satellite images from the earth's surface, which can be analyzed with geo-processing tools in GIS, allow economists to construct geo-spatial indicators (e.g., temporal changes in the intensity of night-time light and patterns of deforestation) that more closely reflect the local actors and underlying mechanisms of interest.

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