Lecture: 5.07.521 Lecture Integrated Chemical Systems - Details

Lecture: 5.07.521 Lecture Integrated Chemical Systems - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 5.07.521 Lecture Integrated Chemical Systems
Course number 5.07.521
Semester SoSe2024
Current number of participants 3
Home institute Department of Chemistry
Courses type Lecture in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 02.04.2024 10:00 - 12:00, Room: (W03 1-130)
Type/Form V
Participants MSc. Chemie, Nebenfach für MSc. Physik, Promotionsstudium
Pre-requisites BSc. in Naturwissenschaften und Grundkenntnisse in allgemeiner Chemie, physikalischer Chemie, anorganischer Chemie und organsicher Chemie
Learning organisation online synchron. Es findet eine ergänzende Übung statt (5.07.911b)
Performance record für MSc. Chemie im Rahmen der mündlichen Modulprüfung 411 ‚Physikalische Chemie der Grenzflächen‘ zusammen mit zwei weiteren Vorlesungen, für andere Hörer gemäß Festlegungen der jeweiligen PO
Lehrsprache deutsch und englisch
Miscellanea Die VL wird auf Englisch gehalten, Frage und Diskussion können auch auf Deutsch geführt werden. Begleitmaterialien sind auf Englisch.
The lecture will be delivered in English, questions and discussions can also be conducted in German. The accompanying teaching materials are in English.

Rooms and times

(W03 1-130)
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (14x)


The realization of complex functions such as selective recognition and conversion, conversion of light into chemical energy, chemical signal processing and transmittance depend on reactions and property changes of individual molecules that are amplified within an ensemble to macroscopic effects. Often hierarchically organized molecular ensembles play a key role and form building blocks on different length scales. Examples are found in living systems. The realization of similar functions in artificial systems requires the coupling of supramolecular systems to conventional device structures. The lecture will present approaches towards the design of such coupled systems that play a central role for the further development of nanotechnology. Based on the properties of simple systems, routes for preparation, characterization and understanding of more complex interfacial structures will be discussed. The principles will be examplified by conversion of light to chemical energy, electrochemical energy storage and chemical and biochemical sensors.