pb104 - Consecutive module English II

pb104 - Consecutive module English II

Language Centre 6 KP
Prüfungsberechtigt sind die unterrichtenden Dozenten.
Semester courses Summer semester 2024
Lehrveranstaltungsform: Exercises
Hinweise zum Modul
Teilnahme am Aufbaumodul 1 oder selbständige Sprachbeherrschung entsprechend Stufe B1 des gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (Informationen zum Einstufungstest auf der Homepage des Sprachenzentrums)
Reference text
This course can either be done as a 2 semester course (4 contact lectue hours per week) during the semester or as an Intensive course during the 2 semester breaks (56 contact lectue hours over 3 weeks). In both cases, at the end of which each student should have progressed from B1 to B2 level (C.E.F.)
The course uses the Level 4 coursebook from the series Progressive Skills in English.
The course provides assistance in all four skills: Listening to lectures; Speaking in tutorials and seminars; Reading for research; Writing assignments.
It is divided into themes, each of which is structured under the following headings vocabulary for the skills, real-time practice, learning skills, grammar for the skill and applying skills.
Students will be expected to engage fully in the class through spoken contributions and completing exercises both in class and at home. Additional support and extension material will be provided.
Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 25
Module examination
Skills to be acquired in this module
Selbständige Sprachverwendung - Gute Mittelsteufe gemäß Stufe B2 des gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen.
