pb321 - Data Analytics in Times of Big Data

pb321 - Data Analytics in Times of Big Data

Department of Computing Science 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2024 Examination
Notes on the module

No participant requirement 

Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 100

In der veranstaltungsfreien Zeit, in der Regel 4 Wochen nach Ende des Vorlesungszeitraums.

Module examination

Referat (max. 30 Min.) mit schriftl. Ausarbeitung (max. 15 Seiten) oder Hausarbeit (max. 25 Seiten)

Skills to be acquired in this module

The aim of the module is to teach basic analytical methods based on big data scenarios. The students from the humanities and natural sciences (e. g. social or environmental sciences, physics and mathematics) should be able to transfer current approaches to solving problems, which are used in particular for the use of in-memory computing and data science, to subject-specific questions and to work out solutions independently in small groups. The students have first experiences with the tasks of a Data Scientist.

Professional competences
The students:

  • name and recognize the tasks of a Data Scientist.
  • gain insight into current methods in the context of data analytics tasks.
  • gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the process of data modeling and retrieval (extraction, transformation and data loading).
  • can deal with subject-specific questions independently in small groups by means of the methods learned in the module.

Methodological competences
The students:

  • carry out the tasks of a Data Scientist independently using mediated methods.
  • learn the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods on the basis of their implementation and can use these methods in an optimized way on the basis of the acquired knowledge

Social competences
The students:

  • carry out subject-specific questions in small groups.
  • organize the tasks in the small groups and present their questions and results

The students:

  • apply suitable methods of the Data Scientist and use them for technical questions.
  • recognize tasks and assume responsibility for them
