neu610 - External Research Project
Module label | External Research Project | ||
Module code | neu610 | ||
Credit points | 15.0 KP | ||
Workload | 450 h
( 240 h contact or individual lab work / 30 h data analysis / 40 h background reading / 50 h participation in seminar of host group and preparation of presentation/ 60 h preparation of written internship report / 30 science communication workshop with poster preparation and presentation) )
Institute directory | Department of Neurosciences | ||
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Further responsible persons |
all MSc Neuroscience teachers, see list of examiners |
Prerequisites | A learning agreement signed by the student, the supervisor at the host institution, and the Oldenburg supervisor (from the list of examiners), needs to be submitted to the examination office prior to the start of lab work. Module can be taken multiple times (see list of choices for each semester), however, examination of individual projects by the same supervisor is limited to EITHER two research projects (neu600 and / or neu610), OR one research project (neu600 or neu610) and the master thesis (first or second supervisor) |
Skills to be acquired in this module | + Neurosci. knowlg. ++ Expt. methods ++ Independent research ++ Scient. literature ++ Social skills + Interdiscipl. knowlg. ++ Data present./disc. + Scientific English + Ethics Students are introduced to independent research in a specific area of neuroscience by a scientifically working group outside of the regular MSc Neuroscience faculty at the University of Oldenburg (usually a university, research institute, clinics or scientifically working company in Germany or abroad) Students perform individual research projects to learn:
Module contents | The External Research Module is carried out under the guidance and supervision of an experienced researcher who is not part of the regular Neuroscience faculty at the University of Oldenburg. It comprises approximately 7 (minimum 5) weeks of experimental or theoretical work, individually or in small groups, and, usually, participation in a regular group seminar during that time. The timing of projects is by individual arrangement with the supervisor. Participation in the Stud.IP workshop on science communication ( and a poster presentation at the biology & neuroscience student poster symposium is not mandatory but highly recommended. |
Recommended reading | Provided by external and / or local supervisor, depending on the project |
Links | |||
Language of instruction | English | ||
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester | ||
Module frequency | every semester | ||
Module capacity | unlimited ( Module can be taken multiple times (see list of choices for each semester), however, examination of individual projects by the same supervisor is limited to EITHER two research projects (neu600 and / or neu610), OR one research project (neu600 or neu610) and the master thesis (first or second supervisor) ) |
Reference text | All teachers from the list of MSc Neuroscience examiners at the University of Oldenburg can act as examiners, students should contact appropriate supervisors individually Prior to project start, external and local supervisors must fill the learning agreement form. The supervisor at the host institution is invited to submit a short, written statement of assessment, final grading is done by the supervisor from the list of examiners. |
Type of module | Wahlpflicht / Elective | ||
Module level | MM (Mastermodul / Master module) |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | within 2 months after conclusion of lab work |
internship report |
Type of course | Project-orientated module |
SWS | 10 |
Frequency | SuSe and WiSe |
Workload attendance time | 140 h |