Exkursion: 3.90.134 EMMIR Study trip + WS Roma in Europe - Details

Exkursion: 3.90.134 EMMIR Study trip + WS Roma in Europe - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Exkursion: 3.90.134 EMMIR Study trip + WS Roma in Europe
Veranstaltungsnummer 3.90.134
Semester WiSe18/19
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 3
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungstyp Exkursion in der Kategorie Lehre
Lehrsprache englisch
ECTS-Punkte 2

Räume und Zeiten


Roma are one of the biggest and most under-researched minorities in Europe. While they are under-represented in main sectors of society, such as education and labor market, discrimination remains flagrant among the European states. Only recently the European Commission’s Framework on Roma integration was set up and is slowly being implemented in national agendas. The study trip to the Czech Republic aims at exploring the many layers of discrimination and negative representation of Roma, de-coding the mechanisms and structures behind the processes of exclusion that are not unique to Roma minority only. Another objective of the study trip is to engage students in the current discussions related to this topic and let them reflect upon some examples of good practice in cities of Prague, České Budějovice, Český Krumlov and Brno.
In summer 2013, České Budějovice, as one of many Czech cities, experienced a series of violent anti-Roma demonstrations and marches. In a response, many discussions, meetings and conferences were held with an objective to search for a cause of such an unforeseen development and to debate possible solutions. What are the results of these debates? What is the recent development? To what extent the involved institutions and organizations cooperate and what level of cooperation is necessary for improvement of the situation? Are those debates still relevant in 2017 in the light of ‘new and more urgent/visible’ development related to the so-called refugee crisis?

EMMIR will cover all of the expenses connected to the educational parts of the study trip; you will have to contribute 80 Euro (for accommodation and local travel) and self-fund your travel to and from the Czech Republic.

• OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. "Hate Crime Laws." (2009). Web. [p.53]
• Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. “Czech Republic: Information on skinheads and other extremist groups”, 1 January 1998, CZE28659.E. http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/Eng.
• Růžička, M. “Researching and Politicizing Migration: The Case of Roma/Gypsies in Post-Socialist Czecho-Slovakia.” Boundaries in Motion: Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events. Eds. Hofírek, O., Klvaňová, R., Nekorjak, M. Brno: Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, 2009. [pp. 79–103]
• Orta, Lucy. Mapping the invisible: EU-Roma Gypsies. Black Dog Publishing, 2010.

EMMIR will cover expenses connected to the educational parts of the study trip; you will have to contribute 80 Euro (for accommodation and local travel) and self-fund your travel to and from České Budějovice. More information will be provided by the organisers on September 10.
Organisers: Kateřina Marešová & Salim Murad, USB


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