Plant Biodiversity (VL)
Communicating deeper knowledge in ecology, phylogeny, evolution and genetics of plants Communicating scale- and method-overarching thinking Communicating deeper theoretic concepts of ecology, evolution and genetics of plants.
- deepened biological expertise
- deepened knowledge of biological working methods
- data analysis skills
- interdisciplinary thinking
- critical and analytical thinking
- independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature
- ability to perform independent biological research
- data presentation and discussion in English (written and spoken)
- teamwork
- ethics and professional behaviour
Interactions of plants with environmental parameters (SE)
Communication deeper knowledge in ecology, Communicating scale- and method-overarching thinking Communicating deeper theoretic concepts of:
- deepened knowledge of biological working methods
- critical and analytical thinking
- independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature
- data presentation and discussion in German and English (written and spoken)
- ethics and professional behaviour