mar475 - Ocean Governance and Policy

mar475 - Ocean Governance and Policy

Original version English PDF download
Module label Ocean Governance and Policy
Module code mar475
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Marine Environmental Sciences (Master) > Mastermodule
Responsible persons
  • Turner (Peters), Kimberley (module responsibility)
  • Turner, Jennifer (Module counselling)
Skills to be acquired in this module

Our world is facing unprecedented change. The task of science helps us understand - to map, measure, model, predict and forecast - such change. Yet effective governance and policy are the tools to ensure scientific knowledge translates into societal and political action to mitigate the harmful impacts environmental change. However, the relationship between science, governance and policy is not straightforward. It is necessary to understand what governance and policy are and what can be achieved through (good) governance and the creation of policy. It is also vital to understand the logics and power dynamics that shape governance and policy, the politics of data that inform it, the difficulties of enacting governance and policy in a space that is (mostly) liquid, three-dimensional in form and has variable legal status, and where enforcement of governance is tricky in a space typically ‘out of sight and mind’.

This course provides a necessary bridge for students seeking to understand governance and policy, and well as providing a working knowledge of the history of ocean governance, typical approaches, and contemporary challenges. It urges students to think critically, an essential transferable skill. It dismantles the idea of governance and policy as natural ‘givens’ to saving and fixing the oceans, to better interrogate how this goal can actually be achieved. The course aims to enable students to have a good handle on key issues and to be armed with knowledge to assist in more careful planning of marine futures. It also engages practical skills in communication, group work, independent reading, problem solving and debate.


The students:
- Become aware of the role of history as they relate to contemporary policy landscapes.
- Learn modes of critical thinking about the logics and power dynamics that shape governance and policy.
- Engage various examples and empirical case studies to understand the operation of ocean governance and policy.
- Have opportunities to investigate, examine, research, debate, discuss and deliberate current pressing environmental issues.

Methodological skills

The students:

• structure, document and evaluate problems and solutions using the tools of policy brief design

• devise, plan and articulate modes of engaging publics in governance decision making via writing a stakeholder engagement document

Social skills

The students:
- consider governance questions problems in group settings through producing presentations
- discuss and argue a point through organised group debate tasks


The students:
- read independently through the detailed literature lists accompanying each lecture
- manage their time through preparation for seminar sessions
- reflect on their actions when describing problems and developing solutions to ocean governance

Module contents

Lecture and Seminar will run in parallel, the lecture providing the basis on each of the parts, and the seminar deepening these through workshops.

VL and SE courses will be split into 6 sections focused on: 1) Setting the scene asking, what is governance, what is policy and providing a history of ocean governance and policies and of governance and policy for marine biodiversity;

2) Sovereignty and Territory, exploring the the zoning the ocean for state control and the ensuing geopolitics of territorial enclosure;

3) Science and policy, investigating the politics of data driven marine plans, policy and governance;

4) Stakeholders and participation, considering who is (and isn’t) involved in ocean governance decisions and how we can practically make governance more equitable;

5) Static and sedentary governance, which opens up discussion to alternative modes of governing aside from fixed, territorial zones to flexible, real-time governance;

6) Sanctions and Enforcement to look at how governance falls short and fails through monitoring, surveillance and policing.

Recommended reading

Wird in den Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben.


Informationen werden in Stud.IP bereit gestellt.

Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency annually
Module capacity 40 (

2 Seminare je 20 Teilnehmer, Verfahren siehe Stud.IP

Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Lecture 2 WiSe 28
Seminar 2 WiSe 28
Total module attendance time 56 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module

Termin wird zu Beginn der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

1 benotete Prüfungsleistung

1 Hausarbeit

Hausarbeit - 3,000 words consisting of 3x 1000 word assignments (not including references). Word count can be a maximum +10% above.

  1. Critical reflection on contemporary ocean governance issue: Choosing a recent news item about ocean governance (fisheries, plastic pollution, DSM) reflect on how the history and current landscape of ocean governance enables or hinders action (and from whom). (1000 words)
  2. Policy brief: reflecting on your current research or current research in ICBM write a policy brief to the UN Oceans Council informing them of the questions, methods and results of research demonstrating how and why it matters for ocean governance. (1000 words)
  3. Stakeholders involvement plan for research grant: drawing on one of the scenarios provided, write a staged plan for how you would integrate stakeholders into your research. Plans should be supported and evidenced with academic literature to demonstrate your understanding of modes of, and the rationales for, stakeholder engagement. (1000 words)

Aktive Teilnahme
Aktive Teilnahme umfasst z.B. die regelmäßige Abgabe von Übungen, Anfertigung von Lösungen zu Übungsaufgaben, die Protokollierung der jeweils durchgeführten Versuche bzw. der praktischen Arbeiten, die Diskussion von Seminarbeiträgen oder Darstellungen von Aufgaben bzw. Inhalten in der Lehrveranstaltung in Form von Kurzberichten oder Kurzreferat. Die Festlegung hierzu erfolgt durch den Lehrenden zu Beginn des Semesters bzw. zu Beginn der Veranstaltung.
