The aim of the module " Ökologie benthischer Mikroorganismen " is to impart in-depth knowledge of microbial ecology with a focus on sediment microbiology in the frame of two lectures. In the lecture “Microbial ecology”, the students learn about principles of microbial ecology, microbial habitats, and microbe – invertebrate interactions. This knowledge is deepened in the lecture “Sediment microbiology”.
Professional competences
The students:
- deepen their knowledge on principles in microbial ecology (resources and growth, competition, predator-prey relations, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning)
- understand microbial processes and the effect of environmental conditions on microorganisms in different habitats (limnic, marine, terrestrial, anthropogenic, microbes and humans)
- get a deep insight into microbe – invertebrate interactions (biofouling, microbes as producers of secondary metabolites, sponge microbial associations, role of bacteria during invertebrate settlement)
- are able to describe the importance of microorganisms in biochemical cycles, including anaerobic processes and energy metabolism
Methodological competence
The students:
- can explain various methods and analytical procedures (cultivation of sediment bacteria, molecular biological methods, quantification of microorganisms and sampling at sea)
Social skills
The students:
- interact with students of the “Master microbiology” program
The students:
- develop their communication skills in English