lök320 - Sustainable Spatial Development in Europe
Module label | Sustainable Spatial Development in Europe |
Module code | lök320 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | Good command of English |
Skills to be acquired in this module | Presentation and critical reflection of crucial demands of a sustainable spatial development in selected fields of activities especially considering rural development. Comparison of suitable case studies in a European context. Knowledge into central control instruments of structural, regional, and agricultural policy on a national as well as on a European level. Considering specific demands of spatial development in the context of political and social processes of Europeanization. |
Module contents | SE/EX Multifunctionality and rural development (3 CP) V Topical issues of agriculture and nutrition (1.5 CP) SE/EX Sustainable tourism (3 CP) SE/EX Renewable energy planning (3 CP) V Colloquium on sustainable spatial development (1.5 CP) SE Special subject job market: Job market and inequality in Europe (3 CP) This course (1.07.211 / FK I) takes place in the summer semester. Multifunctionality and rural development Survey of the multifunctionality of rural areas, especially the importance of agriculture and forestry, tourism and recreational activities, habitation, and protection of nature as well as the demands on spatial planning and regional development involved under the conditions of sustainability. Illustration by means of selected examples in a European context. Agriculture and agricultural policy Survey of EU agricultural policy programmes and their strategic-instrumental implementation as well as of selected topics of current developments in agriculture presented by various guest lecturers. Sustainable tourism Presentation of various concepts of sustainable tourism and its realization from the viewpoint of offer and demand. Illustration by means of selected examples in a European context. Renewable energy planning Survey of different forms of renewable energy and related demands on spatial development seen from a mainly planning and actor-orientated point of view. Illustration by means of selected examples in a European context. Colloquium on sustainable spatial development Survey of up-to-date theoretical approaches, concepts, instruments as well as practical fields of activities in sustainable spatial development in a national and European context. Special subject job market: Job market and inequality This course (1.07.211 / FK I) takes place in the summer semester. Three one-day excursions with varying emphasis will be performed in the vicinity of Oldenburg as an integral part of the module seminars. |
Recommended reading | Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Hrsg.): Handwörterbuch der Raumordnung. Hannover 2017. Cloke, P.; Marsden, T.; Mooney, P.H. (eds.): Handbook of rural studies. London 2006. Ermann, U. et al.: Agro-Food Studies. Eine Einführung. Köln 2018 Fischer, A.: Sustainable Tourism. Bern 2014. Grabski-Kieron, U.; Mose, I.; Reichert-Schick, A.; Steinführer, A. (eds.): European rural peripheries revalued. Governance, actors, impacts. Münster 2016. Küster, H.: Die Entdeckung der Landschaft. Einführung in eine neue Wissenschaft. München 2012. Lossau, J.; Freytag, T.; Lippuner, R. (Hrsg.): Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialgeographie. Stuttgart 2014 Schmied, D. (ed.): Winning and losing. The changing geography of Europe´s rural areas. Additional literature will be announced in the seminars. |
Links | |
Languages of instruction | German, English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Type of course | Comment | SWS | Frequency | Workload of compulsory attendance |
Lecture | 2 | -- | 28 | |
Seminar | 3 | -- | 42 | |
Study trip | 1 | -- | 14 | |
Total module attendance time | 84 h |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Before the end of the module |
6 CP = Report or assignment |