psy260 - Practical project

psy260 - Practical project

Department of Psychology 9 KP
Upon approval by the examination committee other staff members (e.g. PhD students in the laboratories of the Department of Psychology) can act as examiners for psy260.
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
Please select the group in which you perform your practical project.
Practical training
attendance as necessary for your project (~ 200h)
Notes on the module
Enrolment in Master's programme Neurocognitive Psychology.
You can only start the practical project if you have passed the exam of psy240 (psy241)
Computation in Neuroscience!

Priority is given to students with experience in methods used in the respective lab or students
who have taken the respective teaching modules.
Reference text
Topics for projects will be presented in a colloquium at the end of the summer term.

Students can chose to perform the practical work in either of the research groups of the Department of Psychology. External projects are possible upon approval (information and approval form can be found on the programme website).
usually end of April
Module examination
Poster presentation in a student symposium (30% of the grade) and daily project work (70% of the grade).
Skills to be acquired in this module
Goals of module:

Students are able to critically review the scientific literature and current state of knowledge concerning a certain topic in the field of cognitive neuroscience or neuropsychology. Based on this, they are able to develop a specific research question and to design an adequate experiment, acquire data and conduct appropriate statistical analyses, building on previously gained competencies in relevant research methods, computer programming and statistical methods. They know how to critically discuss the results of their study in context of the current literature and how to present their findings at a scientific poster symposium.

++ experimental methods
+ statistics & scientific programming
++ data presentation & discussion
+ independent research
+ scientific literature
+ ethics / good scientific practice / professional behavior
+ scientific communication skills
+ knowledge transfer
+ group work
++ project & time management
