Workshop: GA_3.17 Publishing your research - Details

Workshop: GA_3.17 Publishing your research - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Workshop: GA_3.17 Publishing your research
Untertitel Referent: Paul Webb
Veranstaltungsnummer GA_3.17
Semester SoSe2023
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 1
Heimat-Einrichtung Graduiertenakademie
Veranstaltungstyp Workshop in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Dienstag, 25.04.2023 09:00 - 13:00, Ort: (Online via BigBlueButton)
Lehrsprache deutsch

Räume und Zeiten

(Online via BigBlueButton)
Dienstag, 25.04.2023 09:00 - 13:00



This course aims at providing you with the skills required to frame and draft a journal article. It will help you understand the importance of a claim as the basis of your paper. It will also provide you with multi-media perspectives and activities to ensure that you successfully frame your claim based on a research problem informed by appropriate literature. The argumentation techniques covered will enable you to dissect the anatomy of arguments in journal articles and parsimoniously frame your own. You will have an opportunity to share your article’s arguments for peer review and to peer review the arguments of one of your class members.

By practicing and mastering the skills required in this course, you will develop a different perspective on what it means to write a journal article and be able to plan and critique your own work meaningfully. In doing so you will substantially increase your chances of having your work accepted by the appropriate journal of your choice.

Please note that you must have sufficient data of your own and a sound understanding of the literature appropriate to the topic to be able to craft your own article before you enrol for the course. The module is predicated in you being able to argue towards a claim that is of interest to others using your own findings and arguments underpinned by pertinent literature.

This course runs over twelve weeks part-time and will require between 5-10 hours per week.

Workshop target group: Ph.D. candidates and more experienced scientists such as early Postdocs can also take advantage of the workshop, since they can optimize their strategies to publish their research.

Workshop target group: Ph.D. candidates and more experienced scientists such as early Postdocs can also take advantage of the workshop, since they can optimize their strategies to publish their research.

Please register via the website of the Graduate Academy:


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