bio810 - External Research Project

bio810 - External Research Project

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences 15 KP
Module components Semester courses Summer semester 2025 Examination
  • Limited access 5.02.811 - External Research Project Show lecturers
    • Lehrende der Biologie
    • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz

    The course times are not decided yet.
    Termine nach Vereinbarung / Times and Rooms differ External research projects are done on an individual basis. They are supervised by one person from Oldenburg and a local supervisor at any university or research institution in Germany and abroad. Before you can start, you should contact Prof. Gerhard Zotz. Please prepare a one-page outline of the project and send it to Prof. Zotz ( The outline should contain the following information: · Persons involved (in Oldenburg and the receiving institution · A brief outline of the theoretical background of the planned study, in which you also detail your precise role in the project – the basic idea is that you will plan an entire independent study, in which you participate in the design and execution of data collection, the analysis and the presentation and interpretation of the results (in writing and possibly orally) – this module is NOT meant to be a mere training opportunity to learn, e.g., particular methods · A timeline · The grading is done by the professor / teaching staff from Oldenburg, but this can be done in close collaboration with the external researcher. Please specify any arrangements in your outline · Sign up for the course in StudIP · Once you get a GO from Prof. Zotz, you will be accepted in StudIP · Not later than that, supply a Learning Agreement for External Research Module (so be sent to the Prüfungsamt) Please contact Gerhard Zotz (, if you have any further questions.

Project-orientated module
  • Limited access 5.02.811 - External Research Project Show lecturers
    • Lehrende der Biologie
    • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zotz

    The course times are not decided yet.
    Termine nach Vereinbarung / Times and Rooms differ External research projects are done on an individual basis. They are supervised by one person from Oldenburg and a local supervisor at any university or research institution in Germany and abroad. Before you can start, you should contact Prof. Gerhard Zotz. Please prepare a one-page outline of the project and send it to Prof. Zotz ( The outline should contain the following information: · Persons involved (in Oldenburg and the receiving institution · A brief outline of the theoretical background of the planned study, in which you also detail your precise role in the project – the basic idea is that you will plan an entire independent study, in which you participate in the design and execution of data collection, the analysis and the presentation and interpretation of the results (in writing and possibly orally) – this module is NOT meant to be a mere training opportunity to learn, e.g., particular methods · A timeline · The grading is done by the professor / teaching staff from Oldenburg, but this can be done in close collaboration with the external researcher. Please specify any arrangements in your outline · Sign up for the course in StudIP · Once you get a GO from Prof. Zotz, you will be accepted in StudIP · Not later than that, supply a Learning Agreement for External Research Module (so be sent to the Prüfungsamt) Please contact Gerhard Zotz (, if you have any further questions.

Notes on the module

External research projects are done on an individual basis. They are supervised by one person from Oldenburg (see list of examinors, and a local supervisor at any university or research institution in Germany and abroad. Please contact Gerhard Zotz ( for details. See (Learning Agreement for External Research Module)

Module examination

internship report

Skills to be acquired in this module

++ deepened biological expertise
++ deepened knowledge of biological working methods
++ data analysis skills
++ critical and analytical thinking
++ independent searching and knowledge of scientific literature
++ ability to perform independent biological research
++ data presentation and discussion (written and spoken)
+ teamwork
++ project and time management
++ statistics & scientific programming

Students perform individual research projects to learn: • planning and organising of a research project in a group outside of University of Oldenburg • formulate a scientific hypothesis • planning, performing and analyzing experiments and / or simulations • working with scientific background literature on the specific context of the project • oral presentation and discussion of backgrounds and results in the lab seminar • write a scientific report in publication format • prepare and present a scientific poster
