Studiengruppe: May 2, 2023 Training on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Equal Opportunities Officers, Managers and Others - Details

Studiengruppe: May 2, 2023 Training on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Equal Opportunities Officers, Managers and Others - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Studiengruppe: May 2, 2023 Training on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Equal Opportunities Officers, Managers and Others
Semester unbegrenzt
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 7
Heimat-Einrichtung Studiengruppen
Veranstaltungstyp Studiengruppe in der Kategorie Studiengruppen
Lehrsprache deutsch

Räume und Zeiten


May 2, 2023, 09:30-15:00
Drögen-Hasen-Weg 64, 26129 Oldenburg, Guesthaus Uni Oldenburg

Target group:
Executives at all management levels; leading employees of personnel officers,
interest representatives
The seminar deals with the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace, legal
protection for those affected and the duties of the supervisor and makes you
familiar with concrete options for action.
Seminar goal:
• Recognizing the roles and tasks in one's own professional field
• Expanding knowledge of content and legal backgrounds
• Raising awareness of the feelings and actions of those affected
• Creation of action competences taking into account existing framework
Seminar focus:
• What is sexual harassment at work - definition and terminology
• Myths, fears, attitudes
• Consequences for those affected
• Legal basis
• Opportunities for action - from hearsay to the first conversation to stable support
• Preventive measures
• Interactive lecture, exchange of experiences, working group


Die Auswahl der Teilnehmenden wird nach der Eintragung manuell vorgenommen.

The moderator of the study group may accept or reject your request for admission. After receiving confirmation of admission you will obtain full access to the group.
