

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Click here for PDF-Download

Winter semester 2024/2025 195 Seminars
VAK Course Number Title Type Lecture
Preliminary studies
Advanced courses
Practical course
Research group
Project group
Council conference
Language course
Subject didactics
SWS Semester weekly hours Teachers Degree
5.04.612 Mechanics Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W03 1-161
Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Location: W03 1-161
Dates on Monday, 10.02.2025, Monday, 24.03.2025 11:00 - 13:00, Location: W32 0-005

Introduction into scientific reasoning; understanding the basic physical principles that govern physical behaviour in the real world, application of these principles to solve practical problems. General introduction to the fundamentals of experimental mechanics. Achieving basic knowledge in reading, understanding and production of technical drawings, getting and overview about the features of CAD-Software, knowing about the basic principles of designing and dimensioning of machine elements. Introduction into scientific reasoning; understanding the basic physical principles that govern physical behaviour in the real world, application of these principles to solve practical problems. General introduction to the fundamentals of experimental mechanics. Achieving basic knowledge in reading, understanding and production of technical drawings, getting and overview about the features of CAD-Software, knowing about the basic principles of designing and dimensioning of machine elements.
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Annika Gaiser
  • Bachelor
5.07.933 Anleitung zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten "Wie schreibe ich Versuchsprotokolle zügig, vollständig und effektiv?" Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Wie schreibe ich Versuchsprotokolle zügig, vollständig und effektiv? Wie schreibe ich Versuchsprotokolle zügig, vollständig und effektiv?
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Gunther Wittstock
5.08.3581 Basic Ecological Processes Dates on Wednesday, 19.02.2025 - Friday, 21.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025 - Friday, 28.02.2025, Monday, 03.03.2025 - Tuesday, 04.03.2025 09:00 - 16:00
Das Praktikum findet voraussichtlich im Februar 2025 am ICBM in Wilhelmshaven statt (zwei Wochen). Nur wenn nicht alle Plätze durch MUWI-Studierende belegt werden, werden Teilnehmer/innen anderer Studiengänge akzeptiert. Es gibt eine Vorbesprechung zu Beginn des WiSe (Termin wird noch bekanntgegeben), in der das Praktikum vorgestellt und die Teilnehmer verbindlich festgelegt werden. Die Auswahl erfolgt nach Studiengang (Priorität MUWI), Semesterzahl (höhere Studiensemester werden zuerst berücksichtigt) und dann nach dem Windhundverfahren. Studentenunterkünfte können gebucht werden! Das Praktikum findet voraussichtlich im Februar 2025 am ICBM in Wilhelmshaven statt (zwei Wochen). Nur wenn nicht alle Plätze durch MUWI-Studierende belegt werden, werden Teilnehmer/innen anderer Studiengänge akzeptiert. Es gibt eine Vorbesprechung zu Beginn des WiSe (Termin wird noch bekanntgegeben), in der das Praktikum vorgestellt und die Teilnehmer verbindlich festgelegt werden. Die Auswahl erfolgt nach Studiengang (Priorität MUWI), Semesterzahl (höhere Studiensemester werden zuerst berücksichtigt) und dann nach dem Windhundverfahren. Studentenunterkünfte können gebucht werden!
Seminar - Dr. Maren Striebel
Dr. Stefanie Moorthi
Dr. Sabine Flöder
Mike Jan Smykala
Eva Foth
Leonie Kellner
Sebastian Neun
  • Master
5.04.4203 Angewandte Psychophysik: Anwendungen bei Audioqualitätsbewertungen / Applied Psychophysics: Applications in audio quality Wednesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W16A 010
Dates on Wednesday, 12.02.2025 10:00 - 11:00, Location: W01 0-012

Detailed knowledge of the theoretical concepts underlying listening tests and of modern designs of listening tests. Knowledge about human auditory perception and its application in e.g. audio quality and digital signal processing. Subjective listening experiment design and models of human auditory perception will be treated with a focus on application in audio quality assessments (e.g. for sound reproduction) and in digital signal processing algorithm development (e.g. for low bit-rate audio coding and headphone virtualizers). Detailed knowledge of the theoretical concepts underlying listening tests and of modern designs of listening tests. Knowledge about human auditory perception and its application in e.g. audio quality and digital signal processing. Subjective listening experiment design and models of human auditory perception will be treated with a focus on application in audio quality assessments (e.g. for sound reproduction) and in digital signal processing algorithm development (e.g. for low bit-rate audio coding and headphone virtualizers).
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
Stephan Töpken
  • Master
5.08.4361 Marine Interfaces Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W06 0-008
Dates on Monday, 27.01.2025 10:15 - 11:45, Location: A01 0-005

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
  • Master
5.04.4673 Hyperloop Engineering Monday: 18:00 - 19:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Thomas Schüning
Lukas Eschment
  • Master
5.08.4612 Marine Community Ecology Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Lecture 2 Dr. Maren Striebel
Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand
Dr. Stefanie Moorthi
Dr. Marina Costa Rillo
  • Master
5.04.4590 Advanced Topics Speech and Audio Processing Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

The students will gain in-depth knowledge on the subjects’ speech and audio processing. The practical part of the course mediates insight about important properties of the methods treated in a self-study approach, while the application and transfer of theoretical concepts to practical applications is gained by implementing algorithms on a computer. content: After reviewing the basic principles of speech processing and statistical signal processing (adaptive filtering, estimation theory), this course covers techniques and underlying algorithms that are essential in many modern-day speech communication and audio processing systems (e.g. mobile phones, hearing aids, headphones): acoustic echo and feedback cancellation, noise reduction, dereverberation, microphone and loudspeaker array processing, active noise control. During the exercises a typical hands-free speech communication or audio processing system is implemented (in Matlab). The students will gain in-depth knowledge on the subjects’ speech and audio processing. The practical part of the course mediates insight about important properties of the methods treated in a self-study approach, while the application and transfer of theoretical concepts to practical applications is gained by implementing algorithms on a computer. content: After reviewing the basic principles of speech processing and statistical signal processing (adaptive filtering, estimation theory), this course covers techniques and underlying algorithms that are essential in many modern-day speech communication and audio processing systems (e.g. mobile phones, hearing aids, headphones): acoustic echo and feedback cancellation, noise reduction, dereverberation, microphone and loudspeaker array processing, active noise control. During the exercises a typical hands-free speech communication or audio processing system is implemented (in Matlab).
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Simon Doclo
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.06.M117 Energy Meteorology Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Dates on Wednesday, 22.01.2025 10:00 - 11:00, Location: V03 0-D002

Lecture - Dr. Thomas Schmidt
Dr. Bruno Schyska
  • Master
5.08.4632 Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology Dates on Monday, 20.01.2025 - Friday, 24.01.2025, Monday, 27.01.2025 - Friday, 31.01.2025 08:30 - 17:00
Voraussetzung: VL 5.08.4631Untersuchungsmethoden in der Aquatischen Mikrobiellen Ökologie Preconditions: 5.08.4631 Lecture Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology Voraussetzung: VL 5.08.4631Untersuchungsmethoden in der Aquatischen Mikrobiellen Ökologie Preconditions: 5.08.4631 Lecture Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Thorsten Henning Brinkhoff
Mathias Wolterink
Silke Ammermann
  • Master
5.04.311 Versuch 05 Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik (FPR-B) Versuch 05 - Spektroskopie am Jod-Molekül Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt. Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt.
Practical training - Katem Mitkong
  • Erweiterungsfach
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
5.04.638 Ü2 Exercises Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering III Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Exercises 2 Siegfried Gündert
Dr.-Ing. Aleksej Chinaev
M. Sc. Jiatong Li
  • Bachelor
5.02.657 Current topics in Ornithology Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Sandra Bouwhuis
Prof. Dr. Christine Köppl
Dr. Ulrike Langemann
Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel
Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Prof. Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann
Dr. Wieland Heim
Matthias Weissensteiner
Pablo Salmon
Robert Rollins
  • Master
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Gruppe A
Thursday: 14:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Gruppe B

This lecture is currently scheduled to take place in presence. Please keep informed about the current Corona situation and security procedures. Lab project I has to take place at the University of Applied Science/Emden. Lab project II is related to the specialization. Please subscribe to the list of lab projects I in time, as announced. Introductory class will be given online. Participation at the introduction session and final session is mandatory. Detailed project information can be given by the supervisor. List of Projects: see "Dateien". This lecture is currently scheduled to take place in presence. Please keep informed about the current Corona situation and security procedures. Lab project I has to take place at the University of Applied Science/Emden. Lab project II is related to the specialization. Please subscribe to the list of lab projects I in time, as announced. Introductory class will be given online. Participation at the introduction session and final session is mandatory. Detailed project information can be given by the supervisor. List of Projects: see "Dateien".
Practical training - Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch
Markus Schellenberg
Ulrich Teubner
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Thomas Schüning
Stefan Wild
Lars Jepsen
Sabine Tiedeken
Volker Braun
Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke
Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Freerk Schütt
  • Bachelor
5.04.091a Seminar to Basic Laboratory (english) Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

XXX von XXX Uhr: Extra Lecture "Error theory and regression analysis" XXX von XXX Uhr: Extra Lecture "Error theory and regression analysis" XXX von XXX Uhr: Extra Lecture "Error theory and regression analysis" XXX von XXX Uhr: Extra Lecture "Error theory and regression analysis"
Seminar 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michael Krüger
Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Andreas Hermann Schmidt
  • Bachelor
5.02.845 Introduction to Development and Evolution Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Monday, 14.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00, Tuesday, 15.10.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Tuesday, 15.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00, Wednesday, 16.10.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Wednesday, 16.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00, Thursday, 17.10.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Thursday, 17.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00, Monday, 21.10.2024 09:00 - 11:00, Monday, 21.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00 ...(more)
Location: W03 1-152, W16A 015/016, W04 1-162

Vorbesprechung in der Orientierungswoche Diese Veranstaltung bildet im Normalfall zusammen mit den "Laborübungen in Entwicklungsbiologie und Evolution" (bio846) ein 6+6KP Grund-Modul-Paar. Bei Interesse kann bio845 (Vorlesung und Seminar) jedoch auch ohne die Laborübungen absolviert werden. Vorbesprechung in der Orientierungswoche Diese Veranstaltung bildet im Normalfall zusammen mit den "Laborübungen in Entwicklungsbiologie und Evolution" (bio846) ein 6+6KP Grund-Modul-Paar. Bei Interesse kann bio845 (Vorlesung und Seminar) jedoch auch ohne die Laborübungen absolviert werden.
Lecture - Dr. Ulrike Sienknecht
Dr. rer. nat. Maike Claußen
  • Master
5.04.618 Ü1 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering I, exercise Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises 2 PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
Urantuya Batsuuri
  • Bachelor
5.02.659 Behavioural Ecology of Birds (Option II) Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Modul bio655: Aus den Veranstaltungen 5.02.658 und 5.02.659 muss **EINE** gewählt werden. Modul bio655: Aus den Veranstaltungen 5.02.658 und 5.02.659 muss **EINE** gewählt werden.
Seminar 2 Dr. Ulrike Langemann
Prof. Dr. Jan Clemens
  • Master
5.02.001 I Current topics in biology: What illusions teach us about perception Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

The course can be taken in parallel with other courses of the module bio890 "Current Topics in Biology". The course can be taken in parallel with other courses of the module bio890 "Current Topics in Biology".
Seminar 2 Dr. Rainer Beutelmann
  • Master
5.08.028 Introduction to scientific work: Marine Geochemistry Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 21/10/24), Location: W15 0-023, W15 0-027
Dates on Monday, 07.10.2024, Monday, 03.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025, Monday, 17.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025, Monday, 03.03.2025, Monday, 10.03.2025, Monday, 17.03.2025, Monday, 24.03.2025, Monday, 31.03.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: W15 0-023, (W15 0-023)

Das Arbeitsgruppenseminar findet auch in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit statt. Das Arbeitsgruppenseminar findet auch in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit statt.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar
Dr. Jutta Niggemann
  • Bachelor
5.02.956 Ecological Genomics - Genomic and Transcriptomic Data Analysis The course times are not decided yet.
Termine nach Vereinbarung. Kontakt: Termine nach Vereinbarung. Kontakt:
Seminar - Dr. Stefan Dennenmoser
Prof. Dr. Arne Nolte
  • Master
5.13.552 Physiology of Bacteria - Course A Dates on Monday, 06.01.2025 - Friday, 10.01.2025, Monday, 13.01.2025 - Friday, 17.01.2025 10:00 - 18:00
If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.551 - Physiology of Bacteria”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.551 - Physiology of Bacteria”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke
  • Master
5.02.737 Evolutionary Transcriptomics Dates on Monday, 04.11.2024 - Thursday, 07.11.2024, Monday, 11.11.2024 - Friday, 15.11.2024, Monday, 18.11.2024 - Thursday, 21.11.2024 09:00 - 16:00
We will assign seminar topics during the preliminary meeting. We will assign seminar topics during the preliminary meeting.
Exercises - Dr. Stefan Dennenmoser
Prof. Dr. Arne Nolte
  • Master
5.04.4070 Ü2 Übung zu Fluid Dynamics I / Fluiddynamik I Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises - TutorInnen, der Physik
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila Canellas
  • Master
5.04.612 Ü1 Exercises Mechanics Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Exercises 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Annika Gaiser
  • Bachelor
5.04.4579 Modern Optics - Solid-State Optomechanics Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Zur Einführung werden Vorlesungen zu folgenden Themen gehalten: Grundlagen der Licht-Materie Kopplung in Festkörpern Grundlagen der Kavitäts-Optomechanik Phononische Kristalle Optomechanik von Polaritonen Optomechanik von Nanostrukturen Im Anschluss präsentieren die Studierenden in Vortragsform mit anschließender Diskussion Artikel aus der aktuellen Fachliteratur. Mögliche Themen umfassen unter anderem die Präparation nichtklassischer mechanischer Zustände, topologische Phononik, Kopplung von akustischen Oberflächenwellen an supraleitende Qubits und Optomechnik an Halbleiter-Quantenpunkten Zur Einführung werden Vorlesungen zu folgenden Themen gehalten: Grundlagen der Licht-Materie Kopplung in Festkörpern Grundlagen der Kavitäts-Optomechanik Phononische Kristalle Optomechanik von Polaritonen Optomechanik von Nanostrukturen Im Anschluss präsentieren die Studierenden in Vortragsform mit anschließender Diskussion Artikel aus der aktuellen Fachliteratur. Mögliche Themen umfassen unter anderem die Präparation nichtklassischer mechanischer Zustände, topologische Phononik, Kopplung von akustischen Oberflächenwellen an supraleitende Qubits und Optomechnik an Halbleiter-Quantenpunkten
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Martin Esmann
  • Master
5.08.4741 Current Issues in Plankton Ecology I Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar 2 Dr. Maren Striebel
Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand
Dr. Stefanie Moorthi
  • Master
5.04.638 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering III Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Dates on Wednesday, 12.02.2025 12:00 - 14:00, Thursday, 20.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00

Aim: To obtain advanced knowledge in application of mathematical methods to solve problems in physics and engineering. Content: Complex analysis (derivatives, integration, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theorem) Fourier and Laplace transforms Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Aim: To obtain advanced knowledge in application of mathematical methods to solve problems in physics and engineering. Content: Complex analysis (derivatives, integration, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theorem) Fourier and Laplace transforms Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Simon Doclo
Prof. Dr. Gerald Enzner
Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
Dr.-Ing. Aleksej Chinaev
  • Bachelor
5.13.551 Physiology of Bacteria - Course A Dates on Monday, 06.01.2025 - Friday, 10.01.2025, Monday, 13.01.2025 - Thursday, 16.01.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Friday, 17.01.2025 12:00 - 18:00, Location: W15 0-027, W15 0-023, W15 2-234 (+1 more)
If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.551 - Physiology of Bacteria”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.551 - Physiology of Bacteria”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke
  • Master
5.04.202 Ü1 Exercises to Atomic and Molecular Physics Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 21/10/24)

Exercises 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Dr. rer. nat. Juanmei Duan
  • Bachelor
5.07.408 Structure of Interfaces and their Characterization - Exercises Monday: 11:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 21/10/24)

Exercises 1 Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery
PD Dr. Izabella Brand
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.03.903 Vegetationsökologie und Naturschutz – ecology, restoration and nature-based solutions research project The course times are not decided yet.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Thorsten Balke
  • Master
5.02.731 Evolutionary Biology, Population Genetics Dates on Thursday, 10.10.2024 10:30 - 11:00, Monday, 14.10.2024 - Thursday, 17.10.2024, Monday, 21.10.2024 - Thursday, 24.10.2024, Monday, 28.10.2024 - Thursday, 31.10.2024 09:00 - 16:00
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach
Dr. rer. nat. Tamara Schneider
Dr. Simon Käfer
Dr. Gulzar Khan
Anke Müller
Nicole Iben
  • Master
5.04.302 Ü1 Exercise: Solid State Physics Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W02 1-122, W02 1-128

Exercises - Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius
Ghada Missaoui
  • Bachelor
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

The seminar 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy is part of the module phy632 Spectrophysics. It is offered parallel with the seminar 5.04.6610 "Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy (depending on the amount of participants, examination: presentation in each part). 5.04.6610 and 5.04.4052 - Kohärente Optik build the module phy683 - Advanced Topics in Laser and Optics. The seminar 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy is part of the module phy632 Spectrophysics. It is offered parallel with the seminar 5.04.6610 "Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy (depending on the amount of participants, examination: presentation in each part). 5.04.6610 and 5.04.4052 - Kohärente Optik build the module phy683 - Advanced Topics in Laser and Optics.
Seminar 2 Markus Schellenberg
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
  • Master
5.02.607 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Dates on Friday, 11.10.2024 11:00 - 11:45, Friday, 15.11.2024 08:00 - 13:00
Seminar - Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Christoph Jüschke
  • Master
5.04.618 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering I, lecture Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W32 0-005
Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 18/10/24), Location: W32 0-005
Dates on Tuesday, 18.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: W03 1-161

Students obtain basic knowledge in application of mathematical methods to solve problems in physics and engineering - Vector algebra (vectors in 2- and 3-space, vector products, planes, lines, cylindrical and spherical coordinates) - Preliminary calculus (elementary functions, limits, series, differentiation, integration) - Preliminary complex analysis - Introduction to ordinary differential equations - Partial differentiation - Vector calculus (scalar and vector fields, vector operators, line, surface and volume integrals, divergence and Stokes’ theorem) Students obtain basic knowledge in application of mathematical methods to solve problems in physics and engineering - Vector algebra (vectors in 2- and 3-space, vector products, planes, lines, cylindrical and spherical coordinates) - Preliminary calculus (elementary functions, limits, series, differentiation, integration) - Preliminary complex analysis - Introduction to ordinary differential equations - Partial differentiation - Vector calculus (scalar and vector fields, vector operators, line, surface and volume integrals, divergence and Stokes’ theorem)
Lecture 8 PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
  • Bachelor
5.08.3542 Advanced Mathematical Modelling Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises 2 Dr. Alexey Ryabov
  • Promotion
  • Master
2.13.041 Urban development, water management and climate crisis: Copenhagen The course times are not decided yet.
Study trip - Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose
Dr. Peter Schaal
  • Master
5.06.M301 Renewable Energy Project Wednesday: 12:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

In this seminar you will design an energy supply system for a typical consumer. Apart from the energy management aspects you will get insights in to site management, economical and social aspects of energy consumption. In this seminar you will design an energy supply system for a typical consumer. Apart from the energy management aspects you will get insights in to site management, economical and social aspects of energy consumption.
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Behrendt
  • Master
5.02.960 Genetics of Migration - from behaviour to molecular architecture The course times are not decided yet.
Termine nach Vereinbarung. Termine nach Vereinbarung.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel
  • Master
5.02.703 Interactions of plants with environmental parameters Monday: 13:00 - 15:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar 2 Dr. rer. nat. Maria Will
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
  • Master
5.02.975 Biodiversity and Animal Evolution: Marine Biodiversity II The course times are not decided yet.
Termine von 09:00 - 17:00 nach Vereinbarung in der zweiten Semesterhälfte. Die Veranstaltung findet in der Universität Oldenburg, am Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven und am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg am Meer mit den Abteilungen Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung und Meeresforschung in Wilhelmshaven statt. Termine von 09:00 - 17:00 nach Vereinbarung in der zweiten Semesterhälfte. Die Veranstaltung findet in der Universität Oldenburg, am Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven und am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg am Meer mit den Abteilungen Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung und Meeresforschung in Wilhelmshaven statt.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach
Dr. rer. nat. Tamara Schneider
  • Master
5.02.483 Forschungsprojekte im Herbarium The course times are not decided yet.
Contact maria.will@uol to learn about current topics available. Since many projects deal with collections of the CvO University or the state museum Oldenburg, it is possible that German language skills are needed. Thus, there might not be topics that cannot be managed without correspondings reading skills. New participants can be considered as soon as other students finish their projects. Thus, there is a waiting list. You will be contacted, in case there is capacity to start a new project. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Die Vorbesprechung und Themenvergabe erfolgen nach einem individuell vereinbarten Termin ( Die LV kann semesterbegleitend absolviert werden oder als Block. Hierzu ist eine individuelle Absprache erforderlich. Es können maximal 6 Personen/Projekte parallel betreut. Sobald jemand ein Projekt abschließt, können wieder Studierende nachrücken. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Die LV ist geöffnet für Studierende anderer Fakultäten, die das folgende Zertifikat absolvieren: Zertifikatsprogramm „Kustodische Praxis an Universitätssammlungen“ ( Die Zuordnung zu den Modulen und Anrechenbarkeit ist hierbei vorab zu klären (Studiengänge Fak. V:; Studiengänge anderer Fakultäten z.B. Fak. III: Wichtig: Im WiSe 24_25 kann das Modul pb335/bio777, welches zum Zertifikatsprogramm gehört, vermutlich nicht angeboten werden. Contact maria.will@uol to learn about current topics available. Since many projects deal with collections of the CvO University or the state museum Oldenburg, it is possible that German language skills are needed. Thus, there might not be topics that cannot be managed without correspondings reading skills. New participants can be considered as soon as other students finish their projects. Thus, there is a waiting list. You will be contacted, in case there is capacity to start a new project. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Die Vorbesprechung und Themenvergabe erfolgen nach einem individuell vereinbarten Termin ( Die LV kann semesterbegleitend absolviert werden oder als Block. Hierzu ist eine individuelle Absprache erforderlich. Es können maximal 6 Personen/Projekte parallel betreut. Sobald jemand ein Projekt abschließt, können wieder Studierende nachrücken. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Die LV ist geöffnet für Studierende anderer Fakultäten, die das folgende Zertifikat absolvieren: Zertifikatsprogramm „Kustodische Praxis an Universitätssammlungen“ ( Die Zuordnung zu den Modulen und Anrechenbarkeit ist hierbei vorab zu klären (Studiengänge Fak. V:; Studiengänge anderer Fakultäten z.B. Fak. III: Wichtig: Im WiSe 24_25 kann das Modul pb335/bio777, welches zum Zertifikatsprogramm gehört, vermutlich nicht angeboten werden.
Exercises - Dr. rer. nat. Maria Will
  • Bachelor
  • Master
5.06.M127 Ü Energy Storage Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Martin Knipper
  • Master
5.06.M308 Ü Resilient Energy Systems Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
5.04.776 The Space Environment Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
Dr. Gerhard Drolshagen
  • Master
5.13.503 Microbial Diversity Dates on Monday, 11.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 12.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Wednesday, 13.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Thursday, 14.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Friday, 15.11.2024 12:00 - 16:00, Monday, 18.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 19.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Wednesday, 20.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Thursday, 21.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Friday, 22.11.2024 12:00 - 16:00 ...(more)
Location: W15 0-023, W06 0-008, W15 1-146

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
Dr. Jessika Füßel
  • Master
5.04.638 Ü1 Exercises Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering III Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Exercises 2 M. Sc. Jiatong Li
Siegfried Gündert
Dr.-Ing. Aleksej Chinaev
  • Bachelor
5.02.721 Marine Biodiversity I The course times are not decided yet.
Vorbesprechungstermin wird bekannt gegeben. Beteiligte Institute: Alfred Wegener Institut Bremerhaven, Senckenberg am Meer, Abteilung Meeresforschung und Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung in Wilhelmshaven Die Veranstaltung findet in Wilhelmshaven und in Oldenburg statt. Vorbesprechungstermin wird bekannt gegeben. Beteiligte Institute: Alfred Wegener Institut Bremerhaven, Senckenberg am Meer, Abteilung Meeresforschung und Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung in Wilhelmshaven Die Veranstaltung findet in Wilhelmshaven und in Oldenburg statt.
Lecture - Julian Gutt
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kröncke
Prof. Dr. Pedro Miguel Martinez Arbizu
Dr. Sven Rossel
Dr. Achim Wehrmann
  • Master
5.02.958 Sensory Biology of Animals - Sensory biology of magnetoreception The course times are not decided yet.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Michael Winklhofer
  • Master
5.12.401 Accompanying seminar to practical course on environmental chemistry Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 29/11/24)
Dates on Friday, 08.11.2024 12:00 - 12:30, Friday, 10.01.2025 08:00 - 14:00

Priorität BSc Uwi 2. Semesterhälfte (ab 01.12.2024) Priorität BSc Uwi 2. Semesterhälfte (ab 01.12.2024)
Seminar 2 Dr. Barbara Scholz-Böttcher
Dr. Philipp Böning
Dr. Hannelore Waska
  • Promotion
  • Bachelor
5.04.4661 Spectrophysics Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

The module phy632 Spectrophysics is offered during the winter semester. The seminar 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy is part of the module. Students gain in depth theoretical as experimental knowledge on advanced optical spectroscopy applied to atomic and molecular systems. They are qualified in setting up innovative methods and measurement devices based on their expert competence in up-to-date research and development areas. The course prepares the students to work in the field of optical science and engineering in general, and yields the base for all further specialisations within the field of optics and laser technology. Content: Atomic structure and atomic spectra, molecular structure and molecular spectra, emission and absorption, width and shape of spectral lines, radiative transfer and transition probabilities, elementary plasma spectroscopy, experimental tools in spectroscopy, dispersive and interferometric spectrometers, light sources and detectors, laser spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, molecular spectroscopy, time resolved spectroscopy, coherent spectroscopy The module phy632 Spectrophysics is offered during the winter semester. The seminar 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy is part of the module. Students gain in depth theoretical as experimental knowledge on advanced optical spectroscopy applied to atomic and molecular systems. They are qualified in setting up innovative methods and measurement devices based on their expert competence in up-to-date research and development areas. The course prepares the students to work in the field of optical science and engineering in general, and yields the base for all further specialisations within the field of optics and laser technology. Content: Atomic structure and atomic spectra, molecular structure and molecular spectra, emission and absorption, width and shape of spectral lines, radiative transfer and transition probabilities, elementary plasma spectroscopy, experimental tools in spectroscopy, dispersive and interferometric spectrometers, light sources and detectors, laser spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, molecular spectroscopy, time resolved spectroscopy, coherent spectroscopy
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
  • Master
5.04.4066 Python for data and complex systems scientists (Blockveranstaltung) The course times are not decided yet.
Die Veranstaltung wird als Blockveranstaltung am Ende des Semesters angeboten werden. Complex systems such as bird flocks, the dynamics of the brain, or stock markets are typically characterized by a large number of individual components interacting with each other to produce complex collective behavior. This course is devoted to the analysis of data originating from such complex systems using statistical methods, e.g., state-of-the-art machine learning methods, as well as spatio-temporal data analysis. The goal of the course is to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving complex behavior using a practical data science approach. In addition, stochastic modelling (e.g., using random or synthetic fields, Langevin equations, master or Fokker-Planck equations) will be introduced to emulate complex behavior and reproduce statistical features from the preceding data analysis. Die Veranstaltung wird als Blockveranstaltung am Ende des Semesters angeboten werden. Complex systems such as bird flocks, the dynamics of the brain, or stock markets are typically characterized by a large number of individual components interacting with each other to produce complex collective behavior. This course is devoted to the analysis of data originating from such complex systems using statistical methods, e.g., state-of-the-art machine learning methods, as well as spatio-temporal data analysis. The goal of the course is to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving complex behavior using a practical data science approach. In addition, stochastic modelling (e.g., using random or synthetic fields, Langevin equations, master or Fokker-Planck equations) will be introduced to emulate complex behavior and reproduce statistical features from the preceding data analysis.
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Jan Friedrich
  • Master
5.04.4571 Ü1 Density-functional theory Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Exercises - Dr. Ana Maria Valencia Garcia
  • Master
5.04.302 Solid State Physics Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Location: W04 1-162
Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W02 1-148
Dates on Thursday, 13.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: W02 1-148

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius
  • Bachelor
5.04.4226 Aktuelle Probleme des Maschinellen Lernens und -Hörens Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Goals of the Seminar: - provide an overview of current mathematical methods used in current machine learning, - provide knowledge of current computational methods used, such as convolutional networks and deep learning, - gain practical experience in applying machine learning to standard classification problems, - program in python using keras and/or pytorch machine learning libraries, - using GPU-processing for deep network training, - application to problems from speech and audio signals, and to self-chosen problems. Structure of the course: First half (weeks 1 to 7) of the course: We will provide short lecture segments as an introduction to advanced methods from machine learning relevant to this course. In particular, this will include convolutional networks and several deep network architectures. We will also provide an introduction to the relevant programming libraries in python that are used, such as keras and pytorch. Students will work in a self-paced way on a set of python notebooks that introduce these concepts and that include simple implementation steps. Second half (weeks 8 to 14) of the course: Students will work individually or in groups on a self-chosen problem in the setting of a mini-project. The extent of a mini-project will be limited in size and it will follow the implementation practice learned during the first half of the course. Project progress, necessary technical steps and possible problems encountered will be addressed at regular meetings. Examples of projects students worked on during previous courses: - Music genre classification - Emotion recognition from speech - Music melody generation - Natural language processing for tweets Requirements: - introductory course to machine learning, signal processing etc., - basic knowledge of python programming, - (ideally) knowledge of jupyter notebooks, - (ideally) knowledge of linux. Goals of the Seminar: - provide an overview of current mathematical methods used in current machine learning, - provide knowledge of current computational methods used, such as convolutional networks and deep learning, - gain practical experience in applying machine learning to standard classification problems, - program in python using keras and/or pytorch machine learning libraries, - using GPU-processing for deep network training, - application to problems from speech and audio signals, and to self-chosen problems. Structure of the course: First half (weeks 1 to 7) of the course: We will provide short lecture segments as an introduction to advanced methods from machine learning relevant to this course. In particular, this will include convolutional networks and several deep network architectures. We will also provide an introduction to the relevant programming libraries in python that are used, such as keras and pytorch. Students will work in a self-paced way on a set of python notebooks that introduce these concepts and that include simple implementation steps. Second half (weeks 8 to 14) of the course: Students will work individually or in groups on a self-chosen problem in the setting of a mini-project. The extent of a mini-project will be limited in size and it will follow the implementation practice learned during the first half of the course. Project progress, necessary technical steps and possible problems encountered will be addressed at regular meetings. Examples of projects students worked on during previous courses: - Music genre classification - Emotion recognition from speech - Music melody generation - Natural language processing for tweets Requirements: - introductory course to machine learning, signal processing etc., - basic knowledge of python programming, - (ideally) knowledge of jupyter notebooks, - (ideally) knowledge of linux.
Seminar 2 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörn Anemüller
  • Master
5.02.002 Ordinance on Hazardous Substances and Occupational Health and Safety (MUST for first-year students) Dates on Wednesday, 09.10.2024 13:00 - 14:00
Mandatory course for all students in the 1st semester (Bachelor and Master). Mandatory course for all students in the 1st semester (Bachelor and Master).
Seminar - Dr. Dominik Heyers
  • Bachelor
  • Master
5.04.4214 Advanced Models and Algorithms in Machine Learning Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

The students will learn about recent developments and state-of-the-art approaches in Machine Learning, and their applications to different data domains. By presenting scientific studies in the context of currently used models and their applications, they will learn to understand and communicate recent scientific results. The presentations will use computers and projectors. Programming examples and animations will be used to support the interactive component of the presentations. In scientific discussions of the presented and related work, the students will obtain knowledge about current limitations of Machine Learning approaches both on the theoretical side and on the side of their technical and practical realizations. Presentations of interdisciplinary research will enable the students to carry over their Machine Learning knowledge to address questions in other scientific domains. Contents: In this seminar recent developments of models and algorithms in Machine Learning will be studied. Advances of established modelling approaches and new approaches will be presented and discussed along with the applications of different current algorithms to application domains including: auditory and visual signal enhancements, source separation, auditory and visual object learning and recognition, auditory scene analysis and inpainting. Furthermore, Machine Learning approaches as models for neural data processing will be discussed and related to current questions in Computational Neuroscience. The students will learn about recent developments and state-of-the-art approaches in Machine Learning, and their applications to different data domains. By presenting scientific studies in the context of currently used models and their applications, they will learn to understand and communicate recent scientific results. The presentations will use computers and projectors. Programming examples and animations will be used to support the interactive component of the presentations. In scientific discussions of the presented and related work, the students will obtain knowledge about current limitations of Machine Learning approaches both on the theoretical side and on the side of their technical and practical realizations. Presentations of interdisciplinary research will enable the students to carry over their Machine Learning knowledge to address questions in other scientific domains. Contents: In this seminar recent developments of models and algorithms in Machine Learning will be studied. Advances of established modelling approaches and new approaches will be presented and discussed along with the applications of different current algorithms to application domains including: auditory and visual signal enhancements, source separation, auditory and visual object learning and recognition, auditory scene analysis and inpainting. Furthermore, Machine Learning approaches as models for neural data processing will be discussed and related to current questions in Computational Neuroscience.
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke
  • Master
5.07.409 Structure of Interfaces and their Characterization - Lecture Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery
PD Dr. Izabella Brand
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.08.3592 Marine Ecology Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Dates on Wednesday, 19.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Oscar Puebla
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
5.02.606 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Dates on Friday, 11.10.2024 11:00 - 11:45, Monday, 14.10.2024, Wednesday, 16.10.2024 - Thursday, 17.10.2024, Monday, 21.10.2024, Wednes ...(more), Location: W02 1-128, W04 1-172, W16A 010 (+2 more)
online introduction: 11.10.2024, 11-11.45, online online introduction: 11.10.2024, 11-11.45, online
Lecture - Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Dipl.-Chem.
Christoph Jüschke
  • Master
5.12.2512 Practical work on aquatic microbiology Dates on Monday, 17.03.2025 - Friday, 21.03.2025, Monday, 24.03.2025 - Friday, 28.03.2025 09:00 - 17:00, Location: W15 1-146, W15 0-013 (Labor)
In this learning session we will sample an aquatic environment, process the samples, do data analysis and visualization. If you do not have a computer, we can loan one. In this learning session we will sample an aquatic environment, process the samples, do data analysis and visualization. If you do not have a computer, we can loan one.
Practical training - Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
Dr. Gerrit Wienhausen
Dr. Stefan Bruns
  • Bachelor
5.04.311 Versuch 08 Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik (FPR-B) Versuch 08 - Room acoustics in a "shoebox" Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt. Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt.
Practical training - Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
Siegfried Gündert
  • Erweiterungsfach
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
5.12.4192 Journal Review of Scientific Ocean Biogeochemistry Publications Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

For Bachelor students: To successfully complete module pb419 (6 CP), you have to take two of the offered courses (each 3 CP) - this is also possible in different semesters. In one of the two courses you have to do a graded exam, in the other one active participation is required. For Bachelor students: To successfully complete module pb419 (6 CP), you have to take two of the offered courses (each 3 CP) - this is also possible in different semesters. In one of the two courses you have to do a graded exam, in the other one active participation is required.
Seminar 2 Benjamin Owusu
  • Bachelor
  • Master
5.04.255 Ü1 Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Übung Programmierkurs C++

Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples
Exercises 2 Stefan Harfst
Tjard Robben
  • Bachelor
Presentation skills for female scientists Dates on Wednesday, 26.02.2025 09:00 - 17:00
Information from the trainer Ulrike Völger: Methodologically, the training consists mainly of practical exercises and personal, individual feedback for all participants, both from the group and from the trainer in a protected, empowering atmosphere. A smaller part of the seminar is dedicated to theoretical background information. Participants receive a handout with important exercises and tips. The aims of my seminars are - Better awareness of one's own voice and articulation. - Discovery and development of existing and often underutilised vocal potential. - Improvement of body awareness, posture and therefore also your charisma and overall appearance. - Greater awareness of one's own facial expressions, gestures and expansion of the personal spectrum. - Congruence of professional competence, personality and appearance of the participants in everyday life and in public (authenticity) through greater presence in body and voice. - Reflection on gender-specific ‘appearance behaviour’ and how to deal with female behaviour patterns in communication and presentation. To achieve these goals, long-term work is of course required in some cases. The seminar is therefore primarily concerned with the individual clarification of the following questions: - Does the sound of your voice and the way you articulate yourself correspond to your personality? - How can you reduce the discrepancy between how others and self-perception and thus strengthen your ‘self-awareness’? - Are you able to make your expertise visible? - Do you have an awareness of your body? Does your non-verbal communication match your statements and comments? - How do you generate attention and persuasiveness? - How can you recognise dormant potential, train it and use it for your presentations? use for your presentations? The second part of the workshop will be an individual online coaching (tba) Information from the trainer Ulrike Völger: Methodologically, the training consists mainly of practical exercises and personal, individual feedback for all participants, both from the group and from the trainer in a protected, empowering atmosphere. A smaller part of the seminar is dedicated to theoretical background information. Participants receive a handout with important exercises and tips. The aims of my seminars are - Better awareness of one's own voice and articulation. - Discovery and development of existing and often underutilised vocal potential. - Improvement of body awareness, posture and therefore also your charisma and overall appearance. - Greater awareness of one's own facial expressions, gestures and expansion of the personal spectrum. - Congruence of professional competence, personality and appearance of the participants in everyday life and in public (authenticity) through greater presence in body and voice. - Reflection on gender-specific ‘appearance behaviour’ and how to deal with female behaviour patterns in communication and presentation. To achieve these goals, long-term work is of course required in some cases. The seminar is therefore primarily concerned with the individual clarification of the following questions: - Does the sound of your voice and the way you articulate yourself correspond to your personality? - How can you reduce the discrepancy between how others and self-perception and thus strengthen your ‘self-awareness’? - Are you able to make your expertise visible? - Do you have an awareness of your body? Does your non-verbal communication match your statements and comments? - How do you generate attention and persuasiveness? - How can you recognise dormant potential, train it and use it for your presentations? use for your presentations? The second part of the workshop will be an individual online coaching (tba)
Seminar - Dr. Angelika Einwich
Regina Knippenberg
Tabea Hildebrand
  • Promotion
5.04.4213 Ü2 Machine Learning I - Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 22/10/24)

Exercises - Dmytro Velychko
Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke
  • Master
5.08.3541 Advanced Mathematical Modelling Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)
Dates on Sunday, 09.02.2025 08:00 - 19:40

Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Bernd Blasius
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.04.618 Ü4 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering I, exercise Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises 2 PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
Felipe Bizarro Nini
  • Bachelor
5.02.846 Lab Exercises in Development and Evolution Dates on Monday, 11.11.2024 - Thursday, 14.11.2024, Monday, 18.11.2024 - Thursday, 21.11.2024, Monday, 25.11.2024 - Thursday, 28.11.2024 08:00 - 16:00
Vorbesprechung in der Orientierungswoche Diese Übungen können NICHT als separate Lehrveranstaltung belegt werden, sondern nur zusammen mit der "Einführung in Entwicklungsbiologie und Evolution" (bio845). Vorbesprechung in der Orientierungswoche Diese Übungen können NICHT als separate Lehrveranstaltung belegt werden, sondern nur zusammen mit der "Einführung in Entwicklungsbiologie und Evolution" (bio845).
Exercises - Dr. Ulrike Sienknecht
Dr. rer. nat. Maike Claußen
  • Master
5.04.255 Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Dates on Monday, 24.02.2025 14:15 - 15:15

Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples
Lecture 2 Stefan Harfst
Finn Biesterfeldt
Tjard Robben
  • Bachelor
5.06.M315 Hidden Champions in RE Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Lecture - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
Dr. Alexandra Pehlken
  • Master
5.04.4571 Density-functional theory Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Description: The objective of this class is to introduce students to ab initio methods for electronic-structure calculations based on density-functional theory (DFT). The topics will be approached from the viewpoint of condensed-matter physics. In the first part of the semester, theoretical lectures will be accompanied by exercise sessions. The last few weeks of the term will be exclusively dedicated to hand-on tutorials. At the end of this course, participants are expected to be familiar with the theoretical foundation of DFT, to be able to perform a DFT calculation with good control of the given approximations, and to know how to interpret the outcoming results. The course as a whole (theoretical lectures, exercises, and hands-on tutorials) can be offered in presence, in digital form, or even in a mixed regime, depending on the circumstances and on the students’ needs. The course is addressed to Master’s students in theoretical physics. However, Master’s students in experimental physics, doctoral students in all specializations, and Bachelor’s students who are interested in (computational) electronic-structure theory are very welcome to participate. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics is the only prerequisite to attend this class. Description: The objective of this class is to introduce students to ab initio methods for electronic-structure calculations based on density-functional theory (DFT). The topics will be approached from the viewpoint of condensed-matter physics. In the first part of the semester, theoretical lectures will be accompanied by exercise sessions. The last few weeks of the term will be exclusively dedicated to hand-on tutorials. At the end of this course, participants are expected to be familiar with the theoretical foundation of DFT, to be able to perform a DFT calculation with good control of the given approximations, and to know how to interpret the outcoming results. The course as a whole (theoretical lectures, exercises, and hands-on tutorials) can be offered in presence, in digital form, or even in a mixed regime, depending on the circumstances and on the students’ needs. The course is addressed to Master’s students in theoretical physics. However, Master’s students in experimental physics, doctoral students in all specializations, and Bachelor’s students who are interested in (computational) electronic-structure theory are very welcome to participate. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics is the only prerequisite to attend this class.
Lecture - Dr. Ana Maria Valencia Garcia
  • Master
5.06.M117 Ü Energy Meteorology Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 21/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Thomas Schmidt
  • Master
5.04.071 Gruppe 09 Grundpraktikum Physik I / Basic Laboratory I für Engineering Physics Thursday: 09:00 - 11:45, weekly (from 17/10/24), EP

Angestrebte Lernergebnisse: Die Studierenden lernen die Grundlagen physikalischen Experimentierens, den Umgang mit moderner Messtechnik sowie Grundlagen der Datenerfassung und -analyse durch Anwendung geeigneter Hard- und Software. Sie vertiefen Vorlesungsstoff durch eigenes Experimentieren. Sie erwerben die Fertigkeiten zur selbstständigen Planung, Durchführung, Auswertung, Analyse und Protokollierung physikalischer Experimente sowie zur Präsentation der Ergebnisse unter Verwendung multimedialer Werkzeuge. Durch Arbeit in Gruppen erwerben sie Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikation. Im Begleitseminar erwerben sie neben erweiterten Kenntnissen zum Experimentieren durch Einordnung der gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen physikalischer Forschungsergebnisse Kompetenzen auf dem Gebiet des verantwortlichen wissenschaftlichen Handelns und Engagements. Inhalt: Einführung in Soft- und Hardware zur technisch-wissenschaftlichen Datenverarbeitung und -erfassung; Umgang mit moderner Messtechnik; Analyse und Bewertung von Messunsicherheiten; Anpassung von Funktionen an Messdaten; Durchführung von Versuchen aus den Gebieten Mechanik, Elektrizitätslehre, Optik, Kernstrahlung, Elektronik, Signalerfassung und -verarbeitung. Learning outcomes: Students will learn the basics of physical experimentation, the use of modern instrumentation, data collection, and analysis using appropriate hardware and software. They deepen lecture material through their own experiments. They acquire the skills for planning, implementation, evaluation, analysis, and reporting of physical experiments and presenting of results using multimedia tools. By working in groups, they gain competencies in the areas of teamwork and communication. Content: Introduction to software for scientific data analysis, analysis and assessment of measurement uncertainties, analysis and verification of measured data, fitting of functions to measured data, dealing with modern measurement techniques, carrying out experiments in the fields of mechanics, electricity, optics, nuclear radiation, electronics, signal acquisition, signal processing. Angestrebte Lernergebnisse: Die Studierenden lernen die Grundlagen physikalischen Experimentierens, den Umgang mit moderner Messtechnik sowie Grundlagen der Datenerfassung und -analyse durch Anwendung geeigneter Hard- und Software. Sie vertiefen Vorlesungsstoff durch eigenes Experimentieren. Sie erwerben die Fertigkeiten zur selbstständigen Planung, Durchführung, Auswertung, Analyse und Protokollierung physikalischer Experimente sowie zur Präsentation der Ergebnisse unter Verwendung multimedialer Werkzeuge. Durch Arbeit in Gruppen erwerben sie Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikation. Im Begleitseminar erwerben sie neben erweiterten Kenntnissen zum Experimentieren durch Einordnung der gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen physikalischer Forschungsergebnisse Kompetenzen auf dem Gebiet des verantwortlichen wissenschaftlichen Handelns und Engagements. Inhalt: Einführung in Soft- und Hardware zur technisch-wissenschaftlichen Datenverarbeitung und -erfassung; Umgang mit moderner Messtechnik; Analyse und Bewertung von Messunsicherheiten; Anpassung von Funktionen an Messdaten; Durchführung von Versuchen aus den Gebieten Mechanik, Elektrizitätslehre, Optik, Kernstrahlung, Elektronik, Signalerfassung und -verarbeitung. Learning outcomes: Students will learn the basics of physical experimentation, the use of modern instrumentation, data collection, and analysis using appropriate hardware and software. They deepen lecture material through their own experiments. They acquire the skills for planning, implementation, evaluation, analysis, and reporting of physical experiments and presenting of results using multimedia tools. By working in groups, they gain competencies in the areas of teamwork and communication. Content: Introduction to software for scientific data analysis, analysis and assessment of measurement uncertainties, analysis and verification of measured data, fitting of functions to measured data, dealing with modern measurement techniques, carrying out experiments in the fields of mechanics, electricity, optics, nuclear radiation, electronics, signal acquisition, signal processing.
Practical training - Christin Warns
Annette Berger
Udo Große, B. Sc.
Sinem Uluocak Dincer
Manuel Alejandro Zúñiga Inestroza
  • Erweiterungsfach
  • Bachelor
5.12.260 Coastal Conservation in the ‘Omics Age Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Iliana Baums
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat Eren
Dr. Iva Veseli
Kelly Gomez Campo
Joseane Aparecida Marques
Abigail Turnlund
  • Bachelor
5.04.4082 Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Introduction into advanced experimental techniques to probe electronic, optical, chemical and magnetic properties of surfaces at the nanoscale Introduction into measuring principles and the underlying physics, using topical data from the scientific literature Presentation and discussion of state of the art experiments based on scanning probe methods, for example on • conductance phenomena and charging effects in spatially confined systems • optical properties of dielectric and metallic nanostructures (optical phonons, excitons, plasmons) • electronic and luminescence behaviour of single molecules (density of states, frontier orbitals, luminescence and Raman response) Introduction into advanced experimental techniques to probe electronic, optical, chemical and magnetic properties of surfaces at the nanoscale Introduction into measuring principles and the underlying physics, using topical data from the scientific literature Presentation and discussion of state of the art experiments based on scanning probe methods, for example on • conductance phenomena and charging effects in spatially confined systems • optical properties of dielectric and metallic nanostructures (optical phonons, excitons, plasmons) • electronic and luminescence behaviour of single molecules (density of states, frontier orbitals, luminescence and Raman response)
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius
  • Master
5.06.M121 Ü Photovoltaics Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 22/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Martin Knipper
  • Master
5.02.976 Marine Biodiversity Research: Marine Biodiversity II The course times are not decided yet.
Die Veranstaltung findet in der Universität Oldenburg, am Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven und am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg am Meer mit den Abteilungen Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung und Meeresforschung in Wilhelmshaven statt. Die Veranstaltung findet in der Universität Oldenburg, am Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven und am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg am Meer mit den Abteilungen Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung und Meeresforschung in Wilhelmshaven statt.
Seminar - PD Dr. Mona Hoppenrath
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kröncke
Prof. Dr. Pedro Miguel Martinez Arbizu
Dr. Achim Wehrmann
Dr. Sven Rossel
  • Master
5.04.4070 Ü1 Übung zu Fluid Dynamics I / Fluiddynamik I Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Exercises 2 TutorInnen, der Physik
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila Canellas
  • Master
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Please subscribe as well in 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy in order to get all necessary information. Both seminar are usually offered parallel. - Demonstrate knowledge, fundamental understanding and critical awareness of current research fields in state-of-the-art optical microscopy. - Personal development through practice of communication, presentation, time management, teamwork, problem solving, project management, critical evaluation, numeracy, and IT skills. - Students are able to prepare a written scientific report on their own and present their results in an appropriate way to the group; in particular to understand, analyze, classify and work on an advanced microscopy topic, thoroughly study the recommended (and further) literature; find and critically check relevant literature make and incorporate their own thoughts, write down and present their results in a mathematically correct and comprehensible way, finish in time. Topics to be covered will include: microscopy, wave optics, optical imaging, spatial/temporal coherence, light generation/detection, e.g.: - Confocal microscopy - Superresolution microscopy - Single Molecule Imaging - Imaging of living tissue - Raman microscopy - Stochastic microscopy Please subscribe as well in 5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy in order to get all necessary information. Both seminar are usually offered parallel. - Demonstrate knowledge, fundamental understanding and critical awareness of current research fields in state-of-the-art optical microscopy. - Personal development through practice of communication, presentation, time management, teamwork, problem solving, project management, critical evaluation, numeracy, and IT skills. - Students are able to prepare a written scientific report on their own and present their results in an appropriate way to the group; in particular to understand, analyze, classify and work on an advanced microscopy topic, thoroughly study the recommended (and further) literature; find and critically check relevant literature make and incorporate their own thoughts, write down and present their results in a mathematically correct and comprehensible way, finish in time. Topics to be covered will include: microscopy, wave optics, optical imaging, spatial/temporal coherence, light generation/detection, e.g.: - Confocal microscopy - Superresolution microscopy - Single Molecule Imaging - Imaging of living tissue - Raman microscopy - Stochastic microscopy
Seminar - Markus Schellenberg
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
  • Master
5.06.M307 Report & Presentation External Training Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Seminar - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.08.4751 Ocean Governance and Policy Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Kimberley Turner (Peters), bitte verwenden Peters
  • Master
5.04.202 Atomic and Molecular Physics Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W03 1-161
Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 18/10/24), Location: W02 1-148
Dates on Friday, 07.02.2025 12:00 - 14:00, Location: W02 1-148

Die Studierenden erhalten Kenntnisse über die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Atom- und Molekülphysik. Sie erlangen die Fertigkeit, durch Diskussion zentraler Schlüsselexperimente zwischen klassischen und quantenmechanischen Beschreibungen mikroskopischer Materie zu unterscheiden. Sie erwerben die Kompetenz zur Kombination von Kenntnissen aus der Experimentalphysik mit mathematischen und theoretischen Fertigkeiten, um Phänomene der mikroskopischen Physik zu deuten und qualitativ bzw. quantitativ zu beschreiben. Außerdem erlangen sie Kompetenzen zur gesellschaftspolitischen Einordnung der Konsequenzen von physikalischer Forschung. Inhalte: Aufbau des Atoms; Photonen; Spektroskopische Methoden; Welleneigenschaften von Teilchen; Schrödinger-Gleichung, gebundene und ungebundene Zustände; Wasserstoffatom; Atome mit mehreren Elektronen; Atome in externen Feldern; Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten, Absorption und Emission; Laser; Molekülbindung, Rotation und Schwingung von Molekülen; Molekülspektren, Auswahlregeln für Übergänge; ESR und NMR. Die Studierenden erhalten Kenntnisse über die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Atom- und Molekülphysik. Sie erlangen die Fertigkeit, durch Diskussion zentraler Schlüsselexperimente zwischen klassischen und quantenmechanischen Beschreibungen mikroskopischer Materie zu unterscheiden. Sie erwerben die Kompetenz zur Kombination von Kenntnissen aus der Experimentalphysik mit mathematischen und theoretischen Fertigkeiten, um Phänomene der mikroskopischen Physik zu deuten und qualitativ bzw. quantitativ zu beschreiben. Außerdem erlangen sie Kompetenzen zur gesellschaftspolitischen Einordnung der Konsequenzen von physikalischer Forschung. Inhalte: Aufbau des Atoms; Photonen; Spektroskopische Methoden; Welleneigenschaften von Teilchen; Schrödinger-Gleichung, gebundene und ungebundene Zustände; Wasserstoffatom; Atome mit mehreren Elektronen; Atome in externen Feldern; Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten, Absorption und Emission; Laser; Molekülbindung, Rotation und Schwingung von Molekülen; Molekülspektren, Auswahlregeln für Übergänge; ESR und NMR.
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
  • Bachelor
5.04.624c Introduction to Renewable Energies Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Introduction into the areas of renewable energies, with special emphasis on energy conversion and utilization, based on complex physical models. The student will be able to understand the fundamental principles of the field renewable energies. Contents: Energy supply and demand; energy use & climate change, energy resources; renewable energy sources (resources, technology & application): photovoltaics, solar thermal systems and power plants, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass; hydrogen technology and fuel cells; energy storage; sustainable energy supply. Introduction into the areas of renewable energies, with special emphasis on energy conversion and utilization, based on complex physical models. The student will be able to understand the fundamental principles of the field renewable energies. Contents: Energy supply and demand; energy use & climate change, energy resources; renewable energy sources (resources, technology & application): photovoltaics, solar thermal systems and power plants, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass; hydrogen technology and fuel cells; energy storage; sustainable energy supply.
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
  • Bachelor
5.08.3502 Scientific writing and presentation Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar 2 Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
Dr. rer. nat. Adenike Adenaya
  • Master
5.06.M106 Renewable Energy Laboratories Monday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 11/11/24)
Thursday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/11/24)
Dates on Tuesday, 22.10.2024 14:00 - 16:00

Practical training - Dr. Martin Knipper
Andreas Günther
Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Behrendt
  • Master
5.04.4056 Modern Optics - Nonlinear Optics Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

The aim of this lecture is to give students a broad overview in the rich field of nonlinear optical phenomena. The students will learn how electromagnetic waves nonlinearly interact with matter and how – depending on the light intensity – light at new frequencies can be generated due to nonlinear effects. Basic nonlinear effects in all kinds of nonlinear media, e.g. gases, liquids or solids will be discussed. The students will acquire an understanding that nonlinear effects are ubiquitous in the laser community nowadays, both in science and in technology The aim of this lecture is to give students a broad overview in the rich field of nonlinear optical phenomena. The students will learn how electromagnetic waves nonlinearly interact with matter and how – depending on the light intensity – light at new frequencies can be generated due to nonlinear effects. Basic nonlinear effects in all kinds of nonlinear media, e.g. gases, liquids or solids will be discussed. The students will acquire an understanding that nonlinear effects are ubiquitous in the laser community nowadays, both in science and in technology
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
  • Master
5.02.766 Current methods in Plant Science - Ecology, Phylogeny and Molecular Biology Dates on Monday, 02.12.2024 - Friday, 06.12.2024, Monday, 09.12.2024 - Friday, 13.12.2024, Monday, 16.12.2024 - Friday, 20.12.2024, Mond ...(more)
Vorbesprechungstermin wird noch bekanntgegeben. Preliminary meeting: to be announced Vorbesprechungstermin wird noch bekanntgegeben. Preliminary meeting: to be announced
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
Dr. Gulzar Khan
Dr. Klaus Bernhard von Hagen
Dr. rer. nat. Maria Will
Dr. Jessica Tay Ying Ling
Henry Spencer Badet
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
Christoph Nehrke
Iraj Mehregan
Niels Kappert, M. Sc.
  • Master
5.04.4213 Ü3 Machine Learning I - Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 22/10/24)

Exercises - Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke
Yidi Ke
  • Master
5.06.M123 Ü Renewable Energy Heat Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises 2 Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.12.261 Readings/Exercises in Coastal conservation Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, fortnightly (from 16/10/24)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Iliana Baums
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat Eren
Dr. Iva Veseli
  • Bachelor
5.12.2511 Discussions on aquatic microbiology Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

In this learning session we will build our knowledge of aquatic microbiology using active participation and research articles In this learning session we will build our knowledge of aquatic microbiology using active participation and research articles
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
Dr. Gerrit Wienhausen
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
  • Master
5.02.656 Ecology, evolution and sensory biology of birds Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W04 1-171
Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Location: W04 1-171
Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Location: W04 1-171
Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W04 1-171
Dates on Monday, 16.12.2024, Monday, 24.03.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: V03 0-C002, V03 0-E004

The lecture will be held in English. Guest students (and LÖK students) are not required to attend the seminar. Birds play an important role in basic research and nature conservation. The lecture series provides a general background and highlights individual case studies to teach the diverse physiological adaptations of birds to their environment, their diet, their habitat selection, aspects of communication, bird migration, their reproductive ecology, life history, population biology as well as various areas of their behavioural ecology, from sexual selection to mating and helper systems. Module bio655: ONE of the courses 5.02.658 and 5.02.659 must be chosen. Note: Students who would like to study bio655 from another subject area (outside BIO and LÖK) are requested to get in touch with the relevant contact person at the examination office as soon as possible. The lecture will be held in English. Guest students (and LÖK students) are not required to attend the seminar. Birds play an important role in basic research and nature conservation. The lecture series provides a general background and highlights individual case studies to teach the diverse physiological adaptations of birds to their environment, their diet, their habitat selection, aspects of communication, bird migration, their reproductive ecology, life history, population biology as well as various areas of their behavioural ecology, from sexual selection to mating and helper systems. Module bio655: ONE of the courses 5.02.658 and 5.02.659 must be chosen. Note: Students who would like to study bio655 from another subject area (outside BIO and LÖK) are requested to get in touch with the relevant contact person at the examination office as soon as possible.
Lecture 4 Prof. Dr. Sandra Bouwhuis
Prof. Dr. Christine Köppl
Dr. Ulrike Langemann
Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel
Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Prof. Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann
Dr. Wieland Heim
Matthias Weissensteiner
Pablo Salmon
Robert Rollins
  • Master
5.13.532 Ecophysiology of prokaryotes Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 - Friday, 21.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025 - Friday, 28.02.2025, Monday, 03.03.2025 - Friday, 07.03.2025, Monday, 10.03.2025 - Friday, 14.03.2025 10:00 - 18:00, Location: W15 0-013 (Labor), W15 0-052 (Labor)
The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course. The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.
Exercises - Dr. Bert Engelen
Julius Degenhardt
  • Master
5.06.M119 Energy Systems Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Dates on Tuesday, 21.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00, Location: V03 0-D002

%%Discussion of the following questions:%% - How to supply energy to all people? - How will energy production/consumption look like in the future? - What are the available resources? - Which technologies will be available? - What are the conditions? - How can energy be used in human-friendly manner? %%Topics:%% Energy basics, energy resources, global energy overview, energy scenarios, techno-economic aspects of energy use (external costs, life cycle analysis, ..), environmental effects of energy use (greenhouse gas emissions, ozone, ..), conventional and advanced power plant technologies, power distribution, advanced storage technologies, solar thermal power plants, geothermal and ocean energies %%Discussion of the following questions:%% - How to supply energy to all people? - How will energy production/consumption look like in the future? - What are the available resources? - Which technologies will be available? - What are the conditions? - How can energy be used in human-friendly manner? %%Topics:%% Energy basics, energy resources, global energy overview, energy scenarios, techno-economic aspects of energy use (external costs, life cycle analysis, ..), environmental effects of energy use (greenhouse gas emissions, ozone, ..), conventional and advanced power plant technologies, power distribution, advanced storage technologies, solar thermal power plants, geothermal and ocean energies
Lecture - Dr. Martin Knipper
Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.02.951 Functional ecology of plants – from organ to ecosystem The course times are not decided yet.
Termine nach Vereinbarung Termine nach Vereinbarung
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
Dr. Jessica Tay Ying Ling
  • Master
5.08.2481 Basics of NMR Spectroscopy Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 - Friday, 21.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025 - Friday, 28.02.2025 09:00 - 17:00
• Preparatory meeting: Place and time will be announced. • This two-weeks-course will take place during the semester break. • This lecture course accompanies the exercise course and participation in the corresponding exercise course (Ü Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie in WiSe24-25) is mandatory. • This course comprises of lectures, seminars and tutorials about applications of high-field NMR spectroscopy in the environmental science, chemistry, and biology. • Preparatory meeting: Place and time will be announced. • This two-weeks-course will take place during the semester break. • This lecture course accompanies the exercise course and participation in the corresponding exercise course (Ü Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie in WiSe24-25) is mandatory. • This course comprises of lectures, seminars and tutorials about applications of high-field NMR spectroscopy in the environmental science, chemistry, and biology.
Lecture - Dr. Sahithya Phani Babu Vemulapalli
  • Master
5.04.4213 Ü1 Machine Learning I - Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 29/10/24), Location: W02 1-128, W02 2-216

Exercises - Till Kahlke
Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke
  • Master
5.04.4668 Photonics Thursday: 10:00 - 13:15, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Starting from basics, the module yields advanced knowledge of the physics of lasers, of interaction of optical radiation with matter, optoelectronic principles and components as, e.g. laser beams, different laser types, light emitters, detectors, modulators. The students acquire skills in working with lasers and optoelectronic components. Content: Fundamentals of lasers (optical gain, optical Resonator, laser beams), laser types, laser safety; electronic bandstructures in matter, semiconductor junctions, radiation laws, light emitting diodes, photodetectors, solar cells Starting from basics, the module yields advanced knowledge of the physics of lasers, of interaction of optical radiation with matter, optoelectronic principles and components as, e.g. laser beams, different laser types, light emitters, detectors, modulators. The students acquire skills in working with lasers and optoelectronic components. Content: Fundamentals of lasers (optical gain, optical Resonator, laser beams), laser types, laser safety; electronic bandstructures in matter, semiconductor junctions, radiation laws, light emitting diodes, photodetectors, solar cells
Lecture - Ulrich Teubner
  • Master
5.04.4040 Modern Microcontroller-Their Architecture, Interfaces and Programming Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Understanding modern microcontrollers, fundamental ability to design applications in remote sensing, process and experiment control, and internet of things Understanding modern microcontrollers, fundamental ability to design applications in remote sensing, process and experiment control, and internet of things
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Achim Kittel
  • Master
5.04.652 Hyperloop Technologies Monday: 18:00 - 19:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

This is the Bachelor course. The Module "Hyperloop Technologies" is recommended for 3rd Semester students and above, although there are also some projects for earlier semesters available. For the Master course search for "Hyperloop Engineering". The module Hyperloop Technologies (PB / Specialization module, e.g. Lab Project II; 6CP) in the upcoming winter term will be held in collaboration with the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich. Part of the course will be an online seminar with presentations from students and industry experts about state-of-the-art research topics on Hyperloop Technology. The course grading will be completed by a project e.g. a written report including the assessment of a presented topic or a report or presentation about a new topic of Hyperloop technology. Details: The Seminar with the ETH Zürich will start on the 12.10.2020 18:00-19:00 and will be held biweekly (26.10. / 09.11. / 23.11. / 07.12.). For further information visit: Additionally, there will be meetings every Tuesday 18:00-20:00 and some additional dates which will be announced in the Information and Regulations document for this module. The topics for the projects, e.g. lab projects, reports and presentations will be discussed in an additional meeting. This is the Bachelor course. The Module "Hyperloop Technologies" is recommended for 3rd Semester students and above, although there are also some projects for earlier semesters available. For the Master course search for "Hyperloop Engineering". The module Hyperloop Technologies (PB / Specialization module, e.g. Lab Project II; 6CP) in the upcoming winter term will be held in collaboration with the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich. Part of the course will be an online seminar with presentations from students and industry experts about state-of-the-art research topics on Hyperloop Technology. The course grading will be completed by a project e.g. a written report including the assessment of a presented topic or a report or presentation about a new topic of Hyperloop technology. Details: The Seminar with the ETH Zürich will start on the 12.10.2020 18:00-19:00 and will be held biweekly (26.10. / 09.11. / 23.11. / 07.12.). For further information visit: Additionally, there will be meetings every Tuesday 18:00-20:00 and some additional dates which will be announced in the Information and Regulations document for this module. The topics for the projects, e.g. lab projects, reports and presentations will be discussed in an additional meeting.
Project - Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Thomas Schüning
Lukas Eschment
  • Bachelor
5.13.513 Microbiological Colloquium Thursday: 12:15 - 14:00, fortnightly (from 17/10/24)
Dates on Thursday, 19.12.2024 12:15 - 14:00

Detailed program will be announced Detailed program will be announced
Colloquium 1 Dr. Gerrit Wienhausen
Lehrende der Mikrobiologie
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.04.256b Introduction to Matlab Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

This course is geared towards Engineering Physics students in their 3rd Semester. Please consider subscribing for an other lecture if you are already in a higher semester or even in your Master study. Master students are allowed to attend but do not get any CP because this is an undergraduate course. The course contains a lecture (Mondays) and an exercise (Fridays). There will be a programming project in the end of the semester including an oral colloquium about your project work. Students acquire knowledge of the most important ideas and methods of computer science including one programming language. Content: - General fundamentals of computer systems - Input/output - Numbers, characters, arrays, strings - Algorithms - Programming language (Matlab) - Functions (procedural programming) - Program files (modular programming) - Introduction to GUI programming This course is geared towards Engineering Physics students in their 3rd Semester. Please consider subscribing for an other lecture if you are already in a higher semester or even in your Master study. Master students are allowed to attend but do not get any CP because this is an undergraduate course. The course contains a lecture (Mondays) and an exercise (Fridays). There will be a programming project in the end of the semester including an oral colloquium about your project work. Students acquire knowledge of the most important ideas and methods of computer science including one programming language. Content: - General fundamentals of computer systems - Input/output - Numbers, characters, arrays, strings - Algorithms - Programming language (Matlab) - Functions (procedural programming) - Program files (modular programming) - Introduction to GUI programming
Lecture - Markus Schellenberg
  • Bachelor
5.02.706 Ecological niches and species movements Thursday: 14:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)
Dates on Thursday, 10.10.2024 14:00 - 15:00

Lecture 2 Dr. Gulzar Khan
Dr. Yulia Kreye
  • Master
5.03.323 Sustainable tourism Thursday: 12:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 05/12/24)

1 - 2 Exkursionstag: Termin wird rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Semesters bekanntgegeben! 1 - 2 Exkursionstag: Termin wird rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Semesters bekanntgegeben!
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose
  • Master
5.02.001 II Introduction to Unix and Programming for Biologists Friday: 08:45 - 09:45, weekly (from 18/10/24)

We demonstrate computer skills and programming in weekly lectures. Students will obtain a workpackage that they can use to learn and practice course contents after each lecture. We demonstrate computer skills and programming in weekly lectures. Students will obtain a workpackage that they can use to learn and practice course contents after each lecture.
Seminar - Dr. Stefan Dennenmoser
Prof. Dr. Arne Nolte
  • Master
5.08.017 Instructions for scientific work: Marine Conservation Monday: 16:15 - 17:30, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Iliana Baums
  • Bachelor
5.08.031 Instructions for scientific work: Pelagic Microbiology Thursday: 08:30 - 10:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W15 0-027
Dates on Thursday, 06.02.2025, Thursday, 13.02.2025, Thursday, 20.02.2025, Thursday, 27.02.2025, Thursday, 06.03.2025, Thursday, 13.03.2025, Thursday, 20.03.2025, Thursday, 27.03.2025 08:30 - 10:00, Location: W15 0-027, W15 0-023, (W15 1-112)

- also during the semester break - - also during the semester break -
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Thorsten Henning Brinkhoff
Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
  • Bachelor
5.04.612 Ü2 Exercises Mechanics Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Exercises - Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
TutorInnen, der Physik
Annika Gaiser
  • Bachelor
5.02.693 Experiments on Cellular Signaltransduction and Enzymology Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 13:00 - 14:00, Monday, 06.01.2025 - Friday, 10.01.2025, Monday, 13.01.2025 - Friday, 17.01.2025, Monday, 20.01.2025 - Friday, 24.01.2025, Monday, 27.01.2025 - Friday, 31.01.2025 09:00 - 18:00
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Dipl.-Chem.
Dr. Alexander Scholten
  • Master
5.02.702 Plant Biodiversity Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
Dr. Klaus Bernhard von Hagen
  • Master
5.07.005 Colloquia Series Physical Chemistry Monday: 17:00 - 19:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Colloquium 2 Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery
Dr. Carsten Dosche
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Klüner
Prof. Dr. Gunther Wittstock
  • Promotion
5.02.955 Systematics and Evolutionary Biology - Morphology, Phylogenetic and Evolution of basal Bilateria The course times are not decided yet.
Eine Absprache ist jederzeit möglich. Kontakt: oder Sprechstunde Mi. 11:30-12:30 Uhr Eine Absprache ist jederzeit möglich. Kontakt: oder Sprechstunde Mi. 11:30-12:30 Uhr
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Wilko Ahlrichs
Prof. Dr. Olaf Bininda-Emonds
  • Master
5.02.811 External Research Project The course times are not decided yet.
Termine nach Vereinbarung / Times and Rooms differ External research projects are done on an individual basis. They are supervised by one person from Oldenburg and a local supervisor at any university or research institution in Germany and abroad. Before you can start, you should contact Prof. Gerhard Zotz. Please prepare a one-page outline of the project and send it to Prof. Zotz ( The outline should contain the following information: · Persons involved (in Oldenburg and the receiving institution · A brief outline of the theoretical background of the planned study, in which you also detail your precise role in the project – the basic idea is that you will plan an entire independent study, in which you participate in the design and execution of data collection, the analysis and the presentation and interpretation of the results (in writing and possibly orally) – this module is NOT meant to be a mere training opportunity to learn, e.g., particular methods · A timeline · The grading is done by the professor / teaching staff from Oldenburg, but this can be done in close collaboration with the external researcher. Please specify any arrangements in your outline · Sign up for the course in StudIP · Once you get a GO from Prof. Zotz, you will be accepted in StudIP · Not later than that, supply a Learning Agreement for External Research Module (so be sent to the Prüfungsamt) Please contact Gerhard Zotz (, if you have any further questions. Termine nach Vereinbarung / Times and Rooms differ External research projects are done on an individual basis. They are supervised by one person from Oldenburg and a local supervisor at any university or research institution in Germany and abroad. Before you can start, you should contact Prof. Gerhard Zotz. Please prepare a one-page outline of the project and send it to Prof. Zotz ( The outline should contain the following information: · Persons involved (in Oldenburg and the receiving institution · A brief outline of the theoretical background of the planned study, in which you also detail your precise role in the project – the basic idea is that you will plan an entire independent study, in which you participate in the design and execution of data collection, the analysis and the presentation and interpretation of the results (in writing and possibly orally) – this module is NOT meant to be a mere training opportunity to learn, e.g., particular methods · A timeline · The grading is done by the professor / teaching staff from Oldenburg, but this can be done in close collaboration with the external researcher. Please specify any arrangements in your outline · Sign up for the course in StudIP · Once you get a GO from Prof. Zotz, you will be accepted in StudIP · Not later than that, supply a Learning Agreement for External Research Module (so be sent to the Prüfungsamt) Please contact Gerhard Zotz (, if you have any further questions.
Seminar - Lehrende der Biologie
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
  • Master
5.08.4631 Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology Dates on Monday, 09.12.2024 - Tuesday, 10.12.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Wednesday, 11.12.2024 - Thursday, 12.12.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Monday, 16.12.2024 - Tuesday, 17.12.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Location: W15 0-023, W15 1-146
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Thorsten Henning Brinkhoff
Mathias Wolterink
Silke Ammermann
  • Master
5.12.263 Applied Microbial ‘Omics Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, fortnightly (from 23/10/24)

Seminar 1 Dr. Iva Veseli
Prof. Dr. Iliana Baums
  • Bachelor
5.08.4591 Ecology of Macrobenthos Communities Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer Vorlesung und dazu begleitenden Seminaren, die von den Studierenden zu den jeweiligen Themen gehalten werden. Die Prüfungsleistung des Moduls mar459 - Macrobenthos communities besteht aus zwei Teilleistungen. Eine Präsentation in der Veranstaltung 5.08.4592 Dangerous marine animals: Biology, ecology and first aid und eine Präsentation im Seminar: Ecology of Macrobenthos Communities. Die Note setzt sich aus beiden Teilleistungen zusammen. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einer Vorlesung und dazu begleitenden Seminaren, die von den Studierenden zu den jeweiligen Themen gehalten werden. Die Prüfungsleistung des Moduls mar459 - Macrobenthos communities besteht aus zwei Teilleistungen. Eine Präsentation in der Veranstaltung 5.08.4592 Dangerous marine animals: Biology, ecology and first aid und eine Präsentation im Seminar: Ecology of Macrobenthos Communities. Die Note setzt sich aus beiden Teilleistungen zusammen.
Seminar - Dr. Sven Rohde
  • Master
5.02.871 Communicating biology Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Seminar 4 Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
Prof. Dr. Arne Nolte
Prof. Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
Dr. Gulzar Khan
Dr. Stefan Dennenmoser
Dr. Wieland Heim
  • Master
5.04.656 Seminar Advanced Topics in Engineering Physics Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Participation = 14 times during 1st to 3rd semester (register for general information) Presentation = ONCE in the last (4th semester). Register and chose a group to book the date for the presentation. Master thesis work in progress or finished; at least one successfully completed specialization module. The seminar is open to all EP students, bachelor as well as master students. If you're into your master thesis or finished up already please propose the topic of your talk and include an abstract, maximum quarter page size, pdf format. You have to book the desired date of your presentation via StudIP by checking into "Participants", ticking in the left hand menu "Groups" and proceed with the date of your choice. Get yourself registered by clicking the second button from the right "Become a memeber of group..." and submit name, topic, and abstract. Each date is to be filled with 2 participants. You'll see immediately the actual status of the schedule (cf. Documents) It is mandatory that you upload above mentioned data on StudIP, e.g. titel & abstract (template: date_name_title.pdf). The presentation and written notes need to be uploaded to StudIP "Documents" likewise at least a week before your scheduled date. Participation = 14 times during 1st to 3rd semester (register for general information) Presentation = ONCE in the last (4th semester). Register and chose a group to book the date for the presentation. Master thesis work in progress or finished; at least one successfully completed specialization module. The seminar is open to all EP students, bachelor as well as master students. If you're into your master thesis or finished up already please propose the topic of your talk and include an abstract, maximum quarter page size, pdf format. You have to book the desired date of your presentation via StudIP by checking into "Participants", ticking in the left hand menu "Groups" and proceed with the date of your choice. Get yourself registered by clicking the second button from the right "Become a memeber of group..." and submit name, topic, and abstract. Each date is to be filled with 2 participants. You'll see immediately the actual status of the schedule (cf. Documents) It is mandatory that you upload above mentioned data on StudIP, e.g. titel & abstract (template: date_name_title.pdf). The presentation and written notes need to be uploaded to StudIP "Documents" likewise at least a week before your scheduled date.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
  • Master
5.02.957 Systematics and Evolutionary Biology - Molecular Systematics The course times are not decided yet.
Termine nach Vereinbarung Termine nach Vereinbarung
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Olaf Bininda-Emonds
  • Master
5.04.4222 Spezialkurs im Strahlenschutz nach Strahlenschutz und Röntgenverodnung (Spezialkurs Strahlenschutzseminar) The course times are not decided yet.
Der Spezialkurs für Medizinphysikexperten kann nach erfolgreichem Abschluß eines Grundkurses im Strahlenschutz besucht werden. Er vermittelt das nach der Richtlinie Strahlenschutz in der Medizin geforderte Wissen und soll ferner auf aktuelle Themen der Strahlenforschung eingehen. Themen • Stellung und Pflichten des Strahlenschutzbeauftragten • Strahlenschutz beim Umgang mit offenen radioaktiven Stoffen • PET-CT und Radiojodtherapie • Strahlenschutz bei Strahlenbehandlungen • Strahlenschutz bei Therapiesimulatoren und bildgebenden Verfahren bei der Bestrahlungsplanung • Spezielle neue Techniken der Strahlentherapie wie IMRT, IMAT, IGRT und IORT • Praktische Demonstrationen Der Spezialkurs für Medizinphysikexperten kann nach erfolgreichem Abschluß eines Grundkurses im Strahlenschutz besucht werden. Er vermittelt das nach der Richtlinie Strahlenschutz in der Medizin geforderte Wissen und soll ferner auf aktuelle Themen der Strahlenforschung eingehen. Themen • Stellung und Pflichten des Strahlenschutzbeauftragten • Strahlenschutz beim Umgang mit offenen radioaktiven Stoffen • PET-CT und Radiojodtherapie • Strahlenschutz bei Strahlenbehandlungen • Strahlenschutz bei Therapiesimulatoren und bildgebenden Verfahren bei der Bestrahlungsplanung • Spezielle neue Techniken der Strahlentherapie wie IMRT, IMAT, IGRT und IORT • Praktische Demonstrationen
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
Heiner von Boetticher
Karl-Joachim Doerner
Antje Ruehmann, Ph.D.
Hauke Fischer, M. Sc.
  • Master
5.08.4332 Remote sensing Ocean, practical course Dates on Monday, 20.01.2025 12:45 - 13:45, Monday, 03.02.2025 - Friday, 07.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025 - Friday, 14.02.2025 08:00 - 16:00
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
  • Master
5.07.908 Seminar Modern Electrochemistry Tuesday: 08:15 - 09:45, weekly (from 15/10/24)

The Seminar illuminates the border between accepted knowledge and open research question exemplified by the research work of the participants. Methodic aspects will also be covered. The Seminar illuminates the border between accepted knowledge and open research question exemplified by the research work of the participants. Methodic aspects will also be covered.
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Gunther Wittstock
  • Promotion
5.13.640g Research project - Seminar The course times are not decided yet.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Sinikka Lennartz
  • Master
5.06.M305 Internship The course times are not decided yet.
miscellaneous - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.06.M315 Ü Hidden Champions in RE Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
Dr. Alexandra Pehlken
  • Master
5.07.912 Seminar "Modern Theoretical Chemistry" Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Thorsten Klüner
  • Promotion
5.08.3591 Marine Zooplankton – Their characteristics and roles in ecosystems Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W15 1-146
Dates on Wednesday, 19.02.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: A11 1-101 (Hörsaal B)

Seminar 2 Dr. Silke Laakmann
  • Master
5.04.618 Ü3 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering I, exercise Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises 2 PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
Rebecca Felsheim
  • Bachelor
5.08.4362 Marine Interfaces Monday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
  • Master
5.04.618 Ü2 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering I, exercise Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Exercises 2 PD Dr. Stefan Uppenkamp, Dipl.-Phys.
Tom Henkel
  • Bachelor
5.06.M308 Resilient Energy Systems Friday: 10:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Lecture - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.08.4333 Seminar on the practical course Marine Interfaces + Remote Sensing Ocean Dates on Monday, 20.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00, Monday, 03.02.2025 - Friday, 07.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025 - Friday, 14.02.2025 16:00 - 17:30
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
  • Master
5.13.506 Scientific writing and presentation Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 22/10/24), Location: W15 0-023, W16A 004

This course is a "Broadening seminar". This course is a "Broadening seminar".
Seminar 2 Dr. Bert Engelen
Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke
Julius Degenhardt
Dr.rer.nat. Astrid Behrends
Ivonne Vetter
  • Master
5.06.M125 Basics of Wind Energy Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 05/12/24), Location: W16A 004
Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 06/12/24), Location: W16A 004
Dates on Friday, 31.01.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Location: W32 0-005

Lecture - Dr. Michael Hölling
  • Master
5.06.M119 Ü Energy Systems Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 21/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Martin Knipper
Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.04.302 Ü2 Exercise: Solid State Physics Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W02 1-143, W02 1-122

Exercises - Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius
Ghada Missaoui
  • Bachelor
5.04.645 Control Systems / Control Theory Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 18/10/24), Location: W16A 015/016

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke
  • Bachelor
5.02.608 Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 - Friday, 18.10.2024, Monday, 21.10.2024 - Friday, 25.10.2024, Monday, 28.10.2024 - Wednesday, 30.10.2024, Friday, 01.11.2024 10:00 - 18:00
Exercises - Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Christoph Jüschke
  • Master
5.06.M106 Ü Renewable Energy Laboratories Monday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Tuesday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)
Wednesday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Thursday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)
Friday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Martin Knipper
Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
Andreas Günther
  • Master
5.04.663 Acoustical Metrology and Virtual Acoustics - Akustische Messtechnik Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Inhalt: - Nichtlineare und hochauflösende akustische Messverfahren - Inverse Probleme und Regularisierung - Akustische Kamera - Akustische Raumsimulation - virtuelle Akustik: binaurale Wiedergabe, Lautsprecherwiedergabe (Ambisonics, Wavefield synthesis) Inhalt: - Nichtlineare und hochauflösende akustische Messverfahren - Inverse Probleme und Regularisierung - Akustische Kamera - Akustische Raumsimulation - virtuelle Akustik: binaurale Wiedergabe, Lautsprecherwiedergabe (Ambisonics, Wavefield synthesis)
Lecture 4 Prof. Dr. Matthias Blau
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bitzer
Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
Prof. Dr. Simon Doclo
  • Master
5.04.256a Introduction to Matlab Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

This course is geared towards Engineering Physics students in their 3rd Semester. Please consider subscribing for an other lecture if you are already in a higher semester or even in your Master study. Master students are allowed to attend but do not get any CP because this is an undergraduate course. The course contains a lecture (Mondays) and an exercise (Fridays). There will be exercises and a programming project in the end of the semester including an oral colloquium about your project work. Students acquire knowledge of the most important ideas and methods of computer science including one programming language. Content: - General fundamentals of computer systems - Input/output - Numbers, characters, arrays, strings - Algorithms - Programming language (Matlab) - Functions (procedural programming) - Program files (modular programming) - Introduction to GUI programming This course is geared towards Engineering Physics students in their 3rd Semester. Please consider subscribing for an other lecture if you are already in a higher semester or even in your Master study. Master students are allowed to attend but do not get any CP because this is an undergraduate course. The course contains a lecture (Mondays) and an exercise (Fridays). There will be exercises and a programming project in the end of the semester including an oral colloquium about your project work. Students acquire knowledge of the most important ideas and methods of computer science including one programming language. Content: - General fundamentals of computer systems - Input/output - Numbers, characters, arrays, strings - Algorithms - Programming language (Matlab) - Functions (procedural programming) - Program files (modular programming) - Introduction to GUI programming
Lecture - Markus Schellenberg
  • Bachelor
5.08.033 Tutorial on scientific work: marine isotope geochemistry Wednesday: 09:00 - 11:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Seminar 2 Dr. Philipp Böning
Dr. Claudia Ehlert
Prof. Dr. Katharina Pahnke-May
Dr. Torben Struve
  • Bachelor
5.04.255 Ü2 Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C++ and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C++ Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples
Exercises 2 Stefan Harfst
Finn Biesterfeldt
  • Bachelor
5.04.4230 Oberseminar „Journal Club“ Speech Technology and Hearing Aids Thursday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

The participants are actually making a distance from their daily own research thread and implementation towards a wider perspective. They pursue other topics of colleagues and related scientists, which seem to be outside the personal scope or interest, and will yet contribute useful commentary and suggestions. To this, we shall seek literature and pursue intrinsically-motivated study in neighboring and overarching fields of research and education. The results of the study will be grouped systematically and presented in the seminar accordingly. The participants cooperatively work on consensus regarding the scientific merit of publications in terms fundamental relevance or potential utility for own scientific generalization. The themes of the seminar comprise the whole bandwidth of scientific literature on signal processing, machine learning and acoustics with applications in speech technology and hearing aids, for instance, single- and multichannel noise reduction, acoustic sensor networks, digital speech communication, binaural transmission and perception. The graduate participants prove the enhanced perspective obtained by the seminar by enhanced motivation and practice for proposal writing. The undergraduate participants can deliver an oral examination or contribute a formal presentation on a given topic. The participants are actually making a distance from their daily own research thread and implementation towards a wider perspective. They pursue other topics of colleagues and related scientists, which seem to be outside the personal scope or interest, and will yet contribute useful commentary and suggestions. To this, we shall seek literature and pursue intrinsically-motivated study in neighboring and overarching fields of research and education. The results of the study will be grouped systematically and presented in the seminar accordingly. The participants cooperatively work on consensus regarding the scientific merit of publications in terms fundamental relevance or potential utility for own scientific generalization. The themes of the seminar comprise the whole bandwidth of scientific literature on signal processing, machine learning and acoustics with applications in speech technology and hearing aids, for instance, single- and multichannel noise reduction, acoustic sensor networks, digital speech communication, binaural transmission and perception. The graduate participants prove the enhanced perspective obtained by the seminar by enhanced motivation and practice for proposal writing. The undergraduate participants can deliver an oral examination or contribute a formal presentation on a given topic.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Gerald Enzner
  • Master
5.06.M125 Ü Basics of Wind Energy Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture. Please note: No need to register for this exercise session, which is meant only to block the room for students to prepare for and follow up the corresponding lecture.
Exercises - Dr. Michael Hölling
  • Master
5.12.262 Introduction to Popular ‘Omics Strategies Monday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Lecture 2 Dr. Iva Veseli
Prof. Dr. Iliana Baums
  • Bachelor
5.06.M121 Photovoltaics Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Dates on Wednesday, 15.01.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Location: V03 0-D002

Lecture - Dr. Martin Knipper
  • Master
5.04.641 Production Engineering Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)

Aim: Achieving basic knowledge on how to produce objects with defined geometry and properties in an effective and economic way. Content: Overview on manufacturing technologies, like Casting and other primary shaping processes Plastic deformation processes Cutting and separating processes Joining processes Coating processes Changing material properties Aim: Achieving basic knowledge on how to produce objects with defined geometry and properties in an effective and economic way. Content: Overview on manufacturing technologies, like Casting and other primary shaping processes Plastic deformation processes Cutting and separating processes Joining processes Coating processes Changing material properties
Lecture 2 Florian Schmidt
Sven Carsten Lange
  • Bachelor
5.04.638 Ü3 Exercises Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering III Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Exercises 2 Dr.-Ing. Aleksej Chinaev
Siegfried Gündert
M. Sc. Jiatong Li
  • Bachelor
5.04.6570 Fundamentals of Optics Wednesday: 14:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: (T141 (in Emden))
Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 24/10/24), Location: W02 1-156, W02 1-143

The students acquire broad theoretical and experimental knowledge of optics together with the necessary physical background. In the laboratory they acquire practical skills during application of their knowledge from lecture. The module prepares the students to work in the field of optical science and engineering in general, and yields the base for all further specialisations within the field of optics and laser technology. Content: Fundamental and advanced concepts of optics. Topics include: reflection and refraction, optical properties of matter, polarisation, dielectric function and complex index of refraction, evanescent waves, dispersion and absorption of light, Seidel’s abberations, Sellmeier’s equations, optical systems, wave optics, Fourier analysis, wave packets, chirp, interference, interferometry, spatial and temporal coherence, diffraction (Huygens, Fraunhofer, Fresnel), focussing and optical resolution, brilliance, Fourier optics, optics at short wavelengths (extreme UV and X-rays). The students acquire broad theoretical and experimental knowledge of optics together with the necessary physical background. In the laboratory they acquire practical skills during application of their knowledge from lecture. The module prepares the students to work in the field of optical science and engineering in general, and yields the base for all further specialisations within the field of optics and laser technology. Content: Fundamental and advanced concepts of optics. Topics include: reflection and refraction, optical properties of matter, polarisation, dielectric function and complex index of refraction, evanescent waves, dispersion and absorption of light, Seidel’s abberations, Sellmeier’s equations, optical systems, wave optics, Fourier analysis, wave packets, chirp, interference, interferometry, spatial and temporal coherence, diffraction (Huygens, Fraunhofer, Fresnel), focussing and optical resolution, brilliance, Fourier optics, optics at short wavelengths (extreme UV and X-rays).
Lecture 4 Ulrich Teubner
  • Master
5.02.949 Animal Navigation - Magnetoreception in Insects The course times are not decided yet.
Please contact Dr. Pauline Fleischmann for individual timing and project topic. Please contact Dr. Pauline Fleischmann for individual timing and project topic.
Seminar - Dr. Pauline Fleischmann
Chiara Tenneriello
  • Master
5.02.658 Methods in Field Ornithology (Option I) Tuesday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)
Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Modul bio655: Aus den Veranstaltungen 5.02.658 und 5.02.659 muss EINE gewählt werden. Modul bio655: Aus den Veranstaltungen 5.02.658 und 5.02.659 muss EINE gewählt werden.
Seminar 4 Prof. Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann
Dr. Ulrike Langemann
  • Master
5.02.691 Molecular basics of cellular signaltransduction Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 13:00 - 14:00, Monday, 02.12.2024 - Friday, 06.12.2024, Monday, 09.12.2024 - Tuesday, 10.12.2024 10:00 - 12:00, Monday, 17.02.2025, Monday, 17.03.2025 10:00 - 11:30, Location: W04 1-172, W04 1-162, (W03 1-152)
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Dipl.-Chem.
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.13.531 Ecophysiology of prokaryotes Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 - Friday, 21.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025 - Friday, 28.02.2025, Monday, 03.03.2025 - Friday, 07.03.2025, Monday, 10.03.2025 - Thursday, 13.03.2025 08:00 - 10:00, Friday, 14.03.2025 08:00 - 13:00
The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course. The date for a pre-meeting will be announced. If are registered for the “Seminar: 5.13.531 - Ecophysiology of prokaryotes”, you are also automatically signed in for the practical course.
Seminar - Dr. Bert Engelen
Julius Degenhardt
  • Master
5.02.001 III Journal Club: Animal Biology Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Dates on Monday, 03.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025, Monday, 17.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025, Monday, 03.03.2025, Monday, 10.03.2025, Monday, 17.03.2025, Monday, 24.03.2025, Monday, 31.03.2025 14:00 - 16:00

Die Veranstaltung wird durchgängig auch in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit stattfinden. Die Veranstaltung wird durchgängig auch in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit stattfinden.
Seminar 3 Dr. rer. nat. Rabea Bartölke
Dr. Pauline Fleischmann
  • Master
5.04.992 W Guidance for independent scientific work The course times are not decided yet.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke
Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Ulrich Teubner
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Markus Schellenberg
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch
  • Bachelor
  • Master
5.04.4013a Current trends in Gravitation I Wednesday: 17:00 - 19:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Die Studierenden erhalten Einblick in die aktuellen Fragestellungen und Forschungsthemen im Bereich der Gravitation. Dabei lernen sie neue Untersuchungsmethoden und Forschungsergebnisse kennen und erweitern ihre Kompetenzen bezüglich der kritischen Diskussion der wissenschaftlichen Methoden und Ergebnisse. Die Studierenden erhalten Einblick in die aktuellen Fragestellungen und Forschungsthemen im Bereich der Gravitation. Dabei lernen sie neue Untersuchungsmethoden und Forschungsergebnisse kennen und erweitern ihre Kompetenzen bezüglich der kritischen Diskussion der wissenschaftlichen Methoden und Ergebnisse.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Jutta Kunz-Drolshagen
Prof. Dr. Betti Hartmann
Priv.-Doz.Dr. Burkhard Kleihaus
  • Master
5.06.M127 Energy Storage Thursday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Friday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 18/10/24), Location: W16A 004
Dates on Thursday, 28.11.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Location: V03 0-C002

The lecture course, held by Prof. R. Steinberger, introduces Hydrogen as Energy carrier and fuel cells as efficient, emmission-free energy converters. The lecture course, held by Prof. R. Steinberger, introduces Hydrogen as Energy carrier and fuel cells as efficient, emmission-free energy converters.
Lecture - Dr. Martin Knipper
Prof. Dr. Michael Wark, Dipl.-Chem.
  • Master
5.04.4660 Advanced Metrology Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 14/10/24), Location: W01 0-015
Friday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 18/10/24), Location: W02 1-148

Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke
  • Master
5.03.321 Space and Society Thursday: 12:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 17/10/24), Location: A01 0-004
Dates on Friday, 22.11.2024 08:00 - 12:00, Location: V02 0-004

1-2 Exkursionstage! Termine werden rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Semesters bekanntgegeben! 1-2 Exkursionstage! Termine werden rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Semesters bekanntgegeben!
Seminar 2 Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose
  • Master
5.06.M123 Renewable Energy Heat Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Students gain knowledge on: - Assessment of solar thermal ambient parameters: regional global, diffuse, reflected solar radiation on horizontal and on tilted plane, ambient temperature - Solar thermal collectors - Solar thermal heat exchangers - Solar thermal storages - Solar thermal systems and their operation - Characterization of solar thermal system - Asessment methods for solar system behaviour Students gain knowledge on: - Assessment of solar thermal ambient parameters: regional global, diffuse, reflected solar radiation on horizontal and on tilted plane, ambient temperature - Solar thermal collectors - Solar thermal heat exchangers - Solar thermal storages - Solar thermal systems and their operation - Characterization of solar thermal system - Asessment methods for solar system behaviour
Lecture 2 Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
  • Master
5.13.622 Programming for microbiologists Dates on Monday, 03.02.2025 - Friday, 07.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025 - Friday, 14.02.2025 09:00 - 17:00, Location: W15 1-146, W16A 015/016
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat Eren
  • Master
5.02.881 Phylogeny of plants Wednesday: 14:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Dates on Wednesday, 09.10.2024 14:00 - 15:00

Further information about the room will be announced by email. Further information about the room will be announced by email.
Seminar 3 Dr. Gulzar Khan
Iraj Mehregan
  • Master
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Introduction to relevant research fields in Laser and Optics. Knowledge of the characteristics of waves, optical radiation, design und function of optical elements and instruments, basic design of photonic systems and optical metrology. Introduction to relevant research fields in Laser and Optics. Knowledge of the characteristics of waves, optical radiation, design und function of optical elements and instruments, basic design of photonic systems and optical metrology.
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
  • Bachelor
5.04.646a Laboratory Project II - Laser & Optics Wednesday: 14:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

Project according to the subject of specialization Laser & Optics: List of experiments in "Dateien". Subscription via Participants/Groups here or in 5.04.637 Praktikum: Laboratory Project I Schedule: in agreement with the supervisor e.g. on Wednesday or Thursday Project according to the subject of specialization Laser & Optics: List of experiments in "Dateien". Subscription via Participants/Groups here or in 5.04.637 Praktikum: Laboratory Project I Schedule: in agreement with the supervisor e.g. on Wednesday or Thursday
Practical training - Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch
Sabine Tiedeken
Prof. Dr. Philipp Huke
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Dipl.-Phys.
Ulrich Teubner
Markus Schellenberg
Lars Jepsen
Stefan Wild
Volker Braun
Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Freerk Schütt
  • Bachelor
5.04.4213 Machine Learning I - Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

The field of Machine Learning develops and provides methods for the analysis of data and signals. Typical application domains are computer hearing, computer vision, general pattern recognition and large-scale data analysis (recently often termed "Big Data"). Furthermore, Machine Learning methods serve as models for information processing and learning in humans and animals, and are often considered as part of artificial intelligence approaches. This course gives an introduction to unsupervised learning methods, i.e., methods that extract knowledge from data without the requirement of explicit knowledge about individual data points. We will introduce a common probabilistic framework for learning and a methodology to derive learning algorithms for different types of tasks. Examples that are derived are algorithms for clustering, classification, component extraction, feature learning, blind source separation and dimensionality reduction. Relations to neural network models and learning in biological systems will be discussed were appropriate. The course requires some programming skills, preferably in Matlab or Python. Further requirements are typical mathematical / analytical skills that are taught as part of Bachelor degrees in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer and Engineering Sciences. Course assignments will include analytical tasks and programming task which can be worked out in small groups. The presented approach to unsupervised learning relies on Bayes' theorem and is therefore sometimes referred to as a Bayesian approach. It has many interesting relations to physics (e.g., statistical physics), statistics and mathematics (analysis, probability theory, stochastic) but the course's content will be developed independently of detailed prior knowledge in these fields. Weblink: The field of Machine Learning develops and provides methods for the analysis of data and signals. Typical application domains are computer hearing, computer vision, general pattern recognition and large-scale data analysis (recently often termed "Big Data"). Furthermore, Machine Learning methods serve as models for information processing and learning in humans and animals, and are often considered as part of artificial intelligence approaches. This course gives an introduction to unsupervised learning methods, i.e., methods that extract knowledge from data without the requirement of explicit knowledge about individual data points. We will introduce a common probabilistic framework for learning and a methodology to derive learning algorithms for different types of tasks. Examples that are derived are algorithms for clustering, classification, component extraction, feature learning, blind source separation and dimensionality reduction. Relations to neural network models and learning in biological systems will be discussed were appropriate. The course requires some programming skills, preferably in Matlab or Python. Further requirements are typical mathematical / analytical skills that are taught as part of Bachelor degrees in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer and Engineering Sciences. Course assignments will include analytical tasks and programming task which can be worked out in small groups. The presented approach to unsupervised learning relies on Bayes' theorem and is therefore sometimes referred to as a Bayesian approach. It has many interesting relations to physics (e.g., statistical physics), statistics and mathematics (analysis, probability theory, stochastic) but the course's content will be developed independently of detailed prior knowledge in these fields. Weblink:
Lecture 2 Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke
  • Master
5.08.4752 Current Issues in Marine Governance - Course A Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Seminar - Prof. Dr. Kimberley Turner (Peters), bitte verwenden Peters
  • Master
5.12.4191 Python for beginners Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24), Location: W15 1-146, W15 0-023

Bitte eigenen Laptop mitbringen, Anweisungen zur Installation werden im ersten Seminar besprochen./Please bring your own laptop, instructions on installations will be given in the first seminar. “Python 3 for Beginners” is designed for individuals at the start of their programming journey. The course covers the fundamentals, including syntax, control structures, and basic data structures. Students will learn to define functions, implement algorithms, and delve into object-oriented programming paradigms. They will be introduced to essential Python libraries and modules, ranging from basics like math and datetime to specialized tools such as numpy and pandas for scientific computing. Students will explore data visualization tools, like matplotlib. The course touches also some advanced topics, preparing learners to apply Python in diverse scientific scenarios. Diese Veranstaltung gehört zu Modul pb419. Um dieses Modul (6 KP) erfolgreich abzuschließen, müssen zwei Veranstaltungen (je 3 KP) belegt werden - dies ist auch in verschiedenen Semestern möglich. In einer der beiden Veranstaltungen muss eine benotete Prüfungsleitung erbracht werden, in der Anderen wird aktive Teilnahme gefordert./This course belongs to module pb419. To successfully complete this module (6 CP), you have to take two of the offered courses (each 3 CP) - this is also possible in different semesters. In one of the two courses you have to do a graded exam, in the other one active participation is required. Bitte eigenen Laptop mitbringen, Anweisungen zur Installation werden im ersten Seminar besprochen./Please bring your own laptop, instructions on installations will be given in the first seminar. “Python 3 for Beginners” is designed for individuals at the start of their programming journey. The course covers the fundamentals, including syntax, control structures, and basic data structures. Students will learn to define functions, implement algorithms, and delve into object-oriented programming paradigms. They will be introduced to essential Python libraries and modules, ranging from basics like math and datetime to specialized tools such as numpy and pandas for scientific computing. Students will explore data visualization tools, like matplotlib. The course touches also some advanced topics, preparing learners to apply Python in diverse scientific scenarios. Diese Veranstaltung gehört zu Modul pb419. Um dieses Modul (6 KP) erfolgreich abzuschließen, müssen zwei Veranstaltungen (je 3 KP) belegt werden - dies ist auch in verschiedenen Semestern möglich. In einer der beiden Veranstaltungen muss eine benotete Prüfungsleitung erbracht werden, in der Anderen wird aktive Teilnahme gefordert./This course belongs to module pb419. To successfully complete this module (6 CP), you have to take two of the offered courses (each 3 CP) - this is also possible in different semesters. In one of the two courses you have to do a graded exam, in the other one active participation is required.
Seminar - Dr. Viacheslav Kruglov
  • Bachelor
5.02.954 Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants - Speciation and Genomics The course times are not decided yet.
A research module can be started any time. Please contact me @ A research module can be started any time. Please contact me @
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
Dr. Gulzar Khan
Carmen Alicia Rivera Pérez
  • Master
5.02.952 Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants – Botanical Garden and Herbarium Research The course times are not decided yet.
Eine Absprache ist jederzeit möglich. Kontakt: Eine Absprache ist jederzeit möglich. Kontakt:
Seminar - Dr. Klaus Bernhard von Hagen
Dr. rer. nat. Maria Will
Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
  • Master
5.02.945 Navigation mechanismen in nocturnal bird migration The course times are not decided yet.
Termine werden noch bekannt gegeben. Der Praktikumsteil kann nach Absprache auch im Zeitraum September bis November absolviert werden. Timing of the practical part is flexible and may also be taken in September-November (subject to negotiation). Termine werden noch bekannt gegeben. Der Praktikumsteil kann nach Absprache auch im Zeitraum September bis November absolviert werden. Timing of the practical part is flexible and may also be taken in September-November (subject to negotiation).
Seminar - Dr. Dominik Heyers
Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Dr. Bo Leberecht
  • Master
5.08.4611 Functional Marine Biodiversity Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 - Tuesday, 18.02.2025 09:00 - 17:00
This course consists of a workshop in Wilhelmshaven with lectures and discussion groups. From there, group projects (2-3 students) synthesizing information from the literature will be performed. The students present their topics finally in a symposium (beginning of april). This course runs together with students from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and the symposium will be held in Groningen. This course consists of a workshop in Wilhelmshaven with lectures and discussion groups. From there, group projects (2-3 students) synthesizing information from the literature will be performed. The students present their topics finally in a symposium (beginning of april). This course runs together with students from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and the symposium will be held in Groningen.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand
  • Master
5.04.612 Ü3 Extraordinary Exercises Mechanics Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)

The extraordinary exercise session will be offered for the students of the lecture Mechanics. The aim is to provide a recapitulation and consolidation of important physical concepts by actively engaging the students in solving physical problems. The students should go in interaction with one another and discuss the possible approaches to the problems, which will increase their understanding of the underlying physical concepts. This module is not intended to increase the student's workload, as it will not provide new content. It is meant as a support to the tutorials as well as the lecture and is entirely voluntary. Participation of both first year’s students as well as repeaters is strongly recommended. The extraordinary exercise session will be offered for the students of the lecture Mechanics. The aim is to provide a recapitulation and consolidation of important physical concepts by actively engaging the students in solving physical problems. The students should go in interaction with one another and discuss the possible approaches to the problems, which will increase their understanding of the underlying physical concepts. This module is not intended to increase the student's workload, as it will not provide new content. It is meant as a support to the tutorials as well as the lecture and is entirely voluntary. Participation of both first year’s students as well as repeaters is strongly recommended.
Exercises - Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn
Annika Gaiser
Arjun Anantharaman
  • Bachelor
5.06.M101 Introductory Laboratory Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Monday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 14/10/24)
Tuesday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)
Thursday: 13:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)
Dates on Monday, 07.10.2024 - Friday, 11.10.2024 08:00 - 18:00

Practical training - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
Dr. Martin Knipper
Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Behrendt
Andreas Günther
Paul Ziethe
  • Master
5.04.624b Introduction to Medical Radiation Physics Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (from 21/10/24)

This lecture aims to introduce students to the field of medical radiation physics as a potential area of specialization in future semesters. The lecture content covers clinical applications of radiation, including radiology, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine. Additionally, topics such as professional development and opportunities for clinical internships will be discussed. This lecture aims to introduce students to the field of medical radiation physics as a potential area of specialization in future semesters. The lecture content covers clinical applications of radiation, including radiology, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine. Additionally, topics such as professional development and opportunities for clinical internships will be discussed.
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
PD Dr. Hui Khee Looe
Dr. Daniela Eulenstein
  • Bachelor
5.08.033 Instructions for scientific work: Sea surfaces Thursday: 09:00 - 10:30, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Seminar am Standort ICBM in WHV (Büroräume AG bzw. Seminarräume). Verschiedene Vortragende. Seminar am Standort ICBM in WHV (Büroräume AG bzw. Seminarräume). Verschiedene Vortragende.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
  • Bachelor
5.06.M317 Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Friday: 14:00 - 18:00, weekly (from 15/11/24)
Dates on Monday, 03.02.2025 - Thursday, 06.02.2025 09:00 - 13:00

- Fundamentals of electrochemistry and thermodynamics, energy and environmental balances - Basics of hydrogen production - starting materials, processes, efficiencies, environmental impacts - Basics of fuel cells function, materials, construction, systems, applications - Fundamental setup of most common battery types - Fundamental chemical reactions in these batteries - Operational characteristics, weir processes and service lives of these batteries - Fundamentals of electrochemistry and thermodynamics, energy and environmental balances - Basics of hydrogen production - starting materials, processes, efficiencies, environmental impacts - Basics of fuel cells function, materials, construction, systems, applications - Fundamental setup of most common battery types - Fundamental chemical reactions in these batteries - Operational characteristics, weir processes and service lives of these batteries
Lecture - Prof. Dr. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens
Dr. Alexander Dyck
Andreas Günther
  • Master
5.04.706 Einführung und Grundlagen zur Lasermaterialbearbeitung / Introduction to Laser Material Processing Wednesday: 14:00 - 18:00, fortnightly (from 16/10/24)

Qualifikationsziele Die Studierenden erwerben grundlegende Kenntnisse zu den Eigenschaften des Werkzeugs Laserstrahl und können die Verfahren der Lasermaterialbearbeitung beurteilen und können diese in der Praxis anwen- den. Die Studierenden sollen fähig sein, die Verfahren der Materialbearbeitung mit Laserstrahlen in die Beurteilung von Fertigungsaufgaben einzubringen. Qualifikationsziele Die Studierenden erwerben grundlegende Kenntnisse zu den Eigenschaften des Werkzeugs Laserstrahl und können die Verfahren der Lasermaterialbearbeitung beurteilen und können diese in der Praxis anwen- den. Die Studierenden sollen fähig sein, die Verfahren der Materialbearbeitung mit Laserstrahlen in die Beurteilung von Fertigungsaufgaben einzubringen.
Lecture 2 Thomas Schüning
Marcel Stamm
Hermann Merkel
  • Bachelor
5.02.692 Signal transduction Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 13:00 - 14:00, Wednesday, 11.12.2024 - Friday, 13.12.2024, Monday, 16.12.2024 - Thursday, 19.12.2024 10:00 - 12:00
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Dipl.-Chem.
Dr. Alexander Scholten
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.04.4642 High-Energy Radiation Physics / Hochenergie-Strahlenphysik Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 16/10/24)
Dates on Monday, 10.02.2025 09:00 - 16:00, Tuesday, 11.02.2025, Thursday, 13.02.2025 08:00 - 16:00

Grundlegendes Verständnis der physikalischen Grundlagen der Hochenergie-Strahlenphysik (im Energiebereich ab ca. 106 eV). Die Studierenden sollen die universellen Ansätze der physikalischen Beschreibung der Erzeugung, Beschleunigung, Wechselwirkung und Detektion hochenergetischer Strahlung disziplinübergreifend kennen lernen. Inhalte: Grundlagen der Hochenergie-Strahlenphysik, Strahlenarten in Umwelt, Kosmos und Medizin, Kosmische Strahlung, Grundlagen der Astroteilchenphysik, irdische und kosmische Beschleuniger, Wechselwirkung von Strahlung mit Materie, Detektionsmechanismen und Dosimetrie, Technische Realisierungen zur Beschleunigung und Detektion. Grundlegendes Verständnis der physikalischen Grundlagen der Hochenergie-Strahlenphysik (im Energiebereich ab ca. 106 eV). Die Studierenden sollen die universellen Ansätze der physikalischen Beschreibung der Erzeugung, Beschleunigung, Wechselwirkung und Detektion hochenergetischer Strahlung disziplinübergreifend kennen lernen. Inhalte: Grundlagen der Hochenergie-Strahlenphysik, Strahlenarten in Umwelt, Kosmos und Medizin, Kosmische Strahlung, Grundlagen der Astroteilchenphysik, irdische und kosmische Beschleuniger, Wechselwirkung von Strahlung mit Materie, Detektionsmechanismen und Dosimetrie, Technische Realisierungen zur Beschleunigung und Detektion.
Lecture - PD Dr. Hui Khee Looe
Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
  • Master
5.02.977 Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants - pollination and hybridization The course times are not decided yet.
A research module can be started any time. Please contact me @ A research module can be started any time. Please contact me @
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
  • Master
5.08.2482 Basics of NMR Spectroscopy Dates on Monday, 17.02.2025 - Friday, 21.02.2025, Monday, 24.02.2025 - Friday, 28.02.2025 09:00 - 17:00
• Preparatory meeting: Place and time will be announced. • This two-weeks-course will take place during the semester break. • This lecture course accompanies the exercise course and participation in the corresponding exercise course (Ü Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie in WiSe24-25) is mandatory. • This course comprises of lectures, seminars and tutorials about applications of high-field NMR spectroscopy in the environmental science, chemistry, and biology. • Preparatory meeting: Place and time will be announced. • This two-weeks-course will take place during the semester break. • This lecture course accompanies the exercise course and participation in the corresponding exercise course (Ü Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie in WiSe24-25) is mandatory. • This course comprises of lectures, seminars and tutorials about applications of high-field NMR spectroscopy in the environmental science, chemistry, and biology.
Exercises - Dr. Sahithya Phani Babu Vemulapalli
  • Master
5.06.M113 Python Programming and Modelling Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 15/10/24)

Introduction to Python Programming Introduction to Python Programming
Lecture - Dr.-Ing. Herena Torio
Andreas Günther
Dr. rer. nat. Jan Friedrich
Balthazar Arnoldus Maria Sengers
Dr. Martin Dörenkämper
  • Master
5.08.4331 Marine Interfaces Dates on Monday, 20.01.2025 12:45 - 13:45, Monday, 03.02.2025 - Friday, 07.02.2025, Monday, 10.02.2025 - Friday, 14.02.2025 08:00 - 16:00
Exercises - Dr. Mariana Ribas Ribas
  • Master
5.04.050 Ü4 Math pre-course tutorial in English /Übungen zum Vorkurs Mathematik für Physik Dates on Monday, 23.09.2024 - Friday, 27.09.2024, Monday, 30.09.2024 - Wednesday, 02.10.2024 12:00 - 16:00
Exercises - TutorInnen, der Physik
Axel Prüser
5.04.692 Laser Safety Instruction Dates on Thursday, 07.11.2024 09:00 - 10:00
The Laser-Safety Instructions are mandatory to everyone who is working in the optical laboratories in Emden. A refreshment is needed every year. Usually, the instructions are offered twice in a semester, usually at the beginning. The instructions are not specific for a certain course, but we try to implement it there. Make sure, that you join one of the courses. You can even join it a semester ahead if you don't know when you are starting a project. In-between instructions are not offered. The introductions are required: Summer semester 5.04.632 Basic Laboratory II (BA) 5.04.4671 - Tools in Advanced Photonics (MA) Winter Semester 5.04.6570 Fundamentals of Optics (MA) 5.04.637 Laboratory Project I (BA) 5.04.646a Laboratory Project II - Laser & Optics (BA) General Internships Bachelor's Theses in the field of Laser & Optics Master's Theses in the field of Laser & Optics The Laser-Safety Instructions are mandatory to everyone who is working in the optical laboratories in Emden. A refreshment is needed every year. Usually, the instructions are offered twice in a semester, usually at the beginning. The instructions are not specific for a certain course, but we try to implement it there. Make sure, that you join one of the courses. You can even join it a semester ahead if you don't know when you are starting a project. In-between instructions are not offered. The introductions are required: Summer semester 5.04.632 Basic Laboratory II (BA) 5.04.4671 - Tools in Advanced Photonics (MA) Winter Semester 5.04.6570 Fundamentals of Optics (MA) 5.04.637 Laboratory Project I (BA) 5.04.646a Laboratory Project II - Laser & Optics (BA) General Internships Bachelor's Theses in the field of Laser & Optics Master's Theses in the field of Laser & Optics
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
  • Bachelor
  • Master
5.04.4061 Wind Energy Physics (former Windenergy) Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (from 17/10/24)

Physical properties of fluids, wind characterization and anemometers, aerodynamic aspects of wind energy conversion, dimensional analysis, (pi-theorem), and wind turbine performance, design of wind turbines, electrical systems. Physical properties of fluids, wind characterization and anemometers, aerodynamic aspects of wind energy conversion, dimensional analysis, (pi-theorem), and wind turbine performance, design of wind turbines, electrical systems.
Lecture - Matthias Wächter
  • Master
5.02.959 Migration genetics - from individual behaviour to genome wide architecture The course times are not decided yet.
This research module can be flexibly tailored to the students' interest and curiosity. Our team uses various tools and approaches to understand the underlying genetics of the fascinating phenotype bird migration. This module offers the possibility to get insight and experience in a wide range of topics ranging from behavioural experiments both in the field and under controlled conditions, lab based analyses, modelling approaches all the way up to bioinformatics skills of genome or transcriptome data. We are happy to discuss possible projects and are happy to hear your ideas for questions you would want to address, techniques you want to learn or insight you would be curious to gain through this module. This research module can be flexibly tailored to the students' interest and curiosity. Our team uses various tools and approaches to understand the underlying genetics of the fascinating phenotype bird migration. This module offers the possibility to get insight and experience in a wide range of topics ranging from behavioural experiments both in the field and under controlled conditions, lab based analyses, modelling approaches all the way up to bioinformatics skills of genome or transcriptome data. We are happy to discuss possible projects and are happy to hear your ideas for questions you would want to address, techniques you want to learn or insight you would be curious to gain through this module.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel
  • Master
5.13.501 Physiology and Life modes of Prokaryotes Dates on Monday, 14.10.2024 12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 15.10.2024 - Friday, 18.10.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Friday, 18.10.2024, Monday, 21.10.2 ...(more), Location: W16A 015/016, W04 1-162, W15 1-146 (+1 more)
Lecture - Dr. Bert Engelen
Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke
Julius Degenhardt
  • Promotion
  • Master
5.04.202 Ü2 Excercises to Atomic and Molecular Physics Tuesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 22/10/24)

Exercises 2 Prof. Dr. Martin Silies
Somayeh Souri
  • Bachelor
5.04.311 Versuch 09 Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Physik (FPR-B) - Versuch 09 - Praktikum Diodenlaser Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt. Bitte Hinweise [hier] beachten. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung zu Beginn des dem Praktikum vorangehenden Semesters (Formular [hier] ). Die Verteilung der Plätze findet am 1. Termin des Seminars zum FPR-B statt.[pre] [/pre] Die aktuellen Versuche werden auf der Homepage des Fortgeschrittenen Praktikums angezeigt.
Practical training - Naby Hadilou
  • Erweiterungsfach
  • Bachelor
  • Master of Education
5.02.701 (BIO) / 5.03.111 (LÖK) Resource acquisition and use by plants Friday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 18/10/24)

Lecture - Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz
  • Master
195 Seminars
