bio655 - Ornithology in theoretical Concepts

bio655 - Ornithology in theoretical Concepts

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 12 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
Notes on the module
Reference text
associated with bio663
Kapazität/Teilnehmerzahl 30
exam during final lecture week
Module examination
3 exams:
- 2 presentations (20% each; the main seminar is mandatory, one of the two options need to be taken in addition)
- 1 written exam or 1 oral exam (60%)
Regular active participation is required for the module to be passed successfully.
Skills to be acquired in this module

The aim of the module is to consolidate various aspects of ornithology. The module imparts advanced knowledge on different aspects of ornithology.

The students acquire:

An extended knowledge of behavioural, sensory, morphological and physiological characteristics in birds and relevant fundamental concept in conservation, ecology and evolution smorphological and physiological fundamentals and the resulting ecological and behaviour-biological consequences in birds

Knowledge, presentation and discussion of relevant English literature from various fields of ornithology

++ broad and deepened biological expertise

+ deepened in depths knowledge of biological working methods

+ interdisciplinary thinking

+ critical and analytical thinking

+ independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature

++ data presentation and discussion in German and English (written and spoken)
