Studiengangskonferenz: SGK Master Molecular Biomedicine - Details

Studiengangskonferenz: SGK Master Molecular Biomedicine - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Studiengangskonferenz: SGK Master Molecular Biomedicine
Semester unbegrenzt
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 74
Heimat-Einrichtung Department für Humanmedizin
Veranstaltungstyp Studiengangskonferenz in der Kategorie Organisation
Nächster Termin Montag, 06.05.2024 14:00 - 17:00, Ort: (W03-1-152)
Art/Form SGK
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch

Räume und Zeiten

Montag, 06.05.2024 14:00 - 17:00


Degree programme conference (SGK: Studiengangskonferenz): M.Sc. Molecular Biomedicine
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

1. Goal
The aim of the degree programme conference (SGK) is to examine the subject-related, subject-didactic, curricular and structural criteria in order to identify development needs and to define the appropriate actions. This review process as well as the actions/strategies defined in the SGK allows for continuous quality development of degree programmes in accordance with the institutional mission statement.
SGK also provide the basis for all elements of quality management that build on them and allow for documentation of the continuous quality development.

2. Reference point or legal basis
According to Nds. StudAkkVO § 17, the quality management system of a university should ensure continuous improvement of the degree quality. At the University of Oldenburg, the annual SGK and the elements that build on them enable this continuous quality development. The documentation of the results from a SGK in a record sheet (Berichtsblatt) is based on the subject-related criteria of the Nds. StudAkkVO (§ 11 - § 15).

3. Frequency
The SGK take place annually and can be held individually for each degree programme or jointly for several sub-programmes/degree programmes.

4. Participants
The following persons are involved: the person responsible for the degree programme, lecturers (at least 1 professor and 1 member of staff), students (at least 1), if necessary the QM representative, a member of the DiZ who is involved in the degree programme (in case of teaching degree programmes, usually a subject didactics specialist), or a C3L member (in case of continuing education programmes, usually a programme manager) and the C3L QM-representative. Depending on the needs, persons from other areas may be involved.

5. Responsible for the implementation
The person responsible for the degree programme is also responsible for the annual SGK. This responsibility includes convening and conducting the conference, documenting the results, implementing defined actions as well as the forwarding of relevant documents prior the SGK (see point 6) as well as after the SGK. Individual tasks can be delegated, although the responsibility always remains with the person responsible for the degree programme.

6. Documents
The documentation of the master data is done in the master data sheet (Stammdatenblatt), which has to be adapted in case of changes in the degree programme. The results of the SGK are documented in the record sheet.


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