mar260 - Applied Molecular Ecology
Module label | Applied Molecular Ecology |
Module code | mar260 |
Credit points | 10.0 KP |
Workload | 300 h |
Institute directory | Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
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Skills to be acquired in this module | Completion of this module will provide students with abilities that include but are not limited to, - introduce state-of-the-art ‘omics approaches and data types to study naturally occurring microbial diversity. |
Module contents | VL Introduction to Popular ´Omics Strategies Introduction to Popular ´Omics Strategies is a lecture course with a seminar designed to introduce its participants to the extent of microbial diversity on Earth and its impact on key biogeochemical processes, and strategies by which we characterize and study microbial life in naturally occurring systems to answer fundamental questions in microbial ecology and evolution. Students will learn about the theoretical underpinnings of popular 'omics data types (such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics, metametabolomics) as well as 'omics analysis approaches (such as metagenomic read recruitment, pangenomics, phylogenomics). To benefit from this course, students are expected to be familiar with the central dogma of biology, and the ability to answer what is a genome, a transcript, or a protein, and have at least a preliminary understanding of the principles in ecology and evolution, such as the basics of taxonomy and broad ecological principles that maintain complex ecosystems. SE/Ü Applied Microbial ‘Omics Applied Microbial ‘Omics will help students develop a mastery of state-of-the-art computational analysis strategies that rely on integrated ‘omics approaches and offer them hands-on experience in the applications of such strategies to simplified and real-world problems and datasets. To benefit from this course, the participants will need some exposure to the terminal environment, and the ability to perform basic operations on UNIX/Linux command line interfaces. While students can gain these skills throughout the course, they must be prepared to invest extra time into learning basics of such computational literacy. VL Coastal Conservation in the ´Omics Age Coastal Conservation is a lecture course with a seminar designed to introduce participants to the conservation of Caribbean coral reef biome and other near-shore environments such as rocky shores, mangroves and seagrass beds. Students will learn through theoretical and practical exercises how environmental and biological factors interact to sustain near-shore ecosystems. We will discover and describe the amazing diversity of coastal systems, explore the physiological and behavioral adaptations that enable organisms to live in this environment and deduct the basic ecological principles that underlie the function of near-shore ecosystems. This knowledge will build the basis for applying modern concepts of conservation, including the use of -omics technology and data to nearshore ecosystem. A focus of the course is the conception and writing of convincing project proposals, a skill that translates to careers well beyond science. The course requires strong participation and thus is most suited for highly motivated students. SE/Ü Readings/Exercises in Coastal conservation We will be reading primary literature throughout the course to support and deepen the concepts addressed in the lecture. |
Recommended reading | VL Introduction to Popular ´Omics Strategies Selected primary literature. SE/Ü Applied Microbial ‘Omics Datasets and applications from selected primary literature and instructor-generated datasets for exercises and discussions. VL Coastal Conservation in the ´Omics Age Optional background Jeffrey S Levinton, Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology.5th Edition. Oxford University Press. eISBN-13: 9780190681289 SE/Ü Readings/Exercises in Coastal conservation Selected Primary literature |
Links | |
Language of instruction | English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | 30 ( VL: keine Beschränkung, SE/Ü 30 TN (hohe Semester vor Abschluss haben Vorrang) |
Type of course | Comment | SWS | Frequency | Workload of compulsory attendance |
Lecture | 4 | WiSe | 56 | |
Seminar and exercise | 2 | WiSe | 28 | |
Total module attendance time | 84 h |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Klausur am Semesterende oder Abgabetermine werden von den Lehrenden am Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben |
1 Prüfungsleistung: |