inf492 - Special Topics in Theoretical Computer Science I

inf492 - Special Topics in Theoretical Computer Science I

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025
Type of course: Course selection
Notes on the module

at the end of the lecture term

Module examination

Written exam or portfolio or presentation or oral examination

Skills to be acquired in this module

The module aims to integrate current developments in the specialization area "Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems" I into the course of study in the appropriate course forms.

Professional competencies
The students

  • differentiate and contrast a subarea of computer science in which they have specialized in more detail or reflect on computer science in general
  • recognize and evaluate the techniques and methods to be applied in their special field and their limitations
  • identify, structure and solve problems also in new or emerging areas of their discipline
  • apply state-of-the-art and innovative methods in investigating and solving problems, drawing on other disciplines as appropriate
  • recognize the limits of current knowledge and technology and contribute to the further scientific and technological development of computer science
  • discuss current developments in computer science and assess their significance

Methodological competencies
The students

  • evaluate tools, technologies and methods and apply them in a differentiated manner
  • creatively develop new and original approaches and methods
  • reflect on problems also in new or emerging areas of their discipline and apply computer science methods for investigation and solution

Social Competencies
The students

  • integrate their skills into team processes

The students

  • critically follow further developments in computer science in general and in their field of specialization
  • carry out innovative activities in their professional field successfully and independentl

