phy681 - Tools and Skills for Engineering Sciences

phy681 - Tools and Skills for Engineering Sciences

Institut für Physik 6 KP
Modulteile Semesterveranstaltungen Sommersemester 2021 Prüfungsleistung
  • Kein Zugang 5.04.4669 - Workshop Management Lehrende anzeigen
    • Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke

    Dienstag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (ab 13.04.2021), Seminar

    Planspiel Projektmanagement Das Planspiel simuliert einen Projektmanagement-Prozess vom Erstkontakt mit dem Auftraggeber bis zum erfolgreichen Projektabschluss. Die Studierenden haben die Aufgabe das Projekt zu managen und selbst umzusetzen. Für die kompetente Definition, Planung, Steuerung und Umsetzung des Projekts stehen dabei zahlreiche Standard-Tools des Projektmanagements zur Verfügung: • Zieleplan • Projektstrukturplan • Meilensteinplan • Gantt-Diagramm • Projektberichte • Risikoanalysen • u. v. m. „Projekte ins Rollen bringen“ In einem Freizeitpark sollen mehrere Rutschen gebaut werden, die im Planspiel durch Murmelbahnen symbolisiert werden und als Modell mit den vorgegebenen Materialien geplant und gebaut werden. Für den Bau jeder Rutsche ist je ein Projektteam verantwortlich, dessen Aufgabe die Konzeption, Planung und der Bau ist. In den verschiedenen Projektphasen gilt es, die Management-Aufgaben und Arbeitspakete unter Berücksichtigung der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen zu bewältigen. Die Teilnehmenden müssen dabei das Projekt nicht nur theoretisch planen und steuern, sondern auch praktisch umsetzen und die Murmelbahnen tatsächlich bauen. Schließlich wird das Planspiel durch Reflexions- und Transfermodelle abgerundet. Students are able to organize summer schools, workshops, events, etc..

  • Kein Zugang 5.06.M201 - Sustainability of Renewable Energy Lehrende anzeigen
    • Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio

    Donnerstag: 08:15 - 11:45, wöchentlich (ab 15.04.2021)

    The module “Sustainability of RE Systems” provides the theoretical background for understanding main concepts and interdisciplinary scientific methods from the context as well as their role in the sustainability debate. Main topics and methods which are focus of the course are: - Strategies and dimensions in sustainability research and discussion: efficiency, consistency and sufficiency, as well as related concepts (e.g. rebound) - Growth/De-growth and decoupling of growth and emission - Life-cycle analysis - Thermodynamic methods: exergy, EROI and related approaches - Social indicators and their relation to energy use - Economic indicators and related paradigms in the context of energy consumption - Resilience and its operationalisation for energy systems - Methods for developing and assess socio-technical scenarios After successful completion of the module students should be able to: - analyse, and critically compare and evaluate selected sustainability concepts and strategies addressing renewable energy systems - critically appraise and analyse the principles and implications of selected scientific methods and theories for a sustainable energy supply - critically evaluate the suitability and meaningfulness of different sustainability indicators, theories, methods and practices regarding their role and impact for developed countries, on the one hand, and developing countries, on the other - perform an integral assessment, involving several relevant aspects related to the sustainability of a particular real-life renewable energy project as well as identify the main barriers, potentials and driving factors for improving it - perform a literature review on selected sustainability approaches to a professional standard and extract the main related conclusions, and arguing critically on them - present data and information both verbally and in the written form, including quotation to a professional standard

  • Kein Zugang 5.04.4671 - Tools in Advanced Photonics Lehrende anzeigen
    • Hans Josef Brückner
    • Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
    • Bert Struve
    • Ulrich Teubner
    • Markus Schellenberg
    • Sabine Tiedeken
    • Volker Braun
    • Stefan Wild
    • Johannes Diekhoff
    • Thomas Schüning
    • Lars Jepsen

    Mittwoch: 09:00 - 13:00, wöchentlich (ab 14.04.2021), Labore HS Emden

    Teaching and learning in this component will be through "hands on" demonstration. This form of teaching and learning is important in acquiring competence and skills and advancing understanding by practical experience. The students learn to consider specific key instrument types in current usage in the field of photonics, laser and optics. This will be delivered in a lab course study format with each instrument being evaluated in terms of operating principle, design, and signal processing. Content: Laser design and concepts in photonics, solid state lasers, tunable laser systems, gas lasers, industrial laser systems, ultrashort laser systems, diode lasers, optical fiber technology, photonics instrumentation.

  • Kein Zugang 5.04.811 - Fortgeschrittenen-Projektpraktikum Hörtechnik und Audiologie Lehrende anzeigen
    • Thomas Brand

    Freitag: 08:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (ab 16.04.2021)

Hinweise zum Modul
Acc. selected course
Prüfungsleistung Modul
Internship report: Between 15 and 30 pages
The aim of the module is that the students are qualified to plan, setup, conduct and successfully complete scientific or industrial-driven projects. Therefore, the students use the (physical) understanding of the process in question, derive and realize a solution with their necessary engineering skills and document the results properly

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