lök900 - Landscape Ecology Internal Research Module

lök900 - Landscape Ecology Internal Research Module

Original version English PDF download
Module label Landscape Ecology Internal Research Module
Module code lök900
Credit points 15.0 KP
Workload 450 h
Institute directory Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Landscape Ecology (Master) > Wahlpflichtmodule
Responsible persons
  • Schmaljohann, Heiko (module responsibility)
  • Schmaljohann, Heiko (Module counselling)
  • der Landschaftsoekologie, Lehrende (authorised to take exams)
Skills to be acquired in this module

++ deepened expertise in landscape ecology

++ deepened knowledge of working methods in the field of landscape ecology

++ data analysis skills

++ critical and analytical thinking

++ independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature

++ ability to perform independent landscape ecology research

++ data presentation and discussion in German or English (written and spoken)

+ teamwork

++ project and time management

++ statistics & scientific programming

++ experience of working in a new scientific environment

Students perform individual research projects to learn:

 • planning and organization of a research project in a group outside of the University of Oldenburg

 • formulating a scientific hypothesis

 • planning, performing and analyzing experiments or correlative studies

 • working with scientific literature on the specific context of the project

 • oral presentation and discussion of backgrounds and results in the lab seminar

 • writing a scientific report in publication format

 • or presenting a scientific porster

Module contents

Students are introduced to independent research in a specific area of landscape ecology by a working group of the regular IBU Biology faculty at the University of Oldenburg.

Course work should cover all parts of a scientific project, i.e. developing hypotheses, data collection, data analysis and the presentation of the results. Irrespective of the particular venue (universities, research institutes) the student has to report to a professor in Oldenburg in form of a written scientific report (or scientific poster) and an oral presentation, both in English or German.



• all Professors and fulltime lecturers in Landscape Ecology fat the IBU can act as supervisor, students should contact appropriate supervisors individually and in time (e.g. 2-3 months in advance)

Recommended reading
Language of instruction German
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency WiSe und SoSe
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text
- Alle Professor/Innen und im Schwerpunkt Landschaftsökologie hauptamtlich Lehrende des IBU können als Betreuer/Innen fungieren, die Studierenden müssen die entsprechenden Betreuer*Innen individuell und frühzeitig (z.B. 2-3 Monate im Voraus) kontaktieren.
Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Project-orientated module 10 SuSe or WiSe 140
Seminar (+ evtl. Vorlesung) 1 SuSe or WiSe 14
Total module attendance time 154 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
scientific report (scientific manuscript) or scientific poster and an oral presentation
