Workshop: GA 2.29 Survive and Thrive in Academia: Actively take care of your mental health - Details

Workshop: GA 2.29 Survive and Thrive in Academia: Actively take care of your mental health - Details

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General information

Course name Workshop: GA 2.29 Survive and Thrive in Academia: Actively take care of your mental health
Subtitle lecturer: Nadine Binder
Course number GA 2.29
Semester SoSe2024
Current number of participants 7
maximum number of participants 12
Home institute Graduiertenakademie
Courses type Workshop in category Teaching
Next date Monday, 23.09.2024 12:00 - 16:00, Room: (A02-3-321)
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

Monday, 23.09.2024 12:00 - 16:00

Module assignments


During the Postdoc phase, the academic environment is often characterized by stress, high workloads, performance pressure and uncertainty. The workshop thus explicitly addresses postdoctoral researchers. It offers different strategies that facilitate paying more attention to one’s own needs. The workshop focusses on evidence-based methods that allow participants to actively take care of their own mental health. Key topics include mindfulness in dealing with stress, developing resilience, self-care practices, identifying one's own needs and strengthening one's own mindset.

The workshop will be held in English.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Survive and Thrive in Academia: Actively take care of your mental health".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 05.06.2024, 23:59 to 20.09.2024, 23:59.
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.
