Vorlesung: 2.08.221 Advanced Lectures in European Economic Law - Details

Vorlesung: 2.08.221 Advanced Lectures in European Economic Law - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: 2.08.221 Advanced Lectures in European Economic Law
Veranstaltungsnummer 2.08.221
Semester WiSe18/19
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 27
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 120
Heimat-Einrichtung Department für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
beteiligte Einrichtungen Department für WiRe (Rechtswissenschaften)
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 16.10.2018 12:00 - 14:00, Ort: A07 0-030 (Hörsaal G)
Art/Form V
Lehrsprache englisch
Info-Link http://elearning.uni-oldenburg.de
ECTS-Punkte 3


Introduction: Aims, methods, content, assessment, EU law: Recapitulation exercise; law: Revisiting the integration theory, key concepts (Reading materials; Integration theories: Steiner/Woods, 18-20; Barnard, 3-20), The Internal market principles - the decentralised approach, The Internal market principles - the decentralised approach, The Internal market principles - the centralised approach, Constitutional EU Law: Law-making within the EU legal framework (Reading: Teaching materials. Additional compulsory reading: Horspool, 31-61; for another source: Steiner/Woods, 23-49; 50-84), Constitutional EU Law: Presentation 3: Analyse the growth and development of the now called ordinary legislative procedure; Presentation 4: Has the TFEU Treaty fully addressed the issue of democratic legitimacy in the EU?, Substantive EU Law (2): Economic & Monetary Policy, Constitutional EU Law: CJEU & national courts: Recent developments; (Teaching materials; Horspool, 158-162; 162-180 – also; Steiner/Woods, 85-104); Presentation 5 (a) & Presentation 5 (b), Direct effect (Reading: Teaching materials (EU Law); also Horspool, 147-158; Steiner/Woods 105-136); Presentation 6 (a): Incidental effects of Directives. Presentation 6 (b): State liability, Substantive EU Law (1): Fundamental principles of EU law. Human Rights Protection. Presentation 7: Equality law as a central tenet of the EU legal order (Reading: TM 9; Other sources: Horspool, 113-146; Steiner/Woods, 137-172), Substantive EU Law (3): Economic & Monetary Union. Presentation: 8, Presentation 9: BVerfG, Judgment of the First Senate of 24 April 2013 (1 BvR 1215/07), BVerfGE 133, 277 – Antiterrordateigesetz and its relevance for the CJEU/National Courts' relationship; Presentation 10: BVerfG, Order of the Second Senate of 06 Ju, Presentation 1: The institutional reforms of the different Treaty amendments and their implications; Presentation 2: The substantive reforms of the different Treaty amendments and their implications.



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