pre031 - Renewable Energy Technologies I

pre031 - Renewable Energy Technologies I

Institute of Physics 12 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
Notes on the module
Module examination
2 Prüfungsleistungen: Klausur  (3h, Gewicht 75%) sowie Referat (15 min. Präsentation, 15 Seiten Bericht, Gewicht 25%).
Skills to be acquired in this module

After successful completion of the module students should be able to:

-        critically evaluate and compare three major Renewable Energy conversion processes and technologies: photovoltaics, wind energy and one out of three of solar thermal energy, biomass energy or hydro power.

-        critically appraise various electrochemical storage processes and the respective storage techniques

-        analyse various system components and their interconnections within a complex Renewable Energy supply system.

-        evaluate the Renewable Energy supply systems’ operational size and efficiency.
-        critically evaluate non-technical impact and side effects when implementing renewable energy supply systems
