mar464 - Marine Microbiology
Module label | Marine Microbiology |
Module code | mar464 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | |
Skills to be acquired in this module | The aim of the module "Marine Microbiology" is to impart knowledge on microbial metabolisms, physiology and diversity of groups of prokaryotes, eukaryotic microorganisms and viruses. In the lecture “Physiology and Life Modes of Prokaryotes”, the students learn the basic mechanisms of microbial metabolism. In the lecture “Microbial Diversity”, the most important groups of microorganisms and viruses are introduced and the students learn how to determine diversity by classical and modern taxonomic markers. Furthermore, problems and principles of measuring diversity, e.g. by modern bioinformatic analyses, are also explained. Professional competences The students: Social skills The students: Self-competence The students: |
Module contents | VL/Ü Microbial Diversity The eukaryotic cell, diversity, systematics and taxonomy of prokaryotes and eukaryotic microorganisms, algae, protozoa, fungi, slime molds, phagocytosis, symbioses, pathogenic eukaryotes, diversity of eukaryotic microbes, components of viruses, virus reproduction, bacteriophages, diversity of viruses, virus diseases
VL/Ü Physiology and Life modes of Prokaryotes Cellular and subcellular organization, assimilation and dissimilation, energy metabolism, transport, microbial growth, respiration, chemiosmotic theory, fermentation, anaerobic respiration, lithotrophy, photosynthesis, prokaryotic diversity, systematics and taxonomy, Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya, pathogenic prokaryotes, evolution, microbiological techniques.
Recommended reading | Wird in den Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben. |
Links | |
Language of instruction | English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Klausur am Ende der Veranstaltungszeit oder mündliche Prüfung nach Maßgabe der Dozentin oder des Dozenten. |
1 benotete Prüfungsleistung Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung nach Vorgabe der Dozenten Aktive Teilnahme |
Type of course | Lecture and exercise |
SWS | 4 |
Frequency | WiSe |
Workload attendance time | 56 h |