Workshop: Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters (for Natural Scientists) - Details

Workshop: Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters (for Natural Scientists) - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Workshop: Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters (for Natural Scientists)
Untertitel Theorie und Praxis der Konzeption und Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Poster für Naturwissenschaftler*innen
Semester WiSe22/23
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 13
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 12
Heimat-Einrichtung Graduate School Science, Medicine & Technology (Oltech)
Veranstaltungstyp Workshop in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Mittwoch, 19.10.2022 09:00 - 16:00, Ort: (W30-0-033/34 Nessy)
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch
ECTS-Punkte 1

Räume und Zeiten

(W30-0-033/34 Nessy)
Mittwoch, 19.10.2022 09:00 - 16:00
Mittwoch, 02.11.2022 09:00 - 16:00




lecturer: Birgit Lukowski

Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference.
Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them, and stimulate
discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear structure,
a text format optimized for the best readability and well-chosen graphics.
And above all, you need to think well through how to organize your research
content on the required paper or e-poster format.

Basic rules of graphic design and layout technique will help you to present
your research visually well organized and eye-catching.
The course will equip you with both the concepts and the practical design skills
and provides the possibility to put directly into practice what you have learned
as well as to get useful feedback from group and trainer.

Part 1 | 19 October 2022 | In-person | 9am – 4pm |
Conceptual considerations | basic elements of design: typography, colour, image | key principles of graphic design | corporate design and templates | grids |
practice session poster layout | feedback and analysis | tipps how to work on |

Part 2 | 2 November 2022 | Online | 9am – 4pm |
Feedback Follow-up | practice time to finalize the posters | individual consultations |
creating pdfs for optimal printing |

To profit the most from this workshop, participants are warmly invited to bring material
(text, images, graphs etc.) of their current research work or recently designed posters.
Moreover, please bring your laptop equipped with PowerPoint or with any other comparable application.

Trainer: Birgit Lukowski |

Max. number of participants: 12

It is desirable that the posters created in the workshop are exhibited within the framework of the Doctoral Students' Day of the UOL on December 07, 2022 .


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