inf517 - Introduction to Energy Informatics

inf517 - Introduction to Energy Informatics

Department of Computing Science 3 KP
Semester courses Summer semester 2024
Form of instruction: Lecture
  • Unlimited access 2.01.518 - Grundlagen der Energieinformatik Show lecturers
    • Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein
    • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Rauh
    • Marit Lahme

    Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/04/24), Location: A14 1-114, A04 2-221, (A05 2-229)
    Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 02/04/24), Location: A01 0-007, A04 2-221, (A05 2-229)
    Dates on Friday, 05.07.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 16.07.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Friday, 19.07.2024 13:30 - 15:50, Location: A03 2-209, (A03 2-209), (A05-1-135)
Hinweise zum Modul

Die Studierenden lernen an Beispielen, die Grenzen der eigenen Fachdisziplin in der Anwendung zu erkennen sowie Forschungsfragestellungen zu identifizieren und einzuordnen.

ACHTUNG: Dies Modul wird nicht mehr angeboten! Die Inhalte wurden in Modul inf518 integriert.


At the end of the lecture time

Module examination


Skills to be acquired in this module

The students learn to identify the borders of their disciplinary background when going to the field. Additionally, they learn to identify research questions and how to approach them.
Professional competence
The students 

  • learn to identify the borders of their disciplinary background when going to the field. Additionally, they learn to identify research questions and how to approach them.

Methodological competence
The students 

  • will know how computer science methods can be applied to energy systems and energy research.

Social competence
The Students 

  • discuss in an interdisciplinary context in an appreciative manner.
