mam - Master Thesis

mam - Master Thesis

Department of Neurosciences 30 KP
Semester courses Summer semester 2025
Type of course: Seminar
  • Limited access 6.03.006 - Arbeitsgruppenseminar: Biochemie der Signaltransduktion Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Dipl.-Chem.
    • Dr. Alexander Scholten

    Wednesday: 09:00 - 11:00, weekly (from 09/04/25)
    Dates on Wednesday, 16.07.2025, Wednesday, 23.07.2025, Wednesday, 30.07.2025, Wednesday, 06.08.2025, Wednesday, 13.08.2025, Wednesday, 2 ...(more)
  • Limited access 6.03.007 - Arbeitsgruppenseminar: Neurogenetik Show lecturers
    • Dr. rer. nat. Maike Claußen
    • PD Dr. Anna-Maria Hartmann

    Monday: 09:00 - 11:00, weekly (from 07/04/25)
    Dates on Monday, 14.07.2025, Monday, 21.07.2025, Monday, 28.07.2025, Monday, 04.08.2025, Monday, 11.08.2025, Monday, 18.08.2025, Monday, ...(more)
  • Limited access 6.03.008 - Abteilungsseminar Sensory Physiology and Behaviour Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Jörg Albert
    • Dr. Rainer Beutelmann
    • Dr. Chonglin Guan

    Thursday: 10:00 - 11:30, weekly (from 10/04/25)
    Dates on Thursday, 17.07.2025, Thursday, 24.07.2025, Thursday, 31.07.2025, Thursday, 07.08.2025, Thursday, 14.08.2025, Thursday, 21.08.2 ...(more)
  • Limited access 6.03.011 - Abteilungsseminar: Auditory Neuroscience Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Jan Clemens
    • Dr. Ulrike Langemann

    Thursday: 13:00 - 15:00, weekly (from 10/04/25)
    Dates on Thursday, 17.07.2025, Thursday, 24.07.2025, Thursday, 31.07.2025, Thursday, 07.08.2025, Thursday, 14.08.2025, Thursday, 21.08.2 ...(more)
  • Limited access 6.03.012 - Abteilungsseminar Cochlea und Hirnstammphysiologie Show lecturers
    • Ph.D. Amarins Nieske Heeringa
    • Dr. Ulrike Sienknecht

    Wednesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (from 09/04/25), Location: W04 1-172
    Dates on Wednesday, 16.07.2025, Wednesday, 23.07.2025, Wednesday, 30.07.2025, Wednesday, 06.08.2025, Wednesday, 13.08.2025, Wednesday, 2 ...(more), Location: W04 1-172, W03 1-154
  • Limited access 6.03.013 - Arbeitsgruppenseminar: Neurobiologie des Sehens Show lecturers
    • Dr. rer. nat. Malte Ahlers
    • Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner

    Monday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (from 07/04/25), Location: W04 1-172
    Dates on Monday, 14.07.2025, Monday, 21.07.2025, Monday, 28.07.2025, Monday, 04.08.2025, Monday, 11.08.2025, Monday, 18.08.2025, Monday, ...(more), Location: W04 1-172, W02 1-146
  • Limited access 6.03.015 - Arbeitsgruppenseminar: Computational Neuroscience Show lecturers
    • Ihor Arkhypchuk
    • Prof. Dr. Jutta Kretzberg
    • Fiona Teske
    • Dr. Go Ashida

    Thursday: 09:00 - 10:30, weekly (from 10/04/25)
    Dates on Thursday, 17.07.2025, Thursday, 24.07.2025, Thursday, 31.07.2025, Thursday, 07.08.2025, Thursday, 14.08.2025, Thursday, 21.08.2 ...(more)
  • Limited access 6.03.016 - Arbeitsgruppenseminar: Zoophysiologie und Verhalten Show lecturers
    • Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump
    • Carolin Jüchter

    Monday: 09:00 - 10:30, weekly (from 07/04/25)
    Dates on Monday, 14.07.2025, Monday, 21.07.2025, Monday, 28.07.2025, Monday, 04.08.2025, Monday, 11.08.2025, Monday, 18.08.2025, Monday, ...(more)
Notes on the module

The start of the master thesis requires prior completion of at least 60 ECTS.

Prior to the start of the thesis project, the form for application for the final thesis and final oral examination needs to be submitted to the examination office and approved by the examination committee. External examiners (not listed on the list of neuroscience examiners) need to apply for the status of an official examiner prior to the start of the project.

Depending on project choice, please ask the supervisor for additional requirements.

within 6 months after approval of the application
Module examination
Thesis (90%), oral presentation (10 %)
Skills to be acquired in this module

++ Neurosci. knowlg.

++ Expt. Methods

++ Independent research

++ Scient. Literature

++ Social skills

+ Interdiscipl. knowlg.

+ Maths/Stats/Progr.

++ Data present./disc.

+ Scientific English

+ Ethics

In their Master thesis, students perform individual research projects in the limited time of 6 month. Learning goals:

  • planning and organization of a research project
  • teamwork in a research group
  • formulate a scientific hypothesis
  • planning, performing and analyzing experiments and / or simulations
  • working with scientific background literature on the specific context of the project
  • oral presentation and discussion of backgrounds and results in the lab seminar
  • write a scientific report
  • optional: Prepare and present a scientific poster
