phy031 - Atomic and Molecular Physics

phy031 - Atomic and Molecular Physics

Original version English PDF download
Module label Atomic and Molecular Physics
Module code phy031
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Präsenzzeit 84h, Selbststudium: 96h
Institute directory Institute of Physics
Applicability of the module
  • Bachelor's Programme Engineering Physics (Bachelor) > Aufbaumodule
Responsible persons
  • Neu, Walter (module responsibility)
  • Kittel, Achim (authorised to take exams)
  • Lienau, Christoph (authorised to take exams)
  • Neu, Walter (authorised to take exams)
  • Nilius, Niklas (authorised to take exams)
  • Wollenhaupt, Matthias (authorised to take exams)
  • Silies, Martin (authorised to take exams)
  • Gies, Christopher (authorised to take exams)
Courses in Experimental Physics I and II and Mathematics I & II
Skills to be acquired in this module
The students are competent on the fundamental principles of atomic and molecular physics. They are familiar to classical description and have established a quantum mechanical understanding. The exercises and tutorials deepen the knowledge by assigning appropriate homework.
Module contents
  • concepts of atomic models
  • angular momentum, spin, and magnetic properties of the electrons
  • interaction with electric and magnetic fields
  • wave-particle dualism of electrons and photons
  • introduction to quantum mechanics: wave packets, Schrodinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  • relativity and Dirac equation
  • coupling schemes and atomic spectra
  • Bosons and fermions
  • periodic system of the elements
  • introduction to molecular physics
  • molecular spectra
  • applications: the electron in the box, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, fine and hyperfine structure, line shapes, spectroscopy and modern experimental methods
Recommended reading
W. Demtröder: Experimentalphysik, Band 3: Atome, Moleküle, Festkörper. Springer, Berlin, 2000. (available in English)
H. Haken, H. C.Wolf: Atom- und Quantenphysik. Springer, Berlin 2004.
H. Haken, H. C. Wolf: Molekülphysik und Quantenchemie. Springer, Berlin, 2004. (available in English)
H.-J. Leisi: Quantenphysik. Springer, Berlin, 2004.
G. Otter, R. Honecker: Atome, Moleküle, Kerne. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1998.
B. Thaller: Visual Quantum Mechanics – Selected topics with computer generated movies of quantum mechanical phenomena. Springer, Berlin, 2002.
Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text
Type of course Comment SWS Frequency Workload of compulsory attendance
Lecture 4 56
Exercises 2 28
Total module attendance time 84 h
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
90 - 180 min. written examination (regular) or 30 - 45 min. oral exam (optional).
[Here] , you will find information about the consideration of bonus points for module marks.
