wir821 - International Trade, Production and Change

wir821 - International Trade, Production and Change

Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics) 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2024 Examination
Notes on the module
Reference text
  • Mitarbeit in Vorlesung und Seminar ist Pflicht für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises, der als Referat im Seminar erbracht wird.
  • Das Seminar wird in der Form eines Blockseminars abgehalten.
  • Es gibt eine Vorbesprechung Anfang des Semesters, in der die Themen vergeben werden.
during term
Module examination
seminar paper and presentation
Skills to be acquired in this module
  • Understanding of trade relations, international factor movements and corresponding balance-of-payments mechanisms.
  • Capability to discuss structural change in global trade and productions in terms of formal models and case studies.
  • Understanding of the causes and alternative strategies of economic integration in regional blocs.
  • Understanding of the causes and alternative strategies of economic transformation in emerging markets.
  • Ability to research data and evaluate the literature on specific aspects of international trade, production and structural change.
