Sprachkurs: 3.90.118 German Language & Society - Details

Sprachkurs: 3.90.118 German Language & Society - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Sprachkurs: 3.90.118 German Language & Society
Veranstaltungsnummer 3.90.118
Semester WiSe16/17
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 12
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Veranstaltungstyp Sprachkurs in der Kategorie Lehre
Leistungsnachweis Homework assignments include language practice and short oral reports in English on various topics about life in Germany. 2 ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion of the course, including a short language test. The course is taken on a pass/fail basis.
Lehrsprache englisch
ECTS-Punkte 1

Räume und Zeiten


The course will be organized by the Uni Oldenburg Language Centre.

Sessions from early September to late November.

This introductory course will welcome students to Germany by providing them with simple language skills and practical knowledge about living here.

Sessions during the IP
We will start with elementary German skills as we get to know one another in the group, then discuss in English practical issues about life in Oldenburg, including transportation, shopping, environmental protection, proper trash disposal, culture and entertainment. The third session will then broaden our focus to daily life in Germany, including banking, the train system, academic life, political structure, medical and social services.

Sessions in October/November
The bulk of the course is eight (weekly) sessions of two hours each. Language topics include meeting and greeting people, spelling, numbers, asking for directions and handling emergencies. Cultural topics include attitudes toward time, levels of formality and permissiveness, friendships, invitations, public and private space, customs and holidays.


Diese Veranstaltung gehört zum Anmeldeset "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
Erzeugt durch den Stud.IP-Support
Folgende Regeln gelten für die Anmeldung:
  • Die Anmeldung ist gesperrt.


Die Auswahl der Teilnehmenden wird nach der Eintragung manuell vorgenommen.

Exclusive for EMMIR students
