pre011 - Fundamentals of Renewable Energy

pre011 - Fundamentals of Renewable Energy

Institute of Physics 12 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
Course or seminar
Notes on the module
Module examination
2 Prüfungsleistungen: Fachpraktische Übungen (Versuchsprotokolle und Übungsaufgaben, Gewicht: 75%) und entweder Hausarbeit (10-15 Seiten) oder Präsentation (15-20 min, Gewicht: 25%)
Skills to be acquired in this module

After successful completion of the module students should be able to:

-        identify their competence and incompetence with respect to the study of renewable energies

-        describe basic knowledge from a wide field of disciplines as required for renewable energies

-        perform laboratory measurements in a university environment according to scientific standards

-        analyse and interpret measurement results using relevant and widely used software tools

-        work and communicate their results with international and interdisciplinary partners

-        critically discuss basic principles of current mainstream economics

-        distinguish between the classical, neo-classical and selected heterodox economics and relate those approaches to the historic economic development
-        distinguish and evaluate the peculiarities of selected energy markets and its regulatory frameworks
