Veranstaltungsdetails - Basics of Project Management

Veranstaltungsdetails - Basics of Project Management

Fakultät 5: Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Interdisziplinäre Lehreinrichtungen / Professionalisierungsbereich
Graduate School Science & Technology (Oltech)
Sommersemester 2014
Basics of Project Management
Zeit: Termine am Di. 12.08. - Mi. 13.08. 09:00 - 17:00
Studienbereiche: Fakultät 5: Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften > Strukturierte Promotion > Environmental Sciences > Module > olt163 Fundraising / Project Management
Fakultät 5: Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften > Strukturierte Promotion > Neurosensory Science and Systems > Module > olt165 Additional module "Transferable Skills"
Interdisziplinäre Lehreinrichtungen / Professionalisierungsbereich > PhD Programmes > Neurosensory Science and Systems > August
Interdisziplinäre Lehreinrichtungen / Professionalisierungsbereich > PhD Programmes > Environmental Sciences > August
DozentIn Gast Dozent
Heimat-Einrichtung: Graduate School Science & Technology (Oltech)
Typ der Veranstaltung: Praxisveranstaltung in der Kategorie Lehre
Art der Veranstaltung: Workshop
Beschreibung: This particular training course is designed to provide the participants with a basic knowledge of project management and to extend or polish up their already existing project management competencies. The participants can learn to systematically start and plan projects (incl. their PhD studies) by making use of recognized and approved methods. They get to know how to deal with the diversity of stakeholder expectations. They become acquainted to the techniques of project monitoring and controlling and they get the chance to interactively develop a common understanding of project management principles, methods and tools. On completion of this introductory course the participants should have gained a insight into the basic ways and means of running projects more professionally – that is: systematically structured, efficiently, and with a higher awareness of different interests and expectancies. N.B.: PhD students from other PhD programmes will only receive a place if there are not enough registrations from the students of Environmental Science and Biodiversity. The same course will be offered in German by the WiN-Werkstatt 10.-11. September, trainer Julia Baer.
Ort: W04 1-171
Untertitel: Introduction to the basic Principles and Methods of Project Management – Considering the Implementation in Research Environments
TutorInnen: Dr. Beate Grünberg
Dr. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Dr. Klaudia Hettwer
Julia Rudman