Business card "Christoph Jüschke"
Christoph Jüschke

Email: ?
- Address
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstraße 138, Gebäude V03, 3. OG, Flügel M
26129 Oldenburg - Room
- W2 0-046 (» Address and map)
- Phone
- +49 441 7983802
Current courses
Wintersemester 2024/2025
- 5.02.606 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
- 5.02.607 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
- 5.02.608 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
- 6.01.11209a Jahr 1: Genetik - Vorlesungen 1.1
- 6.01.32209a Jahr 3: Humangenetik - Vorlesungen 3.2
- 6.03.350 Biological Foundations of Neuroscience
- 6.03.614 Human Genetics - Developing therapies to treat splice defect
- 6.03.616 Human Genetics - Severe diseases of the cilium: signal transduction and treatment options
- 6.03.617 Human Genetics - Transcriptome and Exome analyses in neuronal and neurosensory diseases
- 6.04.071 Gene-based Therapies in Human Diseases_Lecture
- 6.04.072 Gene-based Therapies in Human Diseases_Laboratory Exercise
- 6.04.073 Gene-based Therapies in Human Diseases_Seminar