


Sommersemester 2024 20 Veranstaltungen
VAK Veranstaltungsnummer Titel Typ Vorlesung
SWS Semesterwochenstunden DozentIn
OLT.24.08 OLTECH Mid-term Workshop 16.05.2024 Termine am Donnerstag, 16.05.2024 09:00 - 13:00
Mid-term Workshop
With the Mid-term Workshop for doctoral candidates in the final phase or at mid-term of their PhD, we would like to provide information on various topics and questions and talk to doctoral candidates and responsible persons from different organisational units (supervisors, doctoral committees, personnel department, library, etc.).
The content will cover various aspects of the final phase of the doctorate, the submission of the dissertation and the disputation. With this workshop, we would like to create an offer that takes up and answers questions on the following topics:

• Timetable/time management for the final phase - tips and suggestions
• Self-motivation
• Contract situation in the final phase/contract extensions; experiences and legal basis
• Important deadlines for the final phase
• Assessment/review of doctoral theses, tips for the defence
• Publication and dissemination of the dissertation
Workshop - Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Nina Löchte, M.A.
Karine von Bochmann, M.A.
Dr. rer. nat. Mark Pottek
Volker Roth
Julia Wembacher
Anna Lena Heinrichs
Annika Kwast
Prof. Dr. Dirk Carl Albach
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Massmann
Prof. Dr. Katharina Pahnke-May
Eric Ahlberg
Graduate School OLTECH
Stephanie Wunderlich
Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt
Prof. Dr. Karin Loser
Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann, Dipl.-Phys.
OLT.24.03 OLTECH – Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology 07.05.2024 Termine am Dienstag, 07.05.2024 16:00 - 17:30
“Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology” offers you the chance to meet OLTECH alumni and other role models, to hear from their experiences, and to interact with them. You will learn about a variety of career paths and get insights into different areas of work, in particular jobs outside of academia. Our guest speakers will talk about their current position, the moves that got them there, the relevance of skills acquired during their doctoral studies and will be ready for your questions.

Guests: Dr. Janina Leinberger

Janina is working at QIAGEN Düsseldorf, in the area of Research and Development with a PhD Microbiology. Qiagen is the world's leading provider of sample preparation and testing technologies for research in life sciences, applied testing and molecular diagnostics.

The event series is a joined initiative of all the doctoral study programmes of OLTECH and all doctoral students are welcome!
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Dr. rer. nat. Mark Pottek
Tina Schlüter
Dr. Nina Gaßmann
Karine von Bochmann, M.A.
Nina Löchte, M.A.
Dr. Carsten Dosche
Andreas Günther
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Müller
Dr. Gesa Feenders
Dr. Thomas Biberger
Graduate School OLTECH
57.01.191 A7 Hot Topics in Neurosensory Science and Systems Freitag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (ab 05.04.2024)
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier
6.02.141_2 Topics in clinical auditory neuroscience: Hearing disorders and rehabilitation Montag: 16:00 - 18:00, wöchentlich (ab 08.04.2024)

The course aims to introduce students to research topics in the field of clinical auditory neuroscience. Students will gain knowledge on different types and causes of hearing impairment, methods for subjective and objective assessment of hearing function, and neurocognitive consequences of hearing loss.
The course is set up as "extended" journal club. Based on a research article, we will discuss current research questions and methods in the field of clinical auditory neuroscience. To provide additional context on different study populations affected by hearing disorders, the paper discussion will be accompanied by an introductory presentation by students (~20 minutes).

To earn course credits, students have to give an introductory presentation.
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Puschmann
Graduate School OLTECH
OLT.24.06 Climate change, people and the ocean Termine am Donnerstag, 11.07.2024 08:30 - 17:00, Dienstag, 10.09.2024 - Mittwoch, 11.09.2024 08:30 - 18:00

Open for all doctoral candidates/disciplines!!!

The ocean has a central role in Earth’s climate system, but also for how climate change affects humans. The vast majority of the anthropogenically added energy is stored as heat energy in the ocean, the biological carbon pump extracts gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere and next to the issue of global warming, ocean acidification and sea-level rise are two fundamental marine facets of rapid environmental change. At the same time, half of the human populations on Earth lives close to the coast and their interaction with the marine environment is one of the tightest connections between humans and nature.

In September 2024, UOL will host a two day symposium on “Climate, People and the Ocean”, which among others will include scientific sessions with eminent speakers, art-science interventions and workshops. We offer this unique PhD course to prepare and conduct these workshops with an explicit focus on questions relevant to early career researchers. We will start with an interdisciplinary series of lectures from natural and social sciences that will pave the way for a 1-day retreat (on July 11th, 2024, where we will plan the workshop within the Oldenburg symposium (2 slots, 1.5 hours each on 10. and 11.9.2024). Both speakers and attendants of the scientific sessions will take part in the workshop.

Learning Aims
• Advanced understanding of climate change consequences for the ocean and their feedback to human wellbeing
• Practical planning of workshop with international and national scientists including formulation of aims, development of content and learning methods for discussion and result capture
• Moderation of Scientific Discussions

May/June: Video lectures: Basic knowledge and advanced topics (Hillebrand, Wurl, Pahnke., et al.)
Lectures are provided as videos and discussed in a flipped classroom format. Thereby each PhD student will work in their own pace to watch the videos. Each video is 45-60 min, we aim for ca 6 lectures. A full list of lectures and link to the videos will be provided end of April 2024.
We will use a datefinder to select a 2-hr slot for a Q&A session including the lecturers and PhD students. In this online Flipped Classroom date, we will discuss open questions, hard to grasp content.
July 11, 2024: Planning retreat (Hillebrand & Garcia)
The actual planning of the workshop will take place on July 11th 2024 at HIFMB, Ammerländer Heerstrasse 231 (room Neue Empore in the 4th floor). The content is the joint elaboration of i) which aims we as a group have for the workshop, ii) which methods are useful to achieve the aims, and iii) which tasks we can distribute among group members (moderators, rapporteurs, subgroup leads).
September 10-11, 2024: Symposium workshop
The PhD students conduct the workshop and document the output
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand
Prof. Dr. Sarahi Lorena Garcia
Graduate School OLTECH
Prof. Dr. Katharina Pahnke-May
Prof. Dr. Kimberley Turner (Peters), bitte verwenden Peters
Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl
Irene Wangari Mukure
OLT.24.05 Wie schreibe ich einen Ethikantrag? 25./26.04.2024 Termine am Donnerstag, 25.04.2024 13:00 - 17:00, Freitag, 26.04.2024 09:00 - 13:00
Wie schreibe ich einen Ethikantrag
In dieser Veranstaltung werden Masterstudierende und Promovierende mit grundlegenden Fragen der Ethik in den Wissenschaften sowie mit inhaltlichen und formalen Aspekten der Erstellung von Ethikanträgen vertraut gemacht. Teilnehmende erhalten nach Wunsch semesterübergreifend Unterstützung beim Verfassen ihres eigenen Ethikantrages.
Zu Beginn eines jeden Semesters werden die Teilnehmenden in einem Workshop in relevante Fragen der Ethik in den Wissenschaften eingeführt. Sie lernen im Detail das Antragsverfahren und die dazu benötigten Formulare kennen. Die Antragstellung, Einreichungsmodalitäten sowie die inhaltlichen Anforderungen beim Schreiben eines Ethikantrages werden am Beispiel eines Forschungsprojektes erläutert. Die Teilnehmenden erhalten zudem die Möglichkeit, mit Mustertexten zu arbeiten, die vom Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen zur Verfügung gestellt werden und mit denen eine Harmonisierung und Standardisierung von Aufklärungsunterlagen erreicht werden soll. Auch erste Bestrebungen zur Vereinheitlichung und Vereinfachung des Verfahrens durch das Ethiktool der Technischen Universität Chemnitz werden besprochen.
Für jedes Semester können sich zudem max. 12 Studierende anmelden, die nach individueller Absprache semesterübergreifend Unterstützung beim Verfassen ihres eigenen Ethikantrages erhalten. Workshop und semesterübergreifende Unterstützung beim Verfassen eines Antrages können auch getrennt voneinander in Anspruch genommen werden. Nicht unterstützt werden Ethikanträge für Studien, die unter besondere gesetzliche Regelungen fallen (§ 15 BOÄKN, AMG, MPG, Srahlenschutzgesetz etc.).

Maximale Teilnehmerzahl
• für den Workshop: 24
• für die individuelle Beratung beim Verfassen des eigenen Ethikantrages: 12

• Die Teilnehmenden sind mit den grundlegenden Konzepten und Fragen der Ethik in den Wissenschaften vertraut
• Die Teilnehmenden kennen die formalen und inhaltlichen Vorgaben für Ethikanträge und lernen, sie in ihrem eigenen Ethikantrag anzuwenden
• Die Teilnehmenden lernen, ihre eigenen Studien im Hinblick auf ethische Aspekte kritisch zu hinterfragen

Workshop im Sommersemester 2024:
25.4. von 13-17 Uhr
26.4. von 09-13 Uhr
Seminar - Dr. Jale Nur Özyurt
Graduate School OLTECH
6.02.112_1 Statistical / machine learning methods Mittwoch: 08:00 - 10:00, wöchentlich (ab 03.04.2024)
Vorlesung - Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt
Graduate School OLTECH
OLT.24.07 OLTECH – Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology 02.07.2024 Termine am Dienstag, 02.07.2024 16:00 - 17:30
“Career paths in Science, Medicine and Technology” offers you the chance to meet OLTECH alumni and other role models, to hear from their experiences, and to interact with them. You will learn about a variety of career paths and get insights into different areas of work, in particular jobs outside of academia. Our guest speakers will talk about their current position, the moves that got them there, the relevance of skills acquired during their doctoral studies and will be ready for your questions.

Guests: tba

The event series is a joined initiative of all the doctoral study programmes of OLTECH and all doctoral students are welcome!
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Dr. rer. nat. Mark Pottek
Tina Schlüter
Dr. Nina Gaßmann
Karine von Bochmann, M.A.
Nina Löchte, M.A.
Dr. Carsten Dosche
Andreas Günther
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Müller
Dr. Gesa Feenders
Dr. Thomas Biberger
Graduate School OLTECH
12th Hearing4all Summer School Termine am Mittwoch, 26.06.2024 13:00 - 19:00, Donnerstag, 27.06.2024 09:00 - 19:00, Freitag, 28.06.2024 09:00 - 16:00
Summer School for doctoral students and postdocs of the Cluster of Excellence "Hearing4all" and associates
sonstige - Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump
5.02.207 SFB 1372 Animal Navigation - iRTG – Seminar Donnerstag: 14:00 - 16:00, wöchentlich (ab 11.04.2024)
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek
Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Prof. Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann
OLT.24.10 fMRI user meeting Donnerstag: 09:30 - 11:00, zweiwöchentlich (ab 04.04.2024)
Termine am Donnerstag, 11.07.2024, Donnerstag, 25.07.2024, Donnerstag, 08.08.2024, Donnerstag, 22.08.2024, Donnerstag, 05.09.2024, Donnerstag, 19.09.2024 09:30 - 11:00

The fMRI user meeting is a biweekly open discussion round for neuroimaging users at the University of Oldenburg. It brings together researchers at different levels of experience, ranging form beginning PhD students to faculty from different departments as well as staff of the neuroimaging center. Our goal is to facilitate interaction between fMRI users from different groups, and to share existing knowledge regarding fMRI data acquisition and analysis.

Typically, all meetings are dedicated to a changing main topic. Participants can present their own fMRI study and ask for feedback and help regarding their experimental design and their data analysis approach. In other weeks, we discuss current methodological developments in the field of MRI data acquisition and analysis based on current original literature.

Objective of module/competences: By attending the fMRI user meeting, students will gain advanced knowledge on designing fMRI experiments, fMRI data acquisition and data analysis approaches, and statistics. By presenting their own research projects to the group, they can receive suggestions and feedback on how to improve/refine the study design and the planned analysis to gain robust and interpretable results.

Application formalities: provisional registration on Stud.IP (waiting list), contact lecturers for admission
Criteria for admission: PhD project involves working with neuroimaging data
Kind of examination: active participation in seminar, presentation of own research project

Neurocognitive psychology
Human Medicine

OLTECH doctoral programmes:
Neurosensory Science and Systems, Medicine and Health Sciences
Kolloquium 2 Christina Müller
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Puschmann
Graduate School OLTECH
57.01.400 Experimental techniques in neurophysiology and related fields Die Zeiten der Veranstaltung stehen nicht fest.
The aim of the course is to address technical and methodological challenges that PhD students face with design, construction and optimization of their experimental setups. The course focuses on neurophysiological research and related subjects like behavioral studies. Methods to measure, record, and control physical parameters and stimuli using standard interfaces or microcontrollers and automation of experimental procedures with Matlab will be introduced. The specific topics of the course will be decided after consultation with the participants to best suit their needs for their individual PhD projects.
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Malte Ahlers
Graduate School OLTECH
57.01.350 C 4 Scientific Writing Termine am Donnerstag, 02.05.2024 13:00 - 16:30
After registration the first meeting will be arranged via doodle. Further dates will be arranged individually.

This course consists of two parts. The first part is a 4h introduction dealing with general facts how to write a scientific paper. Note that some of the suggestions are specific to the broader area of neuroscience.

The second and much longer part of the course focuses the actual job "writing a paper". For this purpose students will form teams of 2 persons preferably from a similar field/background). I will schedule 4-5 meetings with each of these teams on an individual basis. For these meetings your task will be to write (first meeting) the methods of YOUR paper and to read and comment the methods part of your team partner. The next meetings will then be on the results, introduction and discussion part and the last meeting on all the rest (abstract, figures etc.) In each meeting we will then work on both your and your partners parts and you will receive both feedback from me and your partner on how to improve your paper.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Christiane Margarete Thiel
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt
OLT.24.04 Good Scientific Practice 23./24.04.2024 Termine am Dienstag, 23.04.2024 09:15 - 18:00, Mittwoch, 24.04.2024 09:15 - 13:15
The major objective of the workshop “Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Scientific
Integrity” is to know and understand the basic rules and values of the responsible conduct
of research in all its stages, according to local, national and international regulations and
guidelines. The participants will explore the differences and grey areas between good
scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific misconduct. They will learn
how misconduct can be recognized and prevented, and how it should be addressed and
dealt with in case it occurs, and what damage it can cause if handled improperly. The
participants will learn to develop appropriate solutions for difficult situations in the process
of science and receive advice on how to protect their scientific work. They are encouraged
to speak with colleagues and the appropriate institutions about mistakes and problems.
The content of the workshop follows the curriculum “Good scientific practice” which was
commissioned by and developed in cooperation with the German Research Ombudsman:
• Definitions of good scientific practice and scientific misconduct
• Examples for responsible and irresponsible conduct of research
• Data and source management
• Authorship and the process of publication
• Supervision as tools for fostering good scientific practice
• Conflict management: how to deal with scientific misconduct
• Responsibility and accountability in science
• Local, national and international guidelines and regulations on good scientific practice
and scientific misconduct
Seminar - Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Graduate School OLTECH
Michael Gommel, M.A.
OLT.24.09 Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters (for Natural Scientists) Termine am Donnerstag, 13.06.2024, Freitag, 23.08.2024 09:00 - 16:00
Scientific posters – vividly summarised – are the ideal form of presentation to effectively
communicate research to a conference audience, stimulate discussion and make important contacts.

To draw your audience in, you need a clear content structure, a text format optimized for
best readability and well-chosen graphics. Above all, you need to think carefully about how to organize
your research contents on the required A0-paper format.

Basic principles of graphic design and layout techniques will help you to present your research
visually perfectly organized and eye-catching. The course will equip you with both the concepts
and the practical design skills to compellingly design your own poster during the practise session.
At the end of the workshop, you receive useful feedback from group and trainer, in order to know how to further improve, optimize and finalise your poster draft.

Part 1 | 13 Juni 2024 | 09:00 – 16:00 |
Conceptual considerations | basic elements of design: typography, colour, image | key principles of graphic design | corporate design and templates | the use of grids |
practice session poster layout | feedback and analysis | tipps how to work on |

Part 2 | Online Feedback Follow-Up | 23 August 2024 | 09:00 to 16:00 |
  • Poster evaluation with all participants
  • Revision and finalisation of the posters, preparation for printing
  • Individual corrections and counselling

Participants are asked to bring material (text, images, graphics etc.) of their current research work or recently designed posters.
Please bring your laptop equipped with PowerPoint or the application that you prefer.

Dozentin: Birgit Lukowski | Communication Designer | Berlin
Workshop - Gast Dozent
Graduate School OLTECH
6.03.361 Fundamentals in Auditory Physiology Termine am Montag, 13.05.2024 12:15 - 13:00, Dienstag, 21.05.2024 - Freitag, 24.05.2024, Montag, 27.05.2024 - Freitag, 31.05.2024 09:00 - 16:00
NOTE: The course is currently already overbooked. All further registrations are preliminary and will only be accepted if accepted participants drop out.
Introductory Meeting is held jointly with 6.03.362 "Reflections in Auditory Physiology".
Vorlesung - Prof. Dr. Christine Köppl
Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump
57.01.130 Immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy (A 3-1) Die Zeiten der Veranstaltung stehen nicht fest.
This course aims to improve immunohistochemical research techniques. This includes fluorescence microscopy, data analysis, and presentation. The course is recommended for PhD students with prior microscopy experience and with plans to incorporate corresponding techniques into their ongoing PhD project. We will build upon the knowledge level the PhD student brings and develop or strengthen the required skills. Possible aspects may include effective planning of immunohistochemical experiments, optimal tissue preparation, fluorescence staining techniques, confocal laser scanning or epifluorescence microscopy, image processing, data analysis, and finding the right figure design for the corresponding purpose. The final content of the course will be decided after consultation with the participating PhD students and embedded in the individual PhD projects.
Seminar - Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek
Graduate School OLTECH
Communicating Science to the Public Termine am Montag, 27.05.2024 - Dienstag, 28.05.2024 09:00 - 17:00
Workshop „Communicating Science to the Public”

Der Workshop richtet sich an WissenschaftlerInnen, die ihre Forschungsthemen strukturiert kommunizieren möchten, sowohl in schriftlicher Form wie z.B. auf Webseiten, in Social Media oder in Pressemeldungen, aber auch mündlich vor Ort oder in digitalen Medien durch Bewegtbildformate.

Der Workshop soll die Teilnehmenden dazu befähigen:
  • komplexe Forschungsinhalte zielgruppengerecht aufzubereiten und Wissen erfolgreich weiterzugeben
  • eine methodische Toolbox mit einfachen Kommunikations-Werkzeugen anzuwenden und
  • sich gegenseitig zu coachen und bei Kommunikationsaufgaben im kollegialen Austausch bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung zu unterstützen.

Inhalte des Workshops / Ablaufskizze
Methodisch besteht der Workshop aus sich abwechselnden fachlichen Inputs im Vortragsformat, praktischen Übungen, Quick Writes, aktivierenden Frage-Antwort-Runden, kurzen Gruppendiskussionen sowie Feedback-Runden im Peer-Verfahren.

Tag 1 – Überblick Wissenschaftskommunikation (Präsenz, Dauer: 6 Stunden; bspw. 10 – 16 Uhr)
  • Welcome & WarmUp, Ziele des Workshops
  • Thematischer Input Wissenschaftskommunikation: Definition, Herausforderungen, Lösungen, Kommunikationskanäle, aktuelle Trends und Best-Practice Beispiele
  • Input & Übung: Kommunikationsziele definieren und Zielgruppen kennen
  • Input & Übung: Social Media für die Wissenschaft, Übung „Passgenau schreiben“: So formulieren Sie Posts für Twitter, Facebook & Co.

Tag 2 – Fokus auf aktuellen Projekten (Präsenz, Dauer: 6 Stunden; bspw. 10 – 16 Uhr)
  • Input & Übung „Science Pitch – Mein Forschungs-Projekt in 60 Sekunden“ (Teil 1 – Prototyping), Inhalt & Struktur eines Pitchs; Attention & Call to Action formulieren (Partnerübung)
  • Input & Übung: Erfolgreich präsentieren, Sprech-/Stimmtraining, Gestik/Mimik; Science Pitch (Teil 2 – Testing), Feedback von Trainer und Team
  • Input & Übung: „Storytelling für die Wissenschaftskommunikation“ an verschiedenen Forschungsthemen des SFB 1372 (Science Storytelling Teil 1 – Ideenskizze; Gruppenübung)
  • Science Storytelling (Teil 2): Auswahl möglicher Kommunikationsthemen und Ausarbeitung Kommunikationsmaßnahmen (z.B. Social Media); mögliche Fallstricke in der Kommunikation
  • Ausblick & Ressourcen-Planung

Virtuelles Coaching (bis zu 3 Monate im Nachgang des Workshops)
  • Individuelle Begleitung der Wissenschaftskommunikation für den SFB 1372, im Besonderen Social Media (Twitter)
  • Das Coaching findet nach Terminabsprache online im 1:1-Format statt; eine virtuelle Arbeitsplattform für die Coachings (Zoom, Conceptboard) kann durch science3 kostenfrei gestellt werden
Workshop - Tabea Hildebrand
N. N.
3GO.24.07 Science Slam 2024 Termine am Mittwoch, 29.05.2024 19:00 - 21:30
Über diese Veranstaltung können sich Zuhörer*innen für den Science-Slam anmelden. Ihre Anmeldung ist vorläufig und wird durch die Veranstalter*innen bestätigt.

+ + +

Weitere Informationen auf der Homepage: https://uol.de/scienceslam

Mitveranstalter*innen sind die Graduiertenakademie, die Graduiertenschule OLTECH und das Forschungszentrum Neurosensorik.
sonstige - Funktionskonto 3go
Robert Mitschke
Rea Kodalle, M.A.
Dr. Nina Gaßmann
Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
Admin Graduiertenakademie
Jens-Steffen Scherer
Daniel Hölle
Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Graduate School OLTECH
Maren Bertheau
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christoph Siegfried Herrmann, Dipl.-Ing.
Iris Borschke
6.02.201_2 Cognitive Neurorehabilitation Dienstag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (ab 02.04.2024)

The seminar is designed for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 students. It will not take place if fewer than 10 students sign up.

PhD students of the research training group Neuromodulation who want to take part, please contact Cornelia Kranczioch or Gesa Feenders.

This seminar will provide an introduction to a selection of behavioural and neuropsychological approaches to cognitive neurorehabilitation. Topics will include neurofeedback in neurorehabilitation, ADHD, memory rehabilitation, effects of physical activity on cognition, motor recovery and aphasia. The seminar will be based on a mixture of book chapters and original articles. The seminar is designed as an interactive seminar to promote active participation; active elements include demonstrations, discussions and self-study. As part of the seminar you will write and present a short (1 page) account of a cognitive neurorehabilitation research topic targeted at a general audience (“lay summary”).
Seminar - Dr. Martin Georg Bleichner
Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener, Dipl.-Psych.
Dr. Cornelia Kranczioch-Debener
20 Veranstaltungen

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