Seminar: 5.04.4013b Current trends in Gravitation II - Details

Seminar: 5.04.4013b Current trends in Gravitation II - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: 5.04.4013b Current trends in Gravitation II
Untertitel Schwerpunkt: Theoretische Physik
Veranstaltungsnummer 5.04.4013b
Semester SoSe2023
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 41
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Physik
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Mittwoch, 12.04.2023 17:15 - 18:45, Ort: (online)
Art/Form S
Voraussetzungen Lecture General Relativity
Lernorganisation Current topics in gravitational physics will be presented by local and international speakers. The spectrum of topics extends from solar system tests of alternative gravitation theories to the properties of compact astrophysical objects (neutron stars, black holes, etc.) to accretion disks and gravitational radiation.
This is the continuation of the Current trends in Gravitation seminar offered in the winter semester 2020/2021
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch
ECTS-Punkte 3

Räume und Zeiten

Mittwoch: 17:15 - 18:45, wöchentlich (14x)


The students get an insight into the current research topics in the field of gravity. They get to know new investigation methods and research results and expand their skills in the critical discussion of scientific methods and results.


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