mam - Master´s Thesis Module

mam - Master´s Thesis Module

Institute of Physics 30 KP
Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025
Type of course: Seminar
Notes on the module
Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module

The master thesis module finalizes and concludes the master programme. The student presents the achieved results as a written thesis and defends the results / conclusions to a board of examiners.

As a general objective for the Master Thesis, the student shall demonstrate the ability to constructively, critically and independently formulate, discuss and communicate issues at stake, integrating theory and methodology related to Renewable Energy.

As specific competency objectives within the Master Thesis, after completion the student shall be able to:

-        demonstrate knowledge of relevant and latest publications concerning the selected topic

-        elaborate the Master Thesis on the basis of clearly formulated, general objectives and specific characteristics of the topic

-        identify and put to use in an operational manner empirical or other scientific material and methods that are appropriate in relation to the subject

-        develop a balanced discussion of material, methods, results and possible consequences of these in relation to the field of Renewable Energy

-        present the Master Thesis orally and defend the results and conclusions in a critical discussion

The module is designed to apply and deepen the methodologies acquainted throughout the PPRE programme to a specific scientific problem given by the supervisor. In order to achieve a result the student needs to apply scientific as well as key-competencies described in the next section.

Students have understood the scientific problem, they have learned the ropes of the problem, they have selected, acquainted or deepened a set of scientific and methodologies and key-competencies necessary to solve the problem and they have applied those methods.

The publication of thesis results is appreciated.
