sow961 - Advanced Topics in Political Science

sow961 - Advanced Topics in Political Science

Department of Social Sciences 6 KP
Module components Semester courses Winter semester 2024/2025 Examination
  • Limited access 1.07.112 - Comparative Politics: Populism, Democracy and Political Representation Show lecturers
    • Dr. Christina-Marie Juen

    Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: A14 0-030, A01 0-008

    There is hardly any actor that has been under such intense public observation as populist parties. This is, of course, due to the ever-rising success of these actors in many political systems. The aim of this course is to shed light on populism, the success of populist parties and their impact on political systems and democracy. First, we start by exploring important concepts related to populism and their ideologies. Second, we then focus on populist parties and their voters. Lastly, we proceed by examining the impact of populism in government, parliaments, and on democracy. We conclude the course by highlighting the relationship between populism and political representation.

Working group
Notes on the module
Module examination

Depending on the chosen course:
1 term paper or
1 oral presentation or
1 portfolio

Skills to be acquired in this module
After completing the module, students have deepened their theoretical and analytical knowledge in one of the subfields of political science. Students can specialise in political theory, international relations, comparative politics, political economy, public policy, electoral research, or political education and gain a deeper understanding of relevant research topics, theories, and methods in the respective field. Students apply their knowledge in analysing current events and learn to integrate it into their research.
