Seminar: 3.02.150 S Margaret Atwood's Dystopian Visions in Text and Film - Details

Seminar: 3.02.150 S Margaret Atwood's Dystopian Visions in Text and Film - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: 3.02.150 S Margaret Atwood's Dystopian Visions in Text and Film
Veranstaltungsnummer 3.02.150
Semester SoSe2019
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 18
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 27
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 02.04.2019 16:00 - 18:00, Ort: W32 1-113
Lehrsprache englisch

Räume und Zeiten

W32 1-113
Dienstag: 16:00 - 18:00, wöchentlich (14x)



In this course, we will study two dystopias from very different historical contexts by the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid’s Tale with its focus on future prospects of neo-conservative political and religious trends from the mid-1980s U.S.; and the The Heart Goes Last, which offers a more recent view of how socio-economic collapse makes Western democracies turn into societies ruled by paranoia and prison regimes. We will read both novels within the larger generic concepts of utopias/dystopias in the tradition of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four or H. G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau. But we will also examine how Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale has been adapted as TV series, that is, received and interpreted as a work of its own, taking into consideration its medium-specificity and the present-day concerns and anxieties that infuse this reception of Atwood's 1980s novel.

Please purchase and read:
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale (1985); Bruce Miller, The Handmaid’s Tale, TV series, season 1, 2017; Margaret Atwood, The Heart Goes Last (2015).


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